* DATE 04/24/85 19:35 * main command program of database STOR CHR(PEEK(063)) TO dr REST from rdata additive USE &dr.:&base SET INDEX TO &dr.:&tindex STOR t TO first * set up the loop DO WHIL t * if first time this trip IF first ERAS STOR 'dd, ackward, elete/Recall, dit, orward, elp,' TO prompt1 STOR 'aintainence,

rint, eports, earch or uit ' TO prompt2 STOR 'Main Database Menu' TO mode @ 0,65 SAY "Code: " @ 1, 0 SAY "+-------------------------------------------------" @ 1,50 SAY "-----------------------------+" @ 2, 2 SAY "Author:" @ 3,54 SAY ">>> ACTION >>>>>" @ 4, 1 SAY "Title 1:" @ 6, 1 SAY "Title 2:" @ 7, 0 SAY "JrnlCite:" @ 9, 0 SAY "Ed-Trans:" @ 9,56 SAY "Edn:" @ 10, 0 SAY "Pub data:" @ 10,55 SAY "Pg #:" @ 11, 0 SAY "Lib data:" @ 13, 3 SAY "Chron:" @ 13,55 SAY "Type:" @ 14, 0 SAY "Wks disc:" @ 16, 0 SAY "Comments:" @ 18,52 SAY "Updated:" @ 19, 0 SAY "+-------------------------------------------------" @ 19,50 SAY "-----------------------------+" @ 20, 2 SAY prompt1 @ 21, 2 SAY prompt2 ENDI first STOR f TO first STOR '?' TO command * find out if the current record is marked for deletion IF * STOR 'Deleted' TO deleted ELSE STOR ' ' TO deleted ENDI * * show the current record, and find out what to do next @ 0,27 SAY mode @ 0,72 SAY code @ 0, 0 SAY deleted @ 2,10 SAY author @ 3,72 SAY action @ 4,10 SAY $(title1,1,60) @ 5,10 SAY $(title1,61,60) @ 6,10 SAY title2 @ 7,10 SAY journal @ 9,10 SAY edtrans @ 9,61 SAY edition @ 10,10 SAY publdat @ 10,61 SAY pageno @ 11,10 SAY librdat @ 13,10 SAY chron @ 13,61 SAY type @ 14,10 SAY $(worksdis,1,60) @ 15,10 SAY $(worksdis,61,60) @ 16,10 SAY $(comments,1,60) @ 17,10 SAY $(comments,60,60) @ 18,10 SAY $(comments,121,40) @ 18,61 SAY dayu @ 22,64 SAY "WHAT NEXT" @ 22,76 GET command PICTURE '!' READ * perform selected function DO CASE CASE command = 'A' DO add.ref CASE (command = 'B' .OR. command = ',' ) * move backwards one record SKIP -1 CASE command = 'D' * switch the current record from deleted to recalled IF * RECA ELSE DELE ENDI * CASE command = 'E' SET console OFF RECA STOR # TO rec:number SET INDEX TO IF rec:number=0 GO 1 ELSE GO rec:number ENDI rec:number=0 SET console ON RELE rec:number DO EDIT.ref CASE (command = 'F' .OR. command = '.' ) * move forward one record SKIP CASE (command = 'H' .OR. command = '?' ) * display a screen full of instructions STOR t TO first ERAS TEXT M A I N M E N U H E L P F I L E Welcome to the SIG/M Reference Manager program. I am here to help you and you can call me anytime by just entering a ? mark at any place where this program asks for a command. When you go back to the screen you will see a line. On top of the line is the information you or someone else put into the data base with respect to the reference material. This information tells you all data you should need with respect to a particular item. If you press any key I will tell you more. ENDT SET CONSOLE OFF WAIT SET CONSOLE ON ERAS TEXT The information on screen is clear, so let's look below the line. This shows what you can do. To look at the next record - hit 'F' (or a period). To go back one record - hit 'B' (or a comma). To delete a record hit 'D' and a sign will appear at the upper right corner. To remove the delete - hit 'D' again. Don't worry - you cannot accidentally delete a record just by hitting 'D'. You must run another program on the Maintenance Menu (purge) to delete. You will also find on the Maintenance Menu modules to back up the file, to browse through it (although because of the nature of this data base large editing jobs had best be done in the dBASE program rather than in this program.) To find a file - hit 'S' for search. To edit an entry hit 'E' (although you usually would search for a file - and Edit from the search menu.) To add more books, just hit 'A' for add. To print the information on the screen - hit 'P' for Print. To prepare a report hit 'R' for Reports. You can also display the records on screen on the report menu. Please hit any key to continue ENDT SET CONSOLE OFF WAIT SET CONSOLE ON ERAS TEXT ------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHATEVER YOU DO - NEVER SHUT OFF THE MACHINE OR REMOVE A DISK UNTIL YOU FIRST RETURN TO THE MAIN MENU AND THEN QUIT TO THE OPERATING SYSTEM. If you ever get a SYNTAX error that just hitting ENTER does not correct, hit the ESCAPE key and type Quit. Then try all over again. EVERY SO OFTEN YOU WILL FIND YOU WANT TO USE THE ESCAPE KEY AND WHEN YOU TRY TO TYPE 'QUIT' NOTHING HAPPENS. AT A FEW POINTS IN THIS PROGRAM SCREEN ACCESS HAS BEEN ELIMINATED. THEREFORE, TYPE 'QUIT' EVEN THOUGH IT DOES NOT APPEAR ON THE SCREEN - AND UNLESS THE MACHINE IS LOCKED UP - YOU WILL EXIT TO THE OPERATING SYSTEM. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please hit any key to get back to the data base ENDT SET CONSOLE OFF WAIT SET CONSOLE ON ERAS CASE command = 'P' DO PRINT.ref CASE command = 'M' DO MAINTAIN.ref CASE command = 'R' DO report.ref CASE command = 'Q' SET CONSOLE OFF QUIT CASE command = 'S' DO search.ref ENDC * loop back again ENDD WHILE t