; PROGRAM: ZTEST.Z80 ; AUTHOR: Jay Sage ; DATE: June 16, 1991 ; This is a program to test the technique of including ; an internal ENV and TCAP. ; ---------- External References maclib cpmenv.lib .request vlib,syslib0 extrn z3vinit,cls,at ; VLIB routines extrn vprint ; ---------- Standard Z-System program header ; To make the code work transparently with CP/M, the header ; is initialized to point to the internal ENV. When the ; program is run under ZCPR33 or later, the address of the ; external Z-System ENV will be poked into the code by the ; command processor at run time. jp start ; db 'Z3ENV' ; Signature db 'XCP/M' db 1 ; ENV type envptr:: dw intenv ; Pointer to ENV ; Material for use with ZCNFG can be included here. It is ; probably possible to have ; ---------- Internal ENV and TCAP placed here intenv: cpmenv ; ---------- Actual Program Code start: ld hl,(envptr) ; Initialize call z3vinit call cls call at db 10,10 call vprint db 'This is ' db 1,'REVERSE',2 db ' video!' db 0 call at db 22,1 ret end