First Osborne Group (FOG) Copyright (1985) by First Osborne Group (FOG) extent not copyrighted by the original author for the exclusive use and enjoyment of its members. Any reproduction or distribution for profit or personal gain is strictly forbidden. For information, contact FOG, P. O. Box 2474, Daly City, CA. 94015. filename CRC description -FOG/CPM.001: Turbo Pascal programming examples //CPM001.DOC: /OCT/85 : /TURBO .PAS: CAL2-EX .COM: 4A98 Appointment calendar for Executive CAL2-EX .PAS: 32D4 (Source can be changed for O1 or Vixen CALENDAR.DOC: F43C Just set screentop to $F000) EDIT .INC: DCEB Turbo Pascal include file for Lister22 FILTER .INC: D7B6 " " " " " " FINANCES.COM: 361E Loan amortization program FINANCES.DOC: 35DF " " " documentation FINANCES.PAS: B95C " " " Turbo source code LETTERS .DAT: 22BD Part of Prtpro.pas and Lister 22 LISTER .1 : FDFB Lister22 include file LISTER21.DOC: 51D9 Lister21/22 documentation LISTER22.COM: 1002 Lists and cross references source files LISTER22.PAS: 87B1 Turbo Pascal source code PRTPRO .PAS: ADB1 Proportional printing program - part of Lister22 VIXENMM .COM: EA6B Mastermind game for O1 or Vixen VIXENMM .DOC: 0BEE Mastermind documentation VIXENMM .PAS: 46EB Turbo Pascal source First Osborne Group (FOG) Copyright (1985) by First Osborne Group (FOG) filename CRC description -FOG/CPM.002: CITOH 8510 printer graphics program written in Pascal //CPM002.DOC: Source code comments are in German, .DOC is English /OCT/85 : BLOCK .COM: A287 BLOCK .PAS: 36DB BLOCK---.WSN: 15DA DOUBLE .COM: DC38 DOUBLE .PAS: 0D6E FINE .COM: 5186 FINE .PAS: 210D GRAPHICS.COM: 896B CItoh 8510 printer graphics program GRAPHICS.DOC: 984B All files on this disk are part of the HEADING-.WSN: 2FCE program and demo LIST .COM: 9DD5 MEDIUM .COM: 6FD2 MEDIUM .PAS: 492D MODIFINE.COM: B9EB MODIFINE.PAS: 030D SCRIPT .COM: 9D4D SCRIPT .PAS: CC34 SCRIPT--.WSN: D430 First Osborne Group (FOG) Copyright (1985) by First Osborne Group (FOG) filename CRC description -FOG/CPM.003: Printer graphics program in Aztec c for MX/FX Epson //CPM003.DOC: All files on this disk are for this program and demo /OCT/85 : BAR1 .GRF: 8B88 GRF files are saved graphics files for demo BAR2 .GRF: F66C CIRCLE .GRF: 6565 DEMO .C : 2C35 Demo program source code for GRAF DEMO .COM: D422 " GRAF .C : F646 " GRAF .COM: 14FD Epson MX/FX printer program written in Aztec c II GRAF .DOC: E13C Explains relationship of files GRAFCIRC.C : 6FCA GRAF include file GRAFFILE.C : 42A1 " GRAFINVT.C : 6DF2 " GRAFLINE.C : DA9D " GRAFPLOT.C : 316B " GRAFUTIL.C : 2D53 " HUGH .GRF: 3769 graphics demo file LINE .GRF: 61F0 " MEDIUM .GRF: 575F " SMALL .GRF: 4823 " STAR .GRF: 3A75 " TITLE .GRF: 8CC1 " First Osborne Group (FOG) Copyright (1985) by First Osborne Group (FOG) filename CRC description -FOG/CPM.004: Wordstar patches and added features //CPM004.DOC: /OCT/85 : DIFF .COM: E3AF Compares text files DIFF .DOC: D78C FINREP .DOC: 1D55 Find & Replace documentation FINREP21.COM: 40AF Find & replace with extensive features INDEX .1 : 9111 INDEX .2 : B290 INDEX .3 : C8F0 INDEX .DOC: 5DCB INDEX11 .COM: 60C7 Index program for Wordstar INDEX11 .IDX: 7591 INDEX11 .PAS: A706 OUTLINE .COM: 89B7 Outline processor for Wordstar OUTLINE .DOC: 5D9A WS3330 .DOC: 7A1C Patch points for Wordstar 3.0/3.3 WSBIBLE .DOC: BAA4 Wordstar patch points for 2.26, 3.0, 3.3 WSEXPAT4.ASM: 48E1 Memory mapped patches for Osborne Executive First Osborne Group (FOG) Copyright (1985) by First Osborne Group (FOG) filename CRC description -FOG/CPM.005: Osborne Executive and CP/M+ programs //CPM005.DOC: /OCT/85 : CPM3LIB .DOC: E49D CPM3LIB .REL: 1238 M80 library of standard CP/M+ functions EPOXLINK.COM: 56EC Epson PX8 FILINK compatible comm. prgm. EPOXLINK.DOC: E6D9 KEY2SCRN.COM: A2A0 Prints Exec. function key settings on screen KEY2SCRN.DOC: 4253 LBRDISK .COM: 8220 Library directory program LBRDISK .DOC: B1C2 MAKEST20.ASM: 6C91 MAKEST20.COM: 18C3 Make or edit files MAKEST20.DOC: FBF7 MKWAIT20.ASM: 22D6 MKWAIT20.COM: FF5A Wait for input from program error msg. MKWAIT20.DOC: 502B QS .COM: 83AD Attribute Quick Set program QS .DOC: 5F32 SCDATE .ASM: 5E7C SCDATE .COM: 4541 Sets Supercalc date from Exec clock on boot SCDATE .DOC: 3CC4 SERIF .CHR: 0CC3 Serif character set for Exec. SERIF .DOC: 9FB5 SHOW1 .COM: 9658 Demo program for Makewait SHOW1 .DOC: 2A8D SUB1 .SUB: D645 For WAIT demo SUB2 .SUB: A137 \ U3 .ASM: 7CE1 U3#102 .COM: C4A1 Unerase program restores erased files U3#102 .DOC: 8EDC ULTIMATE.CHR: CAA0 Alternate character set for Exec. ULTIMATE.DOC: EE8A WAIT0 .COM: FEA6 File for SHOW1 demo WAIT1 .COM: 3B81 \ WAIT2 .COM: 9CF6 \ WAIT3 .COM: D84D \ WAIT4 .COM: 9E8B \ WAIT5 .COM: EFEE \ WAIT6 .COM: 6270 \ First Osborne Group (FOG) Copyright (1985) by First Osborne Group (FOG) filename CRC description -FOG/CPM.006: dBase II programs and hints //CPM006.DOC: /OCT/85 : CALC .CMD: 7D1F Calculator program module DB2&3MAX.INF: 0F18 Article on maximizing your dBase code DB2BAKUP.CMD: 4995 A quick file backup utility DBPRETTY.COM: DECC Indent and make dBase source more readable DBPRETTY.DOC: 7384 ENCODE .COM: F829 Shrink & tokenize your source files ENCODE .DOC: 7A2F LOAD-HEX.DOC: D42A How to use .hex files from dBase MATHLIB .CMD: 2087 Mathematical functions for dBase NEWBAS11.ASM: EC9A Custom patches for all dBase versions VDBTYPE .ASM: 3E97 Use the CP/M TYPE command on normal & squeezed files First Osborne Group (FOG) Copyright (1985) by First Osborne Group (FOG) filename CRC description -FOG/CPM.007: Games for any CP/M computer //CPM007.DOC: /NOV/85 : DEEPSPCE.BAS: 8D96 Adventure-like game DOGSTAR .BAS: 5AF0 Adventure-type game FIGHTER .BAS: 343F Target game GUSHER .COM: 6DE6 Strategy game GUSHER .DOC: E933 Doc for Gusher LOSTGOLD.BAS: A5A1 Adventure-type game MONOP .BAS: 4D1B Single-player Monopoly game MONOP .DOC: B435 Doc for MONOPD .DAT: 0B4A Monopoly data file SPACEADV.BAS: CC26 (like Startrek) SURVIVAL.BAS: F547 Adventure-type game ZCHESS .COM: CD91 Z80 chess game First Osborne Group (FOG) Copyright (1985) by First Osborne Group (FOG) filename CRC description -FOG/CPM.008: Osborne 1 Source code for BIOS and ROM //CPM008.DOC: You need ACT80 compiler from Sorcim to compile these files! /OCT/85 : BIOS141 .GEN: 3F73 Instructions for assembling the Osborne 1 bios with ACT80 OCCBIO05.ASM: EE50 Include file for bios OCCBIO15.ASM: A1D3 \ OCCBIO25.ASM: 66EE \ OCCBIO35.ASM: FC2C \ OCCBIO45.ASM: 10AE \ OCCBIO55.ASM: 829C \ OCCBIO65.ASM: AB88 \ OCCBIO75.ASM: F76A \ OCCBIO85.ASM: 26D9 \ OCCBIO95.ASM: 23CF \ OCCRAM15.ASM: 4F2F \ OCCRAM25.ASM: E3D6 \ OCCTXT6 .AST: 9CC0 Messages and constants for this bios version ROM144 .ASM: 9536 Source code for 1.44 ROM TRAN .TXT: 348A Instructions for assembling the 1.44 ROM version First Osborne Group (FOG) Copyright (1985) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.009 Printer utility programs //CPM009.DOC /NOV/85 OKI .COM 2B 70 Set print modes for OKI 92/93 printer OKI .DOC C4 5B Doc for OKI.COM OKI84 .COM EE 17 Set print modes for OKI 84 printer OKIC .DOC EC 10 Alternate character set editor for OKI 92 OKIC/CPM.COM 17 9F Generic CP/M version OKIC/EX .COM 2E F8 Osborne Executive version OKICHA12.COM C4 A4 Character set editor for OKI 92/93 OKICHA12.DOC 76 A0 Doc file for OKICHAR12.COM OKISET3 .ASM 5A 93 Set print modes for OKI 93 OKSETUP .ASM 40 1A Set print modes for OKI 82A OKSETUP .COM E4 71 Compiled version of OKSETUP.ASM SCIGRAPH.COM 5A 28 Hi resolution X-Y plots on EPSON with Graftrax+ SCIGRAPH.DOC D6 1C Prints strip graphs as well as single page SIDEMT .COM 0C C6 Sideways printing program for Mannesman Tally SIDEMT .DOC 26 6A Spirit printer (doc for SIDEMT.COM SIDEOKI2.CHR C3 FD Character file for SIDEOKI2.COM SIDEOKI2.COM 2C B9 Sideways printing program for OKI 92 SIDEOKI2.DOC E9 04 Doc file for SIDEOKI2.COM SIDEWAYS.PAS 9C F1 Turbo Pascal source for SIDEMT.COM SPRSCRPT.OKI 6E BC Sample character set for OKIC TPATCH .COM 7D 3D Patch that allows running Turbo Pascal on Executive TPATCH .DOC 00 C6 with 1.1 ROM (saves registers) First Osborne Group (FOG) Copyright (1985) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.010 Wordstar aids and filter programs //CPM010.DOC /NOV/85 ALPHA .COM 26 4E Use with Windex - Alphabetizes & counts words AUTOST30.COM A2 07 WS 3.0 Autost file for WSAVE AUTOST33.COM 05 AA WS 3.3 Autost file for WSAVE COPY2WS .COM 1C B0 Strips hard carriage returns COPY2WS .DOC A5 DD Doc file for COPY2WS COPY2WS .PAS CD FB Source in Turbo Pascal for COPY2WS EX14 .COM 02 E3 Submit replacement - used by WSAVE FILT .INF 6B D2 Doc file for FILTA, FILTB, FILTW, FILTWC FILT7 .COM F5 6E Strips WS bits and dot commands FILT7 .DOC BD A1 Doc for FILT7.COM FILTA .COM C7 0A Filters ASCII files (removes high bits & ctrl chrs) FILTB .COM F8 54 Filters BASIC files FILTW .COM 37 FE Filters WS files (removes dot cmds, hardens soft - ) FILTWC .COM EB 88 Same as FILTW except keeps CR LF HRDSFT .COM E2 7B Makes hard CR soft, or soft CR hard HRDSFT .DOC B0 59 Doc for HRDSFT.COM OWS .COM 7C 46 Eliminates 'screen jump' in WS on Osborne 1 OWS .DOC 1D 87 Loads WS from logged drive (doc for OWS.COM) PROPOR .COM B1 56 Re-formats WS files for NEC8023A or CITOH Prowriter PROPOR .DOC 5D 26 for proportional printing PURETEXT.COM C8 0E Strips print ctrl chars, dot cmds, and high bit PURETEXT.DOC 0E AC Makes WS files 'vanilla' RESQ .COM 58 9D Hunts thru RAM for a phrase you supply RESQ .DOC 1C 59 Recovers from WS 'disk full' crash SOFTRETN.BAS A5 64 MBASIC program to soften hard CR TABS7 .COM FD 7A Inserts tabs into ASCII files TABS7 .DOC 64 E4 Works with .ASM or standard files WINDEX .COM 4D 84 Index program for WS WINDEX .DOC DD 3E Keywords may be tagged in file WS-CMDS .DOC 19 44 Wordstar commands in handy form WS0 .COM 24 4B Load WS and overlays from user 0 WS0/WS15.INF 84 F4 How to use WS0 and WS15 WS15 .COM 25 31 Load WS and overlays from user 15 WSAVE .DOC D3 7C Recover from WS 'disk full' crash WSAVE12 .COM 0D 37 Saves all of memory to disk WSAVE12 .DOC 2B E8 Recover from crash with text still in memory WSAVE3/0.SUB 4B AD Submit file for WSAVE & WS 2.26 & 3.0 WSAVE3/3.SUB E5 07 Submit file for WSAVE & WS 3.3 WSFAST16.DOC 2D 5C Change WS3.3 to sign on faster & print in background WSFAST16.HEX B5 47 Hex file for WSFAST16 WSFAST16.SUB 71 5A Submit file to automate WS 3.3 patching WSPAIR .COM A0 2B Find un-paired print control chars in WS WSPAIR .DOC 70 F0 Doc for WSPAIR WSPROP1 .DOC B9 8D How to patch WS 3.0 & 2.26 for proportional spacing WSPROP2 .DOC BC 09 Patch WS 2.26 & 3.0 for proportional spacing First Osborne Group (FOG) Copyright (1985) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.011 TOUR 2.0 Outline/Idea processor //CPM011.DOC /NOV/85 MAKETINI.COM 28 74 Makes a terminal configuration file for your MAKETINI.DOC 44 46 particular terminal ROFFGUID.DOC 2F A5 Description of ROFF functions added for TOUR ROFFTOUR.COM B6 E5 Formatted print program for TOUR ROFFTOUR.RNI C0 F0 Doc for ROFFTOUR.COM TOUR20 .COM 9D 06 Outline processor TOURGUID.DOC 5B 34 TOUR user guide TOURREF .RNI 4E D0 TOUR information/reference documentation TRPRINT .HLP 27 59 Help for printing TOUR files WRITGEN .COM AF D5 Program to print TOUR files WRITGEN .DOC 70 1A Doc for WRITGEN.COM First Osborne Group (FOG) Copyright (1985) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.012 dBaseII files and programs //CPM012.DOC /NOV/85 AREACAL .CMD 0D 58 Calculates enclosed area of a series of points AREACAL .DBF D5 7B Sample data file for AREACAL AREACAL .DOC 21 D8 Doc for AREACAL AREACG .CMD 3A AE Same as AREACAL but includes x-center of gravity AUTHORS .NDX EB 7A DATES .NDX E4 78 DBASM .ASM 59 9A dBase callable machine language sub-routines DBCLEAN .COM 3D 2F Remove extraneous ^Z from dBase files DBCLEAN .DOC 01 AF Lets you recover from flaky .DBF files DBCLINIC.BAS 13 4D Updates .DBF file headers (in MBASIC) DBFTOTXT.CMD 33 8A Convert .DBF file to MAILMERGE format DBGRAF .DOC BD C2 Screen graphics for Osborne 1 DRAWBOX .CMD 96 83 Part of GRAFGEN DTUNE23 .DOC 9D D4 Command file utility shrinks and cross-references DTUNE23 .COM B2 B9 and more! GRAFGEN .CMD 42 2F Screen graphics on Osborne 1 KEYWORDS.DBF CB 66 Database file for LIBRARY KEYWORDS.NDX 83 33 LIBRARY index file LIBADD .CMD 9F CB Sub-command for LIBRARY program LIBED2 .CMD 19 32 Sub-command for LIBRARY program LIBEDIT .CMD C5 10 Sub-command for LIBRARY program LIBFIND .CMD BF 67 Sub-command for LIBRARY program LIBRARY .CMD 8B 62 Main entry to LIBRARY program LIBRARY .DBF 5F D3 main LIBRARY database file LIBRARY .DOC EB 00 Library cross-referencing system LREPORTS.CMD 4A 21 Sub-command for LIBRARY program MEMTIP .DOC 19 AC How to use Print.mem and Screen.mem PRINT .MEM DA E8 Epson printer macros SCREEN .MEM AC 62 Osborne 1 screen macros SUPERBAK.CMD AD 6A Backup and restore utility ZIPS .NDX 88 D1 LIBRARY index file FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1985) by First Osborne Group (FOG) -FOG/CPM.013: Ham Radio Programs - some not working! //CPM013.DOC: /DEC/85 . : CODE .BAS: 3C 99 Morse Code receiving program CONTEST .BAS: 58 E1 QSL contest logging program COPY . : 23 E4 Sample data file for CONTEST.BAS DELUXQSL.BAS: 7D 3E QSL card printing program for Osborne 1 DELUXQSL.DOC: 59 38 Doc file for .BAS DGPTR .PAS: 3E 45 Digital repeater control program DIPOLE .BAS: D3 4F Calculate 1/2 wave dipole resonant length DOC .BAS: 2C 88 Module for MENU.BAS LOG .BAS: DE 87 QSL contact log program for contests LOG .DOC: 5D E9 Doc on LOG LOGBOOK .BAS: 46 6A Comprehensive log program LOGFMT . : 4A AF Part of LOG.BAS LOGPRINT. : E4 8F Part of LOG.BAS MENU .BAS: 3E CB Menu for DOC, DELUXQSL, LOG, OKIQSL, SUPERDUP, TENTEN OKIQSL .BAS: 84 76 QSL card printing program for the Osborne 1 ORBIT .BAS: DB AC AMSAT Orbital Prediction Program ORBITPRG.BAS: 18 13 Orbital crossing program QSO .BAS: DA 65 Main QSO record menu in CBasic QSOEDIT .BAS: 29 E6 Module for QSO QSOFIND .BAS: 9E A0 Module for QSO QSOLIST .BAS: B5 41 Module for QSO QSOSCAN .BAS: 1F 7A Module for QSO RTY .CFG: 20 E1 Configuration file for RTY RTY .COM: 09 63 RTTY program RTYCPM .DOC: DA 40 Documentation for RTY.COM SUPERDUP.BAS: 30 48 Contest program SUPERDUP.DAT: E8 2F Data file for Superdup SUPERDUP.DOC: 68 AE Documentation for Superdup logging program TENTEN .BAS: 99 25 Program to organize 10x numbers TENTEN .DOC: 2D 77 Doc for TENTEN TIMEMACH.BAS: 97 6E Calendar generator program - TIMEMACH.DOC: 15 A6 Makes box calendar with option for date annotations VERTICAL.BAS: 6F 59 Determines 1/4 wave vertical antenna length VHF-YAGE.BAS: 75 D8 Calculates dimensions of VHF yagi antenna VHFPROP .BAS: E2 E9 Calculates propagation from height, dist., radius FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1985) by First Osborne Group (FOG) -FOG/CPM.014: Ham Radio programs - some not working! //CPM014.DOC: Released 'as-is' to allow Hams to experiment! /DEC/85 . : GC/CON1C.BAS: 2E 7B Great circle program for direct console input (CBasic) GC/CON1C.INT: F0 5F Compiled CBasic GC/CON1C file GC/COVER.BAS: 42 E7 Personalized cover SBR GC/DSKRD.BAS: E2 BF Module for GC/CON1C GC/ENTRY.BAS: 64 12 Module for GC/CON1C GC/INIT .BAS: B7 4E Module for GC/CON1C (constants & defines) GC/NUCAL.BAS: 65 AA Module for GC/CON1C GC/PRTHD.BAS: D9 19 Module for GC/CON1C GCDATA .SDF: 8E D1 Sample data file GCNORTAM.SDF: 03 22 Sample data file GCPRNT37.BAS: 16 D9 Great Circle distance and headings GCWORLD .SDF: 0B 10 Sample data file GRTCIR-C.BAS: 5F E4 Master GC/ include file GRTCIR-C.INT: F8 36 Compiled CBasic GRTCIR-C file GRTCIR10.BAS: 57 29 Great Circle distance and heading - For Osborne 1 HAMLOG .DBF: 86 93 Sample HAMLOG data file HAMLOG .DOC: 62 CE Logging system for Amateur Radio in dBaseII LOG .CMD: E7 CC Master menu for HAMLOG LOGCHNG .CMD: 61 9C Data correction for HAMLOG LOGENTRY.CMD: BC 25 Data entry for HAMLOG LOGPRINT.CMD: 01 9A Formatted print output for HAMLOG LOGSERCH.CMD: 93 30 Search data file program for HAMLOG LOGSORT .CMD: 3D 1C Index program for HAMLOG MOONLOC1.BAS: 99 36 Calculates moon aiming data MOONLOC2.BAS: C6 BB Calculates moon aiming data MOONLOC3.BAS: 52 59 Calculates moon azimuth and elevation MOONLOC5.BAS: 0C 74 Calculates moon position RTTY .ASM: 75 C2 Ascii to Baudot to Ascii program for PMMI TTY .ASM: 81 18 Change ASCII-coded-baudot to Ascii TTYR .ASM: 6C E8 " TTYR1 .ASM: A4 68 " TTYX .ASM: 03 3A " FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1985) by First Osborne Group (FOG) -FOG/CPM.015: Super directory and Superfile programs //CPM015.DOC: /DEC/85 . : SD .DOC: 3A 5F Documentation for SD110.COM SD .HIS: 21 AA History of modifications for SD110 SD .HLP: 9F 31 Information on instalation of SD110 on RPCM SD110 .ASM: E0 27 Source for SD110 Super Directory program SD110 .COM: DD B6 Generic COM file SD110 -a super directory program SD110/2 .COM: 14 E2 Two column directory for 52 column screen SD110/4 .COM: 8D D7 Four column directory for 80 column screen SFILE .DOC: 0C 31 Documentation for SFILE23.COM SFILE .HIS: 77 33 History of modifications to SFILE23 SFILE23 .ASM: BC 7D Source for SFILE23 - will even search .LBR files! SFILE23 .COM: 49 F6 Searches for specified file on all drives/users FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1985) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.016: Library Utility programs //CPM016.DOC: /DEC/85 . : DEARC .COM: A8 84 De-archives MSDOS .ARC files on CP/M computers DEARC .DOC: C3 37 Documentation on evolution of DEARC DEARC .PQS: 65 AA Turbo Pascal source for DEARC DEARC2 .IQC: B9 9D DEARC include file DEARC3 .IQC: 54 60 DEARC include file LU300 .DOC: 3F 9E Doc for LU/LRUN LU310 .COM: 77 39 Combines multiple files into 1 large file LU310 .HLP: F0 F7 On-line help screen for LU310 MLOAD .COM: D8 AA Load utility for NULUTERM NULU15 .COM: CF C4 Compact program that combines LU and SWEEP functions NULU15 .NOT: 3F 66 Author's comments on new version of NULU NULU15 .WS : 37 67 NULU15 Documentation - Print with WordStar NULUTERM.ASM: 41 5F Terminal customization for NULU15.COM FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1985) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.017: Z80 Assembler and Disassembler //CPM017.DOC: /DEC/85 . : DZ .COM: F6 A1 DAZZLESTAR disassembler (Zilog Z80 mnemonics) DZ-DXERS.DOC: 29 96 How to contact DAZZLESTAR author DZINSTAL.COM: F2 47 DAZZLESTAR terminal installation program DZMENU .OVR: 3F 0B DAZZLESTAR menu overlay file DZMSGS .OVR: B7 B3 DAZZLESTAR help file and on-line documentation PHASE1 .AZM: A4 AA Example for Z80MR assembler Z80MR .COM: 1F 31 Z80 Macro Assembler Z80MR .DOC: F7 0C Documentation for Z80MR Z80MR .TXT: 93 D3 Information files for Z80MR FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1985) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.018: Full screen Editor with macros //CPM018.DOC: Will access files in ANY user area! /DEC/85 . : DIF .MKT: 48 D8 Macro key file for E.COM E .COM: 6D 8E Full screen text editor ECONFIG .COM: C1 34 Terminal configuration and defaults for E.COM EXPRESS .OVL: 7D 6A Overlay file for E.COM EXPRESS1.DOC: B9 B6 Documentation for E.COM EXPRESS2.DOC: 2B F0 " EXPRESS3.DOC: F5 2E " EXPRESS4.DOC: 20 4F " EXPRESS5.DOC: 5F 76 " EXPRESS6.DOC: C2 7B " FEATURES.TXT: B7 C9 Describes features of version 2 (proprietary) MX . : DA 43 Macro file for E.COM README . : 00 17 Short description of EXPRESS editor E.COM TERM .DAT: 73 61 Terminal installation data for E.COM FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1985) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.019: Full screen text editor w/wordwrap and macros //CPM019.DOC: /DEC/85 . : BISHOW31.ASM: 06 E7 TYPE command replacement that goes backwards BISHOW31.COM: DD 88 or forwards in a file VDE .DOC: 19 02 Doc for generic VDE editor VDE-2C .ASM: 9A 25 Assembler source file for VDE VDE-2C .COM: 52 36 Osborne 1 or Vixen configured VDE VDE-2C .DOC: A8 BA Doc for Osborne versions VDE-2CE .COM: BA 45 Osborne Executive configured VDE VDE-OS26.COM: C2 32 Custom VDE for Osborne 1 or Vixen VDE-OX26.COM: 6B 55 Custom VDE for Osborne Executive FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1985) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.020: Disk and file utility programs //CPM020.DOC: /DEC/85 . : CERTIFY .COM: 71 77 Disk Certification and Utility program (CP/M 2.2) CERTIFY .DOC: 97 B7 Allows you to map out bad sectors and examine disk DU-V87 .DOC: A5 0D Documentation and examples DU-V88 .AQM: A5 5B Assembler source for DU-V88 DU-V88 .COM: C7 69 Disk Utility - saves files on bad disks and more! EDFILE .COM: 14 A3 Display and edit data in files EDFILE .DOC: C2 18 Doc and examples for EDFILE FIX .COM: DE 4A Disk utility and editor with on-line help FIX .DOC: 0C C9 Short intro to FIX.COM SPZ .DOC: 7E 2C Doc and info file SPZ .COM: 8D 5E Disk Utility - menu driven disk sector editor FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1985) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.021: Osborne 1 specific programs //CPM021.DOC: /DEC/85 . : CURSOR .AQM: AA 5D Squeezed source file for CURSOR.COM CURSOR .COM: 26 C7 Sets cursor type with Nuevo 80 column board CURSOR .DOC: 63 B1 Discussion of cursor options in CURSOR.COM DFDZCPR .AQM: AB 2D Squeezed source for DFDZCPR-- needs RMAC to assemble DFDZCPR .DOC: 7D 3A Instructions for assembling DFDZCPR DFDZCPR .SPR: 4B E7 CCP replacement for DriveC FK .COM: 08 A3 Function key programmer FK .DOC: 05 3A Instructions for using and modifying FK.COM JOURNEY .COM: 7E BF Maze type graphics game for 52 col O1 JOURNEY .DOC: 83 C4 Complete instructions for JOURNEY (a D&D type game) JOURNEY .INS: 47 B9 Part of the JOURNEY program JOURNEY .SSS: 05 B5 JOURNEY high score OSBDDD .COM: 47 EE Dysan Digital Diagnostic program (drive speed test) PATCHER .COM: CA A7 Modifies your CP/M for screen dump, blink cursor, etc PATCHER .DOC: 00 12 Easy installation instructions for PATCHER SET .COM: 82 65 Change arrow keys, screen width, printer params, SET .DOC: 80 22 and print fonts on Okidata and Epson printers FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1985) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.022: Z80 disassembler written in Turbo Pascal //CPM022.DOC: /DEC/85 . : README .20 : E0 1F Notes on Ver. 2.0 changes and features Z80DIS .000: E4 25 Z80DIS overlay file Z80DIS .001: 09 F8 " " " Z80DIS .COM: E4 2C Z80 disassembler with 'intellegence' Z80DIS .EQ : 02 51 Squeezed example file from Ver 1.0 Z80DIS20.DQC: 38 0C Squeezed .DOC file for Z80 features ZDINSTAL.COM: C0 A0 Terminal installation program ZDINSTAL.DTA: CF 30 Data file for terminal installation ZDINSTAL.MSG: FF 88 Messages file for terminal installation FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.023: Performance Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) //CPM023.DOC: and Critical Path programs /JAN/86 . : CPA .BAS: 9C 46 Critical Path analysis in MBASIC CPA .DOC: 6A FA From BYTE magazine, 7/82 DEMO .PRT: 06 2D Data for the PERT.INT demo program PERT .DOC: 2B 28 PERT80 documentation and PERT discussion PERT .INT: A6 1E CBASIC PERT program (menu driven) PERT128 .BAS: 21 8D 200 column printer PERT program in MBASIC PERT80 .BAS: 22 C6 80 column printer PERT version in MBASIC PERT80 .DOC: 71 E4 Quick information on PERT80 and PERT128 PERTHELP.INT: 4A 4F Part of PERT.INT program PERTHLP0.INT: 78 D7 Part of PERT.INT program PERTOVR2.INT: 2F 1E Part of PERT.INT program PERTOVR5.INT: A3 A7 Part of PERT.INT program PERTOVR6.INT: Part of PERT.INT program PERTOVR7.INT: C9 19 Part of PERT.INT program PERTOVR8.INT: 86 A5 Part of PERT.INT program PERTSAMP.COM: A9 0A PERT80 sample program PERTSORT.INT: AF B2 Part of PERT.INT program PERTTEST. : AF D1 PERT80 test file PERTWS .DOC: 3B 78 Documentation for PERT.INT PINSTALL.INT: 10 A6 Installation program for PERT.INT FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.024: This disk contains all the files needed to use //CPM024.DOC: the Osborne Executive computer as an addition /JAN/86 . : to an Atari computer through the ATARIBUS. AFC .COM: 5A AB AFC .CQ : 71 50 This allows the Atari to access the disk drives AFC .CQL: F4 FC and LST: device of the Executive as though AFC .DQC: AE 8F they were Atari accessories. AFC .SYM: 23 85 AMON .COM: 33 5D Complete source for the software is provided in AMON .CQ : EB 9E BDS C, so modifications for other CP/M computers AMON .CQL: 0C D2 can be made. AMON .DQC: CA 61 AMON .SYM: 40 49 All files on this disk have been squeezed. AS .COM: CF 9E Use NSWEEP or USQ to unsqueeze them. AS .CQ : 7D 9F AS .CQL: B1 9F NOTE: Some special hardware has to be built AS .DQC: EF 77 in order to make this all work! AS .SYM: 92 CF AS-EXEC .COM: A6 CC ATARI .H : 90 FB ATARI .LQB: A9 CD ATARIBUS.DQC: F6 97 ATARIFN .CQL: 97 9C ATARIFN .CQM: 2A 5C BASICDOS.AQR: 6C DC Sample squeezed Atari 'disk' DOSTRUCT.HQ : B7 47 HARDWARE.DQC: 05 69 PATCHING.DQC: 9B 00 README .1ST: 3D DC Documentation for Executive implementation FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.025: Dissassemblers and debugging tools //CPM025.DOC: /JAN/86 . : DDTF .AQM: D3 66 Squeezed source for DDTF DDTF .COM: D7 60 A string-find function addition for DDT DDTF .DOC: E7 FE Allows finding any string from within DDT H80 .MNE: EF DB HD64180 mnemonics for REVAS I80 .MNE: D1 B9 Intel 8080 mnemonics for REVAS I85 .MNE: 9C 94 Intel 8085 mnemonics for REVAS MAC .MNE: 6A E8 MAC/RMAC mnemonics for REVAS MSA15 .COM: A3 9D An 8080 dissassembler MSA15 .DOC: AD F1 Terse instructions for MSA REVAS .COM: C2 0E A dissassembler with your choice of mnemonics REVAS .INF: C0 AF Invoking & setting up REVAS TDL .MNE: 68 43 TDL/CDL mnemonics for REVAS Z80 .MNE: 63 EF Zilog mnemonics for REVAS Z8E .COM: 07 DF Full screen Z80 debugging monitor Z8E .DQC: B6 F9 True sysmbolic debugging Z8E .SYM: A5 1A Symbol table for patching Z8E ZDT .COM: 21 51 A Z80 mnemonic version of DDT ZDT .DOC: 81 07 Documents additional commands of ZDT FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.026: WordStar utilities //CPM026.DOC: /FEB/86 . : FIND52 .COM: 5B 3F Search for character strings in files or file groups FIND52 .DOC: 52 34 For use with or text files FTNOTE .COM: F3 66 Footnote program for WordStar FTNOTE14.DOC: D5 8D Allows printing WS documents with page bottom notes FTNOTE14.INF: 3B C1 New features of version 1.4 JUKI .BAS: F9 A5 Mbasic program allowing true proportional spacing JUKI .DOC: 65 0C with Juki 6100 printer PAIRX .COM: 5A AE Prints page numbers of non-matching control PAIRX .DOC: 05 AA characters in text files PSDEMO .SAM: 66 E7 Demo text for TI 855 proportional spacing demo PSDOTCMD.BAS: 50 89 CBasic source code for TI 855 proportional spacing PSFORMAT.BAS: 81 89 Main CBasic TI 855 print formatting program PSFORMAT.DOC: E3 48 Intro to TI 855 print formatting program PSJUST .BAS: 1B 62 CBasic source for TI 855 printer program PSNCLUDE.BAS: 0C B1 CBasic code for PSFORMAT include file PSRJ .BAS: 96 6D Proprtionally-Spaced, Right Justified MBasic program PSRJ .COM: 06 C7 For Canon AP400 and AP92 interface PSRJ .DOC: C8 14 But patchable for other printers. PSVALUES.LRG: 05 C2 Include file for PSFORMAT PSVALUES.SML: 5A FB Include file for PSFORMAT PSWRAP .BAS: 1B D4 Include file for PSFORMAT FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.027: Turbo Pascal programs //CPM027.DOC: /FEB/86 . : GPIB .COM: A0 A1 Make the Osborne 1 a IEEE 488 controller GPIB .DOC: CE C5 Menu driven to select Talker or Listener GPIB .PAS: 3D E1 Turbo Pascal Source code for GPIB SLIST .COM: AA B4 Turbo Pascal Source lister & Cross-reference utility SLIST .DOC: 84 49 Documentation for Slist (source on FOG/CPM.028) SLISTCTL.DAT: E1 C4 SLIST cursor control file SLISTINS.COM: F2 66 Terminal installation for SLIST SLISTINS.DTA: 6B 66 SLISTINS terminal data file SLISTINS.MSG: FF 88 SLISTINS help messages SLISTRSV.DAT: 97 01 SLIST data file SYSTEM .DAT: 4A 30 SLIST terminal data file TURBO .DOC: 74 04 Five handy utility routines for Turbo programmers TURBO .PAS: 41 D1 (COPY PRINT RENERA DIR ERABAK) TURBOSAV.DOC: 84 F2 This program attempts to salvage the text still in TURBOSAV.COM: 0A D7 memory after a crash from the Turbo editor FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.028: Turbo Pascal programs //CPM028.DOC: /FEB/86 . : CENTER .FNC: 81 B2 Turbo function for SLIST CPM .PRC: F7 E9 Turbo Procedure for SLIST CRT .PRC: 93 2C Turbo Procedure for SLIST DISKFILE.FNC: F5 60 Turbo function for SLIST FOGSTORE.COM: A7 36 Turbo Pascal tutorial using a "Store" as a demo FOGSTORE.DOC: 9B 81 Explaination of FOGSTORE tutorial FOGSTORE.PAS: B7 DB Source code for FOGSTORE in Turbo Pascal GETPIC .FNC: 21 49 Turbo function for SLIST HEXTOCHR.FNC: 95 81 Turbo function for SLIST LCRJUST .FNC: C3 6E Turbo function for SLIST LST .PRC: 79 65 Turbo Procedure for SLIST MANYCHAR.FNC: 65 3B Turbo function for SLIST MONEY2 .COM: DC 89 Calculates IRA's Savings, or Loan Payments MONEY2 .DOC: CF FD Brief description of MONEY2 MONEY2 .PAS: 89 ED Source code for MONEY2 in Turbo Pascal PICTURE .DOC: 16 E3 Discussion of SAYPIC.FNC and GETPIC.FNC PICTURE .PAS: 6F 7C Demo using SAYPIC & GETPIC REPLACE .FNC: 9D 36 Turbo function for SLIST SAYBOOL .FNC: 08 BC Turbo function for SLIST SAYPIC .FNC: 70 23 Turbo function for SLIST SLIST .PAS: CE 00 Source code for SLIST (on FOG/CPM.027) SLIST1 .INC: 30 3E SLIST include file SLIST2 .INC: 52 37 SLIST include file SLIST3 .INC: FA 6A SLIST include file SORTS .COM: BC 2E Comparison of different sorting algorithms SORTS .DOC: FD 3D Bubble, sount, insert, select, tree, shell, heap, SORTS .PAS: 6C 54 quick1, quick2 sorts compared in source SQUEEZE .FNC: 77 4C Turbo function for SLIST SYSCONST.CON: FE E7 SLIST include file SYSINIT .PRC: C9 0F Turbo Procedure for SLIST SYSTYPE .TYP: 32 5D SLIST include file SYSVAR .VAR: B7 A2 SLIST include file TRIM .FNC: 43 B4 Turbo function for SLIST WAIT .PRC: CB 0F Turbo Procedure for SLIST FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.029: Genealogy programs //CPM029.DOC: /FEB/86 . : EXPLORE .CMD: A6 69 dBase II genealogical database program EXPLORE1.CMD: 99 A9 All dBase files are part of this program FAMTREE .BAS: D2 3F MBasic Family Tree program. Needs some work! FATHER .NDX: 2F FA GEN .DOC: 3C 2D Documentation for EXPLORE GENLGY .DOC: F0 77 Intro to GEN.DOC GHOST .FMT: 09 57 GHOST .ZIP: 5F A6 GHOST .ZPR: FD 70 HELPEXP .FMT: 98 6E HELPEXP .ZIP: CA 60 HELPEXP .ZPR: 5A C2 HELPEXP2.FMT: 77 4A HELPEXP2.ZIP: 99 39 HELPEXP2.ZPR: 1D 7B HELPEXP3.FMT: E9 CE HELPEXP3.ZIP: 7C E4 HELPEXP3.ZPR: DF 63 HELPEXP4.FMT: 35 6E HELPEXP4.ZIP: 62 C9 HELPEXP4.ZPR: 32 48 LIST .FMT: AA 62 LIST .ZIP: 0E 60 LIST .ZPR: 08 97 MOTHER .NDX: F4 FE NAME .NDX: A3 53 NEWGENEA.BAS: 11 46 Mbasic Genealogy program set for NEC8510 printer NEWINDEX.CMD: 0D 78 NS .CMD: FD 25 PERSONS .DBF: F3 8F REF .NDX: 1D CF STORIES .DBF: 7A F9 STORY .CMD: 6B 77 STORYREF.NDX: 89 5D TESTSW .CMD: EB DC TREE .COM: 0B 50 Family Tree program for Osborne 1 or Vixen only TREE .DOC: 30 51 Brief instructions for using TREE FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.030: Programs for Kaypro computers //CPM030.DOC: /FEB/86 . : AUTOKEYS.COM: 1B 84 Configures Kaypro arrow and number keypad AUTOKY40.WS : FD FA WS documentation file for AUTOKEYS CLOCK .C : BD 0A Reads the internal clock on 4-84 and new 2X CLOCK .COM: 98 A0 Written in Software Toolworks C80 CLOCK .DOC: 62 6D Documentation for CLOCK COLDBOOT.COM: 8E A6 Allows you to 'cold boot' your Kaypro without COLDBOOT.DOC: 32 D7 shutting off power CURS-KAY.ASM: F3 97 Assembler source for CURS-KAY CURS-KAY.COM: 3F 39 Make the cursor smaller and blink slowly CURS-KAY.DOC: B2 C9 CURSOR .COM: 85 10 Allows you to set cursor blink rate, CURSOR .DOC: 4C 0A etc. from menu DB19 .COM: 21 D2 Name/address/phone/mailing database DB19 .DOC: 5D 2A Prints 1 up labels DDRAW .COM: ED 09 General purpose graphics/text utility for '84 models. DDRAW .DOC: C8 C7 Has line and circle drawing commands DDRAW .NOT: 4D AB Note on TPA requirements DUMP10 .COM: 50 F7 Screen dump for Kaypro 10 DUMP1084.DOC: 13 9E Patching information DUMP24 .COM: 3E 60 Screen dump for Kaypro 4 K4TIME .COM: A7 0F Allows for time stamping on 4/84 K4TIME .DOC: 4E EA Documentation for K4TIME KP-CHARS.COM: 29 7B Displays screen characters on 4-84, 10, 2-84 KP-CHARS.DOC: 56 9E KP4TIME .COM: C8 F0 Display and set real time clock on 4/84 KP4TIME .DOC: 86 F0 KP4TIME2.ASM: 9F 1E Source for KP4TIME SETPAD .COM: 93 D3 Turns off key click and re-defines number pad keys SETPAD10.WS : DF 20 WS document file for SETPAD FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.031: 1985 Income Tax Templates for Supercalc 1.12 & up //CPM031.DOC: /MAR/86 . : CALIF .540: 89 A9 CALIF--A.540: 94 57 FORM4562.85 : 54 4A Form 4562 PAGE1+A .85 : D8 BA 1040 page 1 & also Schedule A PAGE2+G .85 : 39 4C 1040 page 2 & also Schedule G SCHED-B .85 : F3 8B Schedule B SCHED-D .85 : 2A F0 Schedule D SCHED-E .85 : 4B 55 Schedule E TAX85 .NOT: 36 20 Credit where credit is due TAXTMPL .DOC: B8 F6 Documentation on these programs FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.032: Editor programs for all CP/M computers //CPM032.DOC: /MAR/86 . : EDIT .COM: 25 21 Small file editor/directory space program EDIT .DOC: 81 FF Documentation for EDIT EDIT11 .CRD: 8A 12 Quick help card for EDIT VDE .DOC: 8D 70 Video Display Editor documentation VDE13 .COM: 4B 0D Generic CP/M version of VDE VDO .AQM: BB CB Source code for original VDO for Osborne in assembler VDO .DOC: 6F A4 Manual for original Osborne VDO VDO-OVR .ASM: C6 B6 Customize your VDO25 for your terminal VDO-OVR .SUB: 2E C1 Submit file to build VDO-OVR patched version VDO25 .COM: F8 80 Latest version of VDO for generic CP/M VDO25 .MAN: FB E9 Documentation for VDO25 VDO25 .NOT: F1 D1 Latest info on VDO25 VDOC .COM: 6F 6E Customized version for Osborne 1 and Vixen VDOC .DOC: 35 F6 Doc for VDOC (source in Z80MR available) VINST11 .COM: BC AF Terminal installation for VDO25 VTERM .DAT: DD AA Data file for VINST11 FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.033: Various CP/M utility programs //CPM033.DOC: /MAR/86 . : DA2 .COM: F7 8D Directory Attribute prgm reads/sets CP/M flags DA2 .DOC: 94 CD Does directory with file sizes, etc. DIRF3-S .NOT: AA 22 Last minute note for DIRFILES (secure version) DIRF36-S.ASM: A3 7B Assembler source code for DIRFILES DIRF36-S.COM: C4 3D Creates data files of disk directory with descriptions DIRF36-S.NOT: D4 CB Note on DIRFILES V3.6 revision DIRFILES.DOC: 59 79 Makes descriptions of disk files DUMPDIR .COM: CF 87 Display disk directory by filename and allocation DUMPDIR .DOC: 4D BF Allows you to find pieces of files on your disk DUMPDIR .MAC: 38 8F Assembler source for DUMPDIR LDIR23 .DOC: E6 27 Directory program for .LBR and .LQR files LDIR23 .MAC: B4 CB Source for LDIR23 (requires SYSLIB3) LDIR23 .SUB: DF 30 Submit file to assemble and link MATCHF .REL: 76 B2 LDIR23.MAC include file MYSORT .REL: 9D DB LDIR23.MAC include file NULUFIX .ASM: 47 AA Bug fix for NULU15 on FOG/CPM.016 SDRU1 .MAC: 67 B9 Include file for SETDRU.C SDRU2 .MAC: 0F 8E Include file for SETDRU.C SETDRU .C : 3D 54 Source for SETDRU in C80 SETDRU .COM: 41 CE Allows calling overlays from other drives/users SETDRU .DOC: 76 A1 Attaches itself to program or stand alone SETDRU .REL: A9 4A Assembled version for use with M80 UNSETDRU.C : 41 80 Source in C80 for UNSETDRU UNSETDRU.COM: 6E 59 Removes SETDRU when needed USQBASE .REL: 0E EC LDIR23.MAC include file FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.034: Mbasic programs & utilities //CPM034.DOC: /APR/86 . : CURVECPM.XRF: 3A 98 Crossreference of labels used in CURVEFIT.BAS CURVEFIT.BAS: 81 AB Fits values of X and Y to 25 different equations CURVEXXY.TXT: A1 DE Uses comma delimited, Lotus or SC .PRN files NBR .DOC: AC 86 A MBasic Preprocessor as discussed in the NBR-MBAS.TXT: F8 1F April, 1986 FOGHORN NBR124 .ASC: 2B 2C A method of preparing MBasic programs with an NBR124 .BAS: 39 09 editor and numbering them afterwards. NBR124 .NUM: AC 3F Examples are provided here NBR124 .SYM: 10 83 NBR13 .ASC: 6E 84 NBR13 .BAS: 23 03 NBR13 .NUM: 4E 07 NBR13 .SYM: 5B C7 FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.035: Vixen specific programs and Misc. games //CPM035.DOC: /MAY/86 . : FIX .COM: 1D 4D For VIXEN only. Reformats DS disks to single sided KEYPAD .DOC: AE 67 For Vixen only. Gives you a numeric keypad with a KEYPADV3.ASM: 68 24 toggle of your DEL key. Z80 source code KEYPADV3.COM: 24 47 Ready to use version of KEYPADV3 KEYPADV3.DOC: 81 CC New features in Version3 of KEYPAD MAZE .DOC: 85 E3 Maze game for 80 column O1 or Vixen MAZE .DTA: CA 81 Data file for sample maze MAZE .PAS: F6 9D Turbo Pascal source for MAKEMAZE & MAZEPLAY MAZEMAKE.COM: 93 41 Draws maze and stores it in a file MAZEPLAY.COM: 5F 1A Move your man through a maze. Very simplistic. MMVIX115.COM: D8 8A MEDIA MASTER for Version 1.01 and higher rom revision MMVIXEN .DOC: 48 7E Details of MEDIA MASTER update FOR VIXEN ONLY TRIVIA .COM: 91 AE "Trivial Pursuit" type game. Use supplied data files TRIVIA .DOC: F1 51 or create your own TRIVIA1 .DAT: 8F DD WARNING.. this is Case Sensitive.. use all CAPS in TRIVIA2 .DAT: 9D 2C your answers! TRIVIA3 .DAT: 56 30 TRIVIA4 .DAT: 82 6A TRIVIA5 .DAT: 3E FA TRIVIA6 .DAT: 97 71 All .DAT files are sample data files TRIVIA7 .DAT: 16 BC TRIVIA8 .DAT: 2B 3C TRIVIA9 .DAT: 2C AE VIXEN .DEL: 54 FC How to change the Vixen DEL key to normal backspace FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.036: Kaypro Programs //CPM036.DOC: /JUN/86 . : ARROWK1 .COM: 35 0B Arrow key program for Kaypro 1 ARROWK4 .COM: A8 1B Arrow key program for Kaypro 4 ARROWKII.COM: 86 0F Arrow key program for Kaypro 2 ARROWS .PAS: D3 24 Arrow key program source code in Turbo Pascal AUTOBOOT.COM: 38 D2 Allows you to specify an autoboot command AUTOBOOT.PAS: E4 E3 on all Kaypro models BARGRAPH.COM: 25 F7 Graphics program for '84 series Kaypros BARGRAPH.DOC: DF 44 Makes bar graphs on screen from input values DBASTIME.ASM: 08 81 Used with DBASTIME.CMD to read internal clock DBASTIME.CMD: A8 DC Displays clock info and stores time in dBase DBASTIME.HEX: E0 6C KPBROWSE.COM: CA 40 Gives screen-at-a-time viewing of files on '84 series KPBROWSE.DOC: EC 10 Shows underline, bold, etc on screen! KPBROWSE.PAS: F6 EC Turbo Pascal source for KPBrowse KPPRTLST.COM: 65 07 For '84 series. Prints MAST.LST file 3 across KPPRTLST.DOC: 8A 90 KPVIDEO .PAS: 94 85 Include file for KPBROWSE TIME .ASM: C6 27 Read and display Kaypro clock TIME .COM: D0 8E FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.037: Disk Formatting & Transfer Programs & Utilities //CPM037.DOC: for various computers /JUL/86 . : ALL .SUB: C2 02 Submit file to build PCPIP BIOSCALL.C : 7D 4C part of PCPIP.C CFORMAT .COM: FD DD IBM PC CPM86 SS format for DD Osborne 1 DFORMAT .COM: CE E8 DEC VT180 format for DD Osborne 1 DSKPRAM .ASM: DE 09 Will determine the values of the disk parameter block DSKPRAM .COM: 33 48 and skew translation table of a disk DUMP .C : 4C 31 part of PCPIP.C END .MAC: 5B 11 part of PCPIP.C FORMAT .DOC: 22 04 Intro to the xFORMAT programs for the Osborne 1 KFORMAT .COM: C7 FF Kaypro II format for DD Osborne 1 MFDISK .DOC: 52 FB Multiple disk format program allows Kaypro to read, MFDISK10.COM: 09 C5 write and format other disks. Versions available MFDISK2 .COM: 77 ED for Kaypro II, 4, and 10. This is similar to a MFDISK4 .COM: B7 8F simplified version of the proprietary Uniform program OFORMAT .COM: 93 1C Osborne SD or DD format for Osborne 1 OSTOKPRO.COM: 0C B8 Allows DD Osborne 1 to read and write Kaypro II format OZTOKPRO.ASM: 51 68 Source code for OSTOKPRO PCLIB .C : 6F E3 part of PCPIP.C PCPIP .C : 67 8F Version 2 for 8 & 9 sector MSDOS single sided disks PCPIP2 .COM: EF 20 Allows DD Osborne 1 to read & write SS MSDOS disks PROBE .COM: 78 42 Gives information on CPM addresses and disk info SETVISO1.COM: 41 1E Allows a Visual 1050 to read Osborne DD disks SETVISO1.DOC: 96 4F SKEW .COM: F9 85 Shows directory skew pattern of a disk FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.038: Osborne Executive and CPM+ programs //CPM038.DOC: /APR/86 . : ALLCAPS .PAS: E4 F7 Pascal include file BD001 .ASM: F1 C8 Used by XECSCRN6 BD002 .ASM: F2 F8 Used by XECSCRN6 BD006D .ASM: D1 20 Used by XECSCRN6 BD009 .ASM: 5B 66 Used by XECSCRN6 CHNGNAME.PAS: A2 AA Pascal include file CURSOR .PAS: 8C 93 Pascal include file DATE .PAS: CA 52 Pascal include file DECODE .ASM: EA 0B Used by XECSCRN6 DIAL .PAS: D6 E2 Pascal include file ENTRNAME.PAS: D5 6D Pascal include file EQUATES .PAS: 00 09 Pascal include file ERASE .PAS: FC 2B Pascal include file EXIST .PAS: 68 92 Pascal include file GETINSTR.PAS: E9 D8 Pascal include file GETYESNO.PAS: 4B 50 Pascal include file HLDCUR .ASM: 1E 7D Used by XECSCRN6 INSTALL .ASM: FF 1A Source code for INSTALL INSTALL .COM: D3 11 Modifies PRTSCRN to run with any version BIOS IOCHECK .PAS: B5 9A Pascal include file KEYCPM .ASM: CF 5B Used by XECSCRN6 LINKIT .SUB: 43 B1 links files for XECSCRN6 MEMBER .COM: EE 8B Maintains a member database for a computer user MEMBER .DOC: 1B 73 group. Written in Turbo Pascal for the Osborne MEMBER .PAS: BC C1 Executive, but can be modified for other computers MENU .PAS: F5 65 Pascal include file MODEM .LIB: EF 6C Pascal include file PHONE-16.COM: C1 4A Telephone and address filing system for use PHONE-16.DOC: AE CD with Smartmodem compatible for autodialing PHONE-16.PAS: 70 83 Turbo Pascal source for PHONE-16 PRINT .PAS: FE 5E Pascal include file PRTSCRN .ASM: 1D C0 Source code for PRTSCRN PRTSCRN .COM: 6D 7F A 'PrintScreen"function for the Executive PRTSCRN .DOC: 62 6F Stays in memory and provides printer output from screen SCRN1 .ASM: EE 6A Used by XECSCRN6 SIGN-OFF.PAS: 72 1C Pascal include file SNDESC .ASM: 90 32 Used by XECSCRN6 STATUS .PAS: EE 63 Pascal include file VIDEO .PAS: 59 3F Pascal include file XECSCRN6.ASM: D9 0F Demonstrates screen functions on the Executive XECSCRN6.COM: 9B DE All .ASM files on this disk are part of this program XECSCRN6.DOC: 35 16 Z80 .LIB: 1B 63 Used by XECSCRN6 FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.039: Supercalc applications //CPM039.DOC: /APR/86 . : CASHFAX .DOC: A0 71 SC2 Cash journal for small business CF-A40 .XQT: A7 15 eXecute file to sort 40 check entries CF-A50 .XQT: 1B 73 eXecute file to sort 50 check entries CF-A60 .XQT: 84 A3 eXecute file to sort 60 check entries CF-A90 .XQT: 03 C8 eXecute file to sort 90 check entries CF-B40 .XQT: BD 1E eXecute file to sort 40 check entries CF-B50 .XQT: 94 A3 eXecute file to sort 50 check entries CF-B60 .XQT: 5C 5E eXecute file to sort 60 check entries CF-B90 .XQT: EE 99 eXecute file to sort 90 check entries CF-F40 .XQT: 8E 8A eXecute file to sort 40 check entries CF-F50 .XQT: 19 D4 eXecute file to sort 50 check entries CF-F60 .XQT: FA 5B eXecute file to sort 60 check entries CF-F90 .XQT: 37 2B eXecute file to sort 90 check entries COST86/M.CAL: 5A 9B Personal budget expense tracking with SC2 COST86/M.DOC: 1D 23 Manages income and expenses FORM-A .XQT: B4 5A eXecute file to build expense code template FORM-B .XQT: BD 11 eXecute file to build expense code template FORM-F .XQT: 56 6C eXecute file to build detailed expense code template HEARING .CAL: 6C FE Audiogram comparison spreadsheet using HEARING .DOC: F7 B6 Lookup and IF expressions NETWORTH.CAL: 20 38 SC 1.05 Personal net worth calculation NETWORTH.DOC: 94 47 Allows you to balance your assets REIA .CAL: AB DD SC2 Real Estate Investment Analysis REIA .DOC: 0A 2B For commercial property investment REIA-S .CAL: 6C 55 Sample spreadsheet TABLE1 .DOC: B8 0A Prediction table for HEARING loss TABLE2 .DOC: 55 D1 Print file for HEARING TABLE3 .DOC: AE 59 Display of HEARING table TABLE4 .DOC: D3 D8 Display of HEARING table FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.040: Z80 - 8080 translators //CPM040.DOC: /APR/86 . : TEST1B .ASM: 88 34 8080 test file TEST1B .Z80: 90 23 Zilog Z80 test file XLATE5 .AQM: B4 9F 8080 source for XLATE5 XLATE5 .COM: A2 32 Takes 8080 Intel source and creates a Zilog XLATE5 .DOC: 52 25 Z80 file ready for assembly with M80 XLT80 .ASM: 06 57 8080 source for XLT80 XLT80 .COM: 7C EF Translates Zilog Z80 to Intel 8080 code XLT80 .DOC: BF F5 Flags intrinsic Z80 opcodes and prints line numbers XLTZ80 .COM: AE 14 Translates Intel 8080 to Zilog Z80 code XLTZ80 .DOC: 2C 38 XLTZ80 .Z80: 3B B8 Z80 source for XLTZ80 FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.041: Osborne 1 graphics programs //CPM041.DOC: /APR/86 . : AL-LOGO .ASM: 26 D7 Assembly language graphics routine AL-LOGO .COM: 07 9B Prints logo on screen ALGRAPHS.ASM: 05 DC Assembler source for ALGRAPHS ALGRAPHS.COM: 29 F3 Displays O1 graphics set on screen AUTOCHG .SUB: BB DF Replace AUTOST graphics with GFX memory AUTOREP .BAS: D2 56 Memory load for AUTOST gfx AUTOST .COM: E1 1A Used with GFX program BATS .GFX: D9 E6 GFX .BAS: E2 B5 GFX - a total graphics editor for screen/printer GFX .COM: F9 ED Compiled GFX.BAS GFX .DOC: FD D3 Help and instructions GFX1 .GFX: 6D DB - With this program you can create pictures on your GFX2 .GFX: BF A3 screen, save them to disk, print them, and make GFX3 .GFX: 7E 39 your own 'slide shows' GFXDATA .CEC: 73 4D GFX main data file GFXTITLE.CEC: D5 55 GFX big letter data file OLD/NEW .BAS: 57 E1 Converts GFX files to Mbasic format RIENDEER.GFX: 38 3D SANTA .GFX: D7 0B SHIP .GFX: D8 EB SLIEGH .GFX: 6A 81 SUPER .GFX: 9F D9 TRAIN .GFX: 18 56 All .GFX files are saved graphic demo pictures TURKEY .GFX: F3 E6 WELCOME .GFX: 27 1C WITCH .GFX: 33 1F FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.042: Electric Easel drawing program for KAYPRO 2x/4-84/10 //CPM042.DOC: /MAY/86 . : BABY10 .CHR: 58 A0 BOLD10 .CHR: EE 75 COMPUTER.PIC: 30 10 This program allows you to compose and edit graphics EASEL .PIC: D9 CD on your screen and save the images to a disk file FANCY10 .CHR: 7A B1 KAY12 .CHR: C6 BC Draw circles, plot lines between 2 points, etc. KAY16 .CHR: E9 2A KAYEASEL.DOC: 29 75 KEASEL .COM: 29 F4 Works with Epson, Gemini, or NEC 8023A printers KEASEL .HLP: F3 36 LOGO .PIC: 12 50 PRINTER .DAT: 8F 59 PSCHL10 .CHR: 86 70 FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.043: Electric Easel drawing program //CPM043.DOC: for the Osborne Executive /MAY/86 . : APRINT .OVR: 8F 05 BBY8X10 .CHR: C3 E2 BLD8X10 .CHR: 65 1D All files are for the Electric Easel program E1 .OVR: 88 49 E10 .OVR: EA C9 Documentation is on FOG/CPM.046 E11 .OVR: 62 5E E12 .OVR: 0B 92 E13 .OVR: 4C 56 E14 .OVR: D7 4F E15 .OVR: 63 01 E16 .OVR: 35 B6 E17 .OVR: 79 3B E18 .OVR: 2A 5E E19 .OVR: 6D D4 E2 .OVR: 98 F2 E20 .OVR: 8B A4 E21 .OVR: D0 3D E22 .OVR: 69 56 E23 .OVR: 62 CB E24 .OVR: 72 9F E25 .OVR: 18 42 E26 .OVR: ED 3A E27 .OVR: 0C 20 E28 .OVR: 03 BC E29 .OVR: 56 B4 E3 .OVR: 58 EB E4 .OVR: 25 8D E5 .OVR: 71 CB E6 .OVR: 16 26 E7 .OVR: 2E DE E8 .OVR: 8F 81 E9 .OVR: 2E AD EASEL .COM: 7E B9 EASEL .HLP: 1A C7 LOGO . : 9F 73 OS6X10 .CHR: B6 2C OS6X12 .CHR: 45 F7 OS6X16 .CHR: 0C 55 OS8X10 .CHR: 99 1E OS8X16 .CHR: 37 1F TERMDEF .DEF: 71 5A TEST . : 1C DB TEST .MAC: 60 9F FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.044: Electric Easel drawing program and O1 arrow key utility //CPM044.DOC: Osborne 1 Version /MAY/86 . : APRINT .OVR: 47 B1 BBY8X10 .CHR: C3 E2 BLD8X10 .CHR: 65 1D E1 .OVR: 6D 39 E10 .OVR: 1F 2D E11 .OVR: 2E CF E12 .OVR: 4F B0 E13 .OVR: 03 B1 E14 .OVR: 36 3F All files are part of Electric Easel for Osborne 1 E15 .OVR: AB BA E16 .OVR: E5 A1 Documentation is on FOG/CPM.046 E17 .OVR: F6 39 E18 .OVR: D7 4B E2 .OVR: 81 F4 E20 .OVR: C2 E0 E21 .OVR: 9C 0D E22 .OVR: CE BA E23 .OVR: DC E6 E24 .OVR: E4 AD E25 .OVR: 04 48 E26 .OVR: 46 8C E27 .OVR: CC 32 E28 .OVR: E8 7E E29 .OVR: 10 6D E3 .OVR: A5 0E E4 .OVR: F2 28 E5 .OVR: 71 CB E6 .OVR: 52 92 E7 .OVR: 05 8F E8 .OVR: 9A 28 E9 .OVR: 45 F2 EASEL .COM: 57 4C EASEL .HLP: 1A C7 FLIPKEYS.AQM: 18 3A Assembler source for FLIPKEYS FLIPKEYS.COM: 5F 0E Allows you to switch from WS to CPM arrow keys and back FLIPKEYS.WS : 4A D6 Documentation for FLIPKEYS LOGO . : 32 DD OS6X10 .CHR: B6 2C OS6X12 .CHR: 45 F7 OS6X16 .CHR: 0C 55 OS8X10 .CHR: 99 1E OS8X16 .CHR: 37 1F PVID .OVR: 0C 33 TERMDEF .DEF: B9 78 TEST .MAC: 60 9F FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.045: EASEL documentation and CP/M utilities //CPM045.DOC: /MAY/86 . : APRINT .DOC: 40 53 Advanced printer driver info for EASEL EASEL .DOC: 9F E7 Electric Easel documentation for FOG/CPM.042,043,044 EX15 .AQM: F1 25 Source code for use with MAC EX15 .COM: DF 4C Memory-based submit utility (update from EX14) EX15 .DOC: 9B 8F Documentation and exapmles for EX15 EX15 .LIB: 92 6C Macro library used for assembly of source file EX15 .SUB: 66 62 Submit file to assemble and create EX15.COM EX15 .TST: A3 A9 Sample file to test special EX15 functions EX15 .UPD: 6F 4D Update info.. now works under LBRDSK and SMARTKEY II QK21 .COM: 5F 52 Keyboard redefinition program adds programmable QK21 .DOC: 77 BC function keys to any CP/M computer RELS .UTL: EF EC Used to assemble EX15 FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.046: dBase II utility files //CPM046.DOC: /MAY/86 . : DBINDENT.BAS: 67 52 Original MBASIC source for DBINDENT DBINDENT.COM: 9A 7D Compiled version that runs alone DBINDENT.DOC: FF 34 'Pretty up' your dBase source file indentation DBINDENT.HLP: 22 30 On-line help for DBINDENT DBSOURCE.BAS: FE A7 DBSOURCE.COM: 73 6B Read and unencode .CMD files encoded with ENCODE, DBSOURCE.DOC: 63 7A DB-SQZ5 or Ashton-Tate's DBCODE (RUNTIME) DBSOURCE.HLP: 2F E7 On-line help for DBSOURCE DBSRC2 .BAS: 70 78 DBSRC2 .COM: 1E 7C Slight variation of DBSOURCE ENCODE .BAS: 1D D6 update from FOG/CPM.006 with new .DOC file and source ENCODE .COM: F8 29 Shrinks and tokenizes dBase ver 2.4 or higher and ENCODE .DOC: 7A 2F allows files to run under RUNTIME if necessary. ENCODE .HLP: 1F 6D On-line help for ENCODE FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.047º Osbornå Executivå anä CPM« specifiã programs //CPM047.DOC: /JUN/86 . : APL .CHR: 26 DE APL language character set APL .DOC: 4F 1F Installation instructions for APL.CHR and APL.OKI APL .OKI: 33 4C Downloadable character set for Okidata 92 APLCHARS.DOC: 8B E9 More info on the APL.CHR set BOLDFACE.CHR: A1 2E A new character set for the Exec. BOLDINVR.CHR: 0E 12 The same as BOLDFACE.CHR, but in inverse video CWOODDSK.DOCº 7Ã C¶ Variouó infï oî .CHÒ files¬ anä thå Exeã iî general DATE .MAC: 62 64 Used by EXECLOCK DOCINDEX.DOC: EF 21 Index of Executive Documentation Manuals ETERM .COM: 29 57 Small, fast terminal program for the Executive ETERM .DOC: 77 45 Ideal for quick conversational links EXCLOCK .COM: 81 46 Provides an on-screen clock for the Executive EXCLOCK .DOC: 65 11 Lots of info on creating an RSX (as used in EXECLOCK) EXCLOCK .MAC: 64 E7 M80 source code for EXECLOCK EXCLOCK .SUB: DF 9D Example of .sub file to create EXECLOCK using M80 EXCLOCKR.MAC: 43 0C M80 source code for EXECLOCK RSX EXECCHR .DOC: 11 1A Info on EXSERIFS and GREEK .CHR files EXSERIFS.CHR: EC 81 Fancy screen character set FUNNY .CHR: 26 FD Executive character set GERMAN .CHR: A1 EB Executive character set GERMAN .DOC: 9F 40 For use with Silver-Reed wheel "6021" GREEK .CHR: 34 84 Executive character set GREEK14 .FON: CB 20 Using Fancy Font & Epson, will print German characters INVERTED.CHR: D6 64 Inverse character set for the Executive ROMBANK .MAC: 32 4E Used in EXCLOCK.MAC SCRIPT .DOC: F7 AE Installation instructions for SCRIPT.FIL SCRIPT .FIL: A3 94 Executive character set SETDEFLT.COM: 51 46 Allows you to set CPM+ default disk, drive search, etc SETDEFLT.DOC: 10 56 Many options can be changed in the CPM+ SCB SETDEFLT.PLI: 86 AC PLI source code for SETDEFLT TIME .ASM: 3A DE RSX to set or read internal clock TIME .COM: 2B FD Read CPM+ clock TIME .MAC: 2A FA Used by EXECLOCK.MAC TIME .RSX: 80 E3 RSX to set or read internal clock VIDBANK .MAC: 22 F0 Used in EXECLOCK.MAC FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.048: Osborne Executive Specific programs //CPM048.DOC: /JUN/86 . : BUFEXEC .COM: 2D EF A modem program that uses CompuServe protocol BUFEXEC .DOC: B3 A2 BUFEXECR.COM: C9 11 Another version of the BUFEXEC modem program BUFEXECR.DOC: F8 AB EXAUTO .ASM: 62 01 This can be assembled to replace EXECST EXECESAY.TXT: 82 D2 Info on SNAPSHOT and TIME (on FOG/CPM.047) EXECSCRN.COM: 91 03 Menu driven-- Sets screen attributes EXROM11 .COM: 95 09 Reads the Executive ROM from Bank 8 to a disk file EXROM11 .DOC: DF E2 EXTONE1 .ASM: 4F 9E Demonstrates the noise generator in the Executive EXTONE1 .COM: D9 02 FNKEYS .COM: 47 9D V 2.1 Allows you to change function & arrow keys FNKEYS .DOC: A0 DF Extends standard 256 bytes to 512 bytes available FREE30 .DOC: 33 64 Discussion on how to implement correct space remaining GRAFTEST.BAS: 80 C7 Short demo to show screen graphics on Executive KEYBD .COM: 79 82 V 2.0 Keyboard re-definition program KEYBD .DOC: 8A DD KEYS .COM: A8 1C Prints function keys to the screen and printer KEYS .DOC: AC EF KEYS .MAC: 4C 36 MAC source for KEYS NULL .ASM: 4D 17 Create a 0K file for use with catalog programs, etc NULL .COM: 33 F5 OTHELLO .BAS: A6 04 Mbasic game using Executive screen graphics PEEK .ASM: 1E 2B PEEK .COM: 40 6C Display file related BDOS accesses in CPM+ PEEK .DOC: 28 0F A program debugging tool PEEKBDOS.ASM: 86 99 Used with PEEK.ASM to assemble PEEK.COM RSXSEED .MAC: 10 44 RSX outline to allow you to build your own RSX SAVKEY .ASM: 3B D9 SAVKEY .COM: AA 24 Save arrow and function key settings to a file SET/SAV .DOC: 02 A0 Switch between key settings using SAVKEY and SETKEY SETKEY .ASM: F3 F8 SETKEY .COM: 14 67 Loads function & arrow keys from SAVKEY file SNAPSHOT.ASM: 81 C6 SNAPSHOT.COM: 75 49 Screen dump routine (see also PRTSCRN -- FOG/CPM.038) VIDEO .BAS: DA BC Demo of Executive video attributes - menu driven ZEROMAKR.BAS: A9 89 MBasic source code ZEROMAKR.COM: 7F 16 Create a 0K file for use with catalog prgms, etc. ZEROMAKR.DOC: A0 73 Inserts the dash (-) character automatically FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.049: Morrow Microdecision programs //CPM049.DOC: /JUN/86 . : B3MM300 .COM: 7C 4B BYE3 set up for MM300 modem B3MM300 .TXT: 4C AD DOUBLE1 .COM: A2 52 For MD1 DS conversion DOUBLE2 .COM: 9B 52 For MD2 DS conversion DOUBLIT .DOC: 8D 88 How to install DS drives in MD1 or MD2 DRAW .COM: AE 3B Screen graphics for ADM-20 or upgraded MDT-20 DRAW .DOC: 7F 4B DRAW .PQS: AA 3D Squeezed Turbo Pascal source code MD19200 .COM: 9E EC Sets printer/modem port to 19,200 baud MD19200 .PAS: 7A 91 MDBITS .COM: 62 2F Replacement for MMD SETBAUD program MDBITS .PAS: BD 46 MDPRT .ASM: 5E 24 Redefines LST: device as the AUX port of your terminal MDSET .COM: EC 42 Sets serial port speed on MD1 only MDSET .DOC: 55 1F MM300MOD.DOC: E0 93 MM300 modem documentation NORMAL .COM: 6F B5 Sets bright letters on dark background on FREEDOM 50 PATCH-IT.AQM: 70 29 Patches Morrow-supplied WS 3.0 and Correct-It to PATCH-IT.COM: 2B A0 work together from the No-File menu PATCH-IT.DOC: A5 C3 PATCH1 .SUB: 4B 61 Submit file for MD1 DS drive conversion PATCH2 .SUB: E2 B5 Submit file for MD2 DS drive conversion PBOOT .COM: E0 87 Simple XMODEM protocol receive program for FREEDOM 50 PBOOT2 .PAS: 7C 17 REV/NORM.DOC: EB 66 Instructions for REVERSE and NORMAL REVERSE .COM: 9C A5 Sets dark letters on bright background on FREEDOM 50 SAMPLE .DAT: 3F 7E Sample of mixed text & graphics made with DRAW VIRT .ASM: F1 63 Patch used in BYE to set MAXDRV correctly WSKEYS .ASM: 0E 18 Customize WS for MDT20 keyboard Z2PATMD .ASM: 25 90 Patch MD bios ver1.3 for ZCPR2 features Z2PATMD .HEX: 48 49 ZCPR2 .HEX: 3F B5 ZCPR2 .MMD: 4D 59 Installation info for ZCPR2 on Morrow (ROM 1.3) ZCPR2-MD.FIX: 9E 10 Last minute change in installation of ZCPR2 ZCPRHDR .LIB: 56 2D Unique header for MMD ZCPR2 installation FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.050: Morrow Microdecision programs //CPM050.DOC: /JUN/86 . : AUTOFORM.PIL: A1 E4 PILOT program to format, sysgen, etc AUTOSTRT.ART: 72 7A How to change the AUTO? message in CP/M BAZICDAT.ART: C7 D4 Convert BAZIC files to ASCII CPMRBOUT.ART: F5 E7 Convert the delete key to a rubout key DATATRAN.ART: E6 F9 Transfer data between computers using MDM7 LDR .COM: F0 B8 ZCPR3 loader program MAKE .SUB: DA 20 Sample file to assemble ZCPR3 bios patch MD-SMKEY.DOC: 98 6F How to adapt SMARTKEY II for various terminals MD2DSK .TXT: 94 6B Add 2 additional drives to an MD2 MD2TOMD3.FIX: 8E 05 More info and bug fixes on MD2 to MD3 conversion MD3SETUP.MAC: 51 4F Alternative to MD3 Rev2 SETUP program MDJUMPER.TXT: 32 19 Various jumper configurations for serial port #2 PILOTINT.ART: ED E1 Info on using PILOT STARTUP .COM: 09 62 ZCPR2 utility program SWTCHBOX.ART: 45 80 Making a printer/modem switch SYS .ENV: C2 E9 ZCPR3 file SYS .FCP: 22 BC ZCPR3 file SYS .NDR: ED AF ZCPR3 file SYS .RCP: F1 12 ZCPR3 file SYSENV .LIB: E5 C5 ZCPR3 file SYSFCP .LIB: 03 72 ZCPR3 file SYSNDR .LIB: CF 16 ZCPR3 file SYSRCP .LIB: FE 07 ZCPR3 file TERMCHNG.ART: 7B 69 Adapting any terminal to the MD2 Z359K .R21: 71 CD ZCPR3 file Z3BASE .LIB: 53 5D ZCPR3 file Z3HDR .LIB: 82 B9 ZCPR3 file Z3MD-59K.WS : 58 EF ZCPR3 installation on MD1 2 or 3 Z3MDINFO.TXT: DA 41 ZCPR3 information file Z3PATMD .ASM: 4F 2F ZCPR3 bios patch for Morrow bios rev 1.6 or 2.3 ZCPR3 .HEX: 59 25 ZCPR3 file ZCPR3 .INS: 52 CF ZCPR3 file FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.051: Programs for Kaypro computers //CPM051.DOC: /JUN/86 . : FLYKPRO .COM: 14 14 A "flight simulator" with graphics FLYKPRO .DOC: 90 41 GAMES .COM: DF BF A menu-driven collection of games GAMES .DOC: 5E FC K10BAKUP.COM: FE 00 A simple file backup utility K10BAKUP.DOC: 5D FB KP-CLS .COM: 9C D2 Clear the Kaypro screen KP-TYPER.COM: 9D EA Type directly to your printer KP-TYPER.DOC: DD B1 KPCPM .BUG: 3A 66 Documents ^P bug in Kaypro bios KPCPM .COM: AF B9 Automatic fix for ^P bug KPCPM .DOC: 31 B7 KSTRO484.COM: F2 AC Define 8 SF Keys and Macros KSTROK10.COM: 53 A0 Define 8 SF Keys and Macros KSTROKE2.COM: C9 98 Define 8 SF Keys and Macros KSTROKES.ASM: C5 A2 Source code for KSTROKES KSTROKES.DOC: 85 81 NU-LABEL.BAS: 43 D6 CBasic label making program for reverse video machines NU-LABEL.COM: FA 49 NU-LABEL.DOC: C7 2A Prints 1-up labels and displays it on screen OLDLABEL.COM: D2 9C OLDLABEL.DOC: E3 48 Label program for non-reverse video machines FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.052: Lobo Max-80 programs //CPM052.DOC: /JUN/86 . : MAX12 .NSL: A6 71 Various newsletter articles MAX13 .NSL: 55 FE Various newsletter articles MAX14 .NSL: 96 F3 Various newsletter articles MAX15 .NSL: 26 51 Various newsletter articles MAXLETTR.DOC: 00 08 MEMTEST .COM: E0 42 Memory tester program MEMTEST .DOC: 18 29 READZCPR.DOC: D4 B7 ZCPR installation instructions SETIO .COM: 3D 6C Set serial port A & B configuration SETIO .DOC: 3E 0F SETIO .MAC: 33 8A TURNKEY .COM: F5 0F Allows you to specify a startup command TURNKEY .DOC: D3 5F TURNKEY .MAC: 75 48 VFUZZ/SM.DOC: D6 24 Programmable character set information VFUZZY .BAS: 55 03 Character set demo VSMALL .BAS: 75 FB Character set demo WSKB .COM: 4B 26 Configure MAX arrow keys for WS arrows WSKB .DOC: B7 0E WSKB .MAC: 48 B4 XFUNC .ASM: 4B DF Configure F3 and F4 keys XFUNC .DOC: 3B 44 ZCPR .ASM: D2 BE ZCPR1 for Lobo Max-80 ZCPR .DOC: 94 B7 ZCPR installation instructions ZCPR .HLP: 26 9D On-line help file for use with HELP.COM ZCPR .MSG: D7 AB ZCPR release notice ZCPR-MAX.HEX: FA BB Assembled ZCPR file FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.053: Banner printing programs //CPM053.DOC: /JUN/86 . : CHARFLIP.BAS: 1F BC For modifying FONTSY font source files CHARFLIP.COM: 1E A1 CLARE .FNT: 6C 15 Sample font CLS .DAT: 3B 66 FONTCODE.BAS: 35 40 Creates encoded data files for FONTSY FONTCODE.COM: F3 C4 FONTSY .BAS: 27 2B Banner printing program that uses multiple fonts FONTSY .COM: 99 3F FONTSY .DOC: 01 1F GOTHIC .FNT: 25 D3 Sample font HEADLINE.ASM: 0D 6D Prints large titles on page HEADLINE.SUB: 0E FC HERON .FNT: 59 2E Sample font HL .DOC: 47 C8 Documentation for HEADLINE HL080 .COM: 17 B2 HEADLINE for 80 col printer HL132 .COM: CA EF HEADLINE for 132 col printer KIWI .FNT: CC B4 Sample font RAVEN .FNT: 33 AD Sample font FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.054: Various CP/M utilities //CPM054.DOC: /JUN/86 . : APPEND .ASM: 73 6B APPEND .COM: 97 C7 Copy file1 to the end of file2 APPEND .DOC: C4 71 BDOSLOC .ASM: EB D4 Used to locate addresses for ZCPR integration, etc BDOSLOC .COM: 89 A4 Prints base page addresses for BDOS and CCP EZCPR .COM: 28 8E An easy method of setting up ZCPR functions EZINST .HLP: C5 AF Detailed help on installing EZCPR GUARD .COM: A5 7C EZCPR support file LASM .COM: 14 07 Linking Assembler (can replace ASM.COM) LASM .DOC: 1C DA LSWEEP .DOC: 1D 6D LSWEEP13.COM: 1E 22 "Sweep" utility for.LBR files MAKBATCH.COM: 07 21 Make a batch run .com file without SUBMIT MAKBATCH.DOC: CB EC PATCHCPM.ASM: C7 63 Make various automatic changes to standard CCP PATCHCPM.HLP: 70 19 (this is a predecessor program to ZCPR) SCRAMBLE.MSG: 71 93 Info. on SCRMBL21 SCRMBL .COM: D9 A7 Simplified update for SCRMBL21 SCRMBL .DOC: 34 ED SCRMBL .MAC: 63 AF M80 compatible Z80 code SCRMBL21.ASM: F6 5B SCRMBL21.COM: 09 D7 Encrypts/decrypts files with user supplied password SPLIT .COM: 3B F5 Splits a file into smaller chunks SPLIT .DOC: B4 5B SYS215 .COM: 58 89 EZCPR support file WIZ .COM: 9F 93 EZCPR support file FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.055: Various CP/M utilities //CPM055.DOC: /JUN/86 . : / .ASM: 27 0D / .COM: 22 79 Allows multiple commands on a line / .DOC: C7 AA @ .COM: 77 47 An Online Expression Evaluator in decimal & hex @ .DOC: 1A BB (better known as a calculator) CALL-CPM.COM: FA DD Menu-driven program to learn how CP/M calls work CALL-CPM.DOC: 95 3C COMPARE .ASM: FA 0A MAC source for file compare program COMPARE .COM: AA 48 Compares two files and reports if different COMPARE .DOC: 60 26 COMPASC .COM: 30 7D ASCII file compare program COMPBIN .COM: 3D 2C BINARY file compare program CRCK4 .ASM: C0 EB MAC source for CRC program CRCK4 .COM: B8 F5 Perform Cyclic Redundancy ChecK to verify files CRCK4 .DOC: DF 6C DIAL .COM: 75 51 Automatic dialing program for SmartModem DIAL .DOC: 2B 00 DUPUSR21.ASM: CA 07 DUPUSR21.COM: 44 75 Create duplicate directory entry in other user area HP .COM: 37 DA Programmer's calculator for CP/M HP+ .COM: 45 F3 Special memory resident version for CPM+ only HP-HP+ .DOC: EC B6 RPN logic in Hex, Decimal, Binary and Character INUSE11 .ASM: BC A1 INUSE11 .COM: B1 61 Prints message on screen and locks keyboard INUSE11 .DOC: BA 86 Requires password to further use computer QUICKSET.ASM: 7C 20 File attribute bit set program (see QS on FOG/CPM.005) TYPWRYT .ASM: 83 F8 TYPWRYT .COM: B0 0A Use your computer and printer like a typewriter TYPWRYT .DOC: 12 2A Requires a daisy-wheel printer UMPIRE .COM: 92 05 Tests all available memory in TPA UMPIRE .DOC: AF 36 UNSPOL .DOC: 4C E8 UNSPOL33.COM: 32 52 Send a file to the printer in background mode FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.056: Supercalc applications //CPM056.DOC: /JUN/86 . : CASHFLW .CAL: BB E8 Estimate net cash flow from rental property CASHFLW .DOC: 72 3D ELNA .CAL: A1 5B Stock portfolio analysis template (SC 1.05) ELNA .DOC: 18 05 ELNAEX .CAL: A5 E7 Stock portfolio analysis template (SC 1.05) TAXSHLTR.CAL: 5E 65 Computes tax benefits from real estate (SC 1.12) TAXSHLTR.DOC: 49 E9 TAXTMPL .DOC: C2 C1 TAXTMPL1.CAL: 2B 58 1983 tax templates (SC2) TAXTMPL2.CAL: 88 2E 1983 tax templates (SC2) TAXTMPL3.CAL: 79 6C 1983 tax templates (SC2) TAXTMPL4.CAL: 68 59 1983 tax templates (SC2) TAXTMPL5.CAL: 7B 5F 1983 tax templates (SC2) TAXTMPL6.CAL: D8 1B 1983 tax templates (SC2) TAXTMPL7.CAL: 00 E6 1983 tax templates (SC2) FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.057: dBase II programs //CPM057.DOC: /JUN/86 . : ADDMILES.CMD: D8 32 Used with EXPENSE.CMD ADDXPENS.CMD: 27 CF Used with EXPENSE.CMD ALTER .CMD: 6C 6D Part of CHEX.CMD CHEX .CMD: DA B5 Checkbook management program CHEX .DOC: 61 CB Menu driven with 2 different checkbooks CHKPRINT.CMD: FE E2 Part of CHEX.CMD CHXA .DBF: E3 52 Part of CHEX.CMD CHXB .DBF: 06 DE Part of CHEX.CMD CHXLOAD .CMD: 5E 92 Part of CHEX.CMD DEMGRAPH.CMD: 6D B9 Part of DEMO.CMD DEMO .CMD: AE 90 Menu of different dBase demo programs from dBase RCPM DEMOCHC .CMD: B2 42 Part of DEMO.CMD DFORMAT .COM: EC CB Align and indent your CMD files DFORMAT .DOC: ED 2E DSTRIP .COM: F8 CB Makes CMD files compact but leaves comments DSTRIP .DOC: 90 64 EDIT .CMD: 17 53 Part of CHEX.CMD EDITEXP .CMD: 01 C0 Used with EXPENSE.CMD EXPENSE .CMD: F2 A6 Menu driven program to keep track of mileage expenses EXPENSE .DOC: 55 AC EXPENSES.DBF: 66 4F Used with EXPENSE.CMD FINDCOD .CMD: 1B 44 Part of CHEX.CMD FINDNAM .CMD: D8 15 Part of CHEX.CMD GETXTIME.CMD: CA DF Get date & time from Exec memory & set dBase date INDXA .NDX: 55 14 Part of CHEX.CMD INDXB .NDX: D1 F2 Part of CHEX.CMD KANCELS .CMD: 04 1F Part of CHEX.CMD MEMVAR .MEM: B0 B7 Part of DEMO.CMD MENU .CMD: 35 06 Part of CHEX.CMD MILEAGE .DBF: 03 21 Used with EXPENSE.CMD MONTHREP.CMD: 66 8C Used with EXPENSE.CMD PORTCOMP.DBF: D6 1E Database file indexing the Portable Companion sorted on the article category RECOVER .COM: 06 84 Will recover trashed dBase II data files RECOVER .PAS: D3 65 Pascal source code for RECOVER RULEDEMO.CMD: 22 92 Part of DEMO.CMD SELECT .CMD: A0 6D Part of CHEX.CMD SQRT .DBF: 18 C4 Part of DEMO.CMD SQRT .DOC: 09 34 Part of DEMO.CMD SQRTDEMO.CMD: F3 B6 Part of DEMO.CMD TPCDIREC.DBF: AE 17 Database file indexing the Portable Companion sorted on software type field ŠTPCDIREC.FRM: 12 E0 Format file for printed output from TPCDIREC UGRAPH .CMD: D7 CA Part of DEMO.CMD UGRAPH .DBF: 71 DD Part of DEMO.CMD UGRAPH .DOC: 96 15 Part of DEMO.CMD UNIQUE22.CMD: D6 E3 Utility to purge duplicate records (CMD file is UNIQUE22.DOC: 3F 96 encoded so you can't list it) FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.058: Osborne Executive and CPM+ programs //CPM058.DOC: /JUN/86 . : ASTRDS .BAS: EA AF A version of the ASTEROIDS video game ASTRDS .CHR: B4 DE Special character set for ASTEROIDS game ASTRDS .DOC: 14 F3 CHARLOAD.COMº 7· 6´ Á quicë replacemenô foò Osborne'ó CHARGEN CHARLOAD.DOC: 07 2C Can be used in a submit file to load fonts CHARLOAD.INF: 4F BB EXMISPR .DOC: F6 0E Personal Pearl report of Exec manual errors EXMISPR .M00: F5 05 Personal Pearl file used to print error record EXMISPR .R00: 69 FC Personal Pearl file used to print error record EXMPLST .R00: 6D 0E Personal Pearl file used to print error record INTRO .INF: CB A3 Introduction to Personal Pearl list of errors INTRO .NDC: 2A 62 in Osborne Executive manuals OCCFONT .CHR: BD 75 Standard Osborne character font OSEXMP .D00: A5 B4 Personal Pearl file used in errors database OSEXMP .DIR: B4 88 Personal Pearl file used in errors database OSEXMP .E00: 53 5F Personal Pearl file used in errors database OSEXMP .L00: 5C 31 Personal Pearl file used in errors database OSEXMP .S00: 51 29 Personal Pearl file used in errors database OTHELLO .COM: CF 4B Compiled version of Othello game on FOG/CPM.048 PEARL .DIR: 07 E3 Personal Pearl file used in errors database PIANO .ASM: 57 F1 Make the Executive keyboard play like a piano PIANO .COM: 69 9D and prepare music data for SONG SONG .ASM: 25 AA Play a song on the Executive thu its speaker SONG .COM: 29 2E STAT30 .ASM: 96 3E STAT30 .COM: CB 97 An RSX designed to allow CPM 2.2 prgms to report STAT30 .DOC: CE DD correct free space under CPM+ FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.059: Osborne 1 game programs //CPM059.DOC: /JUN/86 . : AL . : 7D 00 Data file used by ALIEN.BAS ALIEN .BAS: 4C DD Graphics game with you defending from the aliens ALIENS .COM: CE 5C Another version of the arcade game ALIENS .DOC: E6 FA Instructions for patching for various screens BOUNCE .COM: 54 FA CRAPS .BAS: 99 24 Graphics version of that famous game CRAPS .COM: 4F 81 Compiled version for faster running MONSTER .BAS: E3 5C Graphics game MONSTER .DOC: C0 F8 From Portable Companion OSCHESS .COM: CD 91 The old favorite game OSCHESS .DOC: 3A 92 The computer can look ahead as much as 6 moves OSCHESS .DSC: E7 97 A user's comment on the game OSSARGON.COM: FB 13 Another version of CHESS OSSARGON.DOC: DC B3 Helpful hints on getting started OZDOT .COM: 56 66 A 'connect the dots' game OZDOT .DOC: 94 3D PACMAN .COM: 86 A2 A version of the famous arcade game PACMAN .DAT: ED 13 PACMAN .DOC: CC 41 PPONG .COM: 17 7D A Polish Pong game PPONG .DOC: 45 EC SCREEN .CNT: B4 4B Used with PACMAN SMURF .BAS: 76 10 A version of MONSTER for young children TYPERACE.BAS: 8E 38 Typing tutor and horserace game (for 80 col scrn) WORDPUZL.COM: 74 CF Guess the words! FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.060: Osborne 1 game programs //CPM060.DOC: /JUN/86 . : BREAKOUT.BAS: 26 39 Graphics version of advanced Pong game BRIDGE .COM: 7E DD A bridge game played against yourself BRIDGE .DES: 0A 40 -no cards required! BRIDGE .DOC: CB E4 BRIDGE .PAS: A0 B4 Turbo Pascal source code for BRIDGE BUBBLE .BAS: 4C 67 Shows how a bubble sort works BUBBLE .DOC: 96 2B CROSSPUZ.BAS: D5 09 Prepares a word search puzzle from supplied word DESIGN .BAS: A4 0E Prints 'nifty designs on the screen' DESIGN .DOC: 5D D1 DUCK .BAS: 86 EA A graphics shooting gallery type game DUCK .DOC: CF 37 E-SKETCH.BAS: 9F F2 'Etch a Sketch' type progtram for screen graphics ESCAPE .BAS: 2B 7C Tank battle game with screen graphics ETCH .BAS: FC 6E Another version of E-SKETCH GRAPH .PRN: BA AF Used with KONG.BAS GUNNER-2.BAS: 6A 35 Fire a howitzer at a target! GUNNER-2.DOC: C2 A6 HANOI .BAS: E4 3D Tower of Hanoi puzzle (disks and pegs) KONG .BAS: 03 5D Game displays block graphics KONG .DOC: 5A 33 LIFE .BAS: 9E EC CB-80 source code for LIFEASC.COM LIFE .DOC: B2 6E LIFE1 .PAT: E5 E7 Pattern for LIFEASC LIFE2 .PAT: B0 70 Pattern for LIFEASC LIFE3 .PAT: 49 9A Pattern for LIFEASC LIFE4 .PAT: 1A 6F Pattern for LIFEASC LIFEASC .COM: BB 06 Builds patterns like living cells would LIFEASC .DOC: B8 CF MENU .BAS: 10 E8 Select various Basic programs on this disk MENU .DOC: F9 FD PICT .BAS: 8F 4F Picture file used with PRINTPIC.BAS PINGPONG.BAS: B3 AA Two player ping pong game PINGPONG.DOC: F7 0E PRITPICT.BAS: 29 F8 Print PICT.BAS file RND-WALK.BAS: 65 01 Displays a random path of letters RND-WALK.DOC: F3 66 SEARCH .BAS: 81 8F Counts words in a list and displays a chart SEARCH .DOC: CA 7E SKEÔ .BASº 5Æ 2¹ Screeî drawinç prograí thaô createó á PICT.BAÓ file SKET .DOC: AD 70 SLOTS .BAS: AD 9A Graphics oriented 1 arm bandit ŠSLOTS .DOC: 6D 4F SNOW .BAS: B1 42 Fill your screen with random letters SNOW .DOC: BD D2 FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.061: Games for any CP/M computer //CPM061.DOC: /JUN/86 . : ADVENTUR.COM: 52 AC Original cave adventure game with multiple ADVENTUR.DOC: CE 00 levels, magic words, etc. ADVENTUR.WRK: C8 D1 CHESS .COM: 85 48 The famous board game CHESS .DOC: 6C 75 CHESS .FOR: E7 DD Source code for CHESS in FORTRAN OTHELLO .COM: 8E 72 Othello baord game SNOOPY .TXT: D0 0C Type this file out for a colorable character! TTT .ASM: AE A6 TTT .COM: F0 FE Three dimensional tic - tac - toe FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.062: MBasic games for any computer //CPM062.DOC: /JUN/86 . : 23-MATCH.BAS: 07 89 23 matches game ACEYDUCY.BAS: 3B 9F Acey-Duecy card game AMAZING .BAS: 7B C7 Maze generator AMAZINGP.BAS: 07 DB Printer version of AMAZING ANIMAL .BAS: B7 4F Think of an animal and the computer will guess it BACCRRT .BAS: 89 2D Baccarat casino game BAGELS .BAS: BC 42 Number guessing game BASKETBL.BAS: C5 93 Basketball game BATNUM .BAS: 9E CB Battle of numbers against the computer BATTLE .BAS: 62 4E Battleship game BATTLSHP.BAS: BD FF Battleship game BATTLSHP.DOC: 35 B5 BLACKJCK.BAS: 05 36 Blackjack casino game BOMBARD .BAS: 93 7C Fire missiles and destroy the enemy BOMBSAWY.BAS: 50 B9 Bombs away! BOUNCE .BAS: AB AD Modify the flight of a ball BOWLING .BAS: C4 39 Bowl a few frames with your computer! BOXING .BAS: 56 BA Olympic style boxing match BUG .BAS: 41 1A Like the game Cooti. Build yourself a bug. BULLFGHT.BAS: 2A 9F Now you can swing the cape and kill the bull! BULLSEYE.BAS: FD F4 Dart game BUZZWORD.BAS: D6 B7 Print phrases in 'educator-speak' CAPITALS.BAS: E0 5B Know your State Capitals CHANGE .BAS: 3F 60 Gives correct change for transactions up to $100 CHECKERS.BAS: 04 9B The other famous board game. Just you & computer. CHEMIST .BAS: C6 43 Dilute the acid without blowing up CHOMP .BAS: 75 89 Pacman, move over! DARTS .BAS: DD 51 Guess the dart's position DARTS .DOC: DB 7C MATH .BAS: BD 9D Arithmetic drill game MENU .BAS: 1C 3F Run many of the programs on this disk from MENU MENU .DOC: 7D B4 NUMBERSQ.BAS: 76 8A Move tiles within a matrix NUMBERSQ.DOC: 7D 7A PACMAN95.COM: 69 E4 Another Pacman type game PACMAN95.DOC: 5C 1B Patching information for various terminals PIGLATIN.BAS: B0 BC Translates phrases to pig Latin SMART .BAS: 8E 59 Computer predicts your T/F input SMART .DOC: 32 8D TRANSLAT.BAS: 46 60 Translates words into Cheyenne TRANSLAT.DOC: F0 CB VOCAB .BAS: 3C 8F Create flashcards for testing purposes ŠVOCAÂ .DOCº 3² 7Ä Thió versioî seô uð foò Englisè tï Cro÷ translation FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.063: MBasic games for any computer //CPM063.DOC: /JUN/86 . : ANDY-500.BAS: 1B ED Steer your racing car down a roadway ANDY-500.DOC: 1F 08 FASTLIFE.ASM: 8E 73 Cellular generation growth FASTLIFE.COM: 3D C8 FASTLIFE.DOC: CD F8 FSTLIFE .DOC: 49 02 MENU .BAS: F5 4E Run some of the games on this disk from a MENU MENU .DOC: 36 1A QUBIC .BAS: A1 BE Cubic tic - tac - toe QUEEN .BAS: F6 5B Chess Queen moves ROCKET .BAS: 86 27 Lunar landing ROULETTE.BAS: 26 5C The favorite casino game RUSROU .BAS: D4 98 Russian Roulette SALVO .BAS: 0D 5A Battleship game SINEWAVE.BAS: 39 FA SLALOM .BAS: 7C 84 Olympic skier game SLOTS .BAS: 64 45 One armed bandit SPLAT .BAS: 29 FC Parachute jump STARS .BAS: 60 5B Number guessing game STARTREK.BAS: 5C 79 You can pilot the Enterprise & fight Klingons STARTREK.DOC: 78 36 STARTRK2.BAS: 36 64 Another version in a galaxy far away! STOCK .BAS: 80 71 Stock market simulation SYNONYM .BAS: 13 7C Vocabulary game TARGET .BAS: 6F E3 Test your Phasor accuracy TICTAC1 .BAS: 04 BB TICTAC2 .BAS: 95 7A TOWERS .BAS: 67 84 Tower of Hanoi puzzle TRAIN .BAS: 7F 97 Time/distance game TRAP .BAS: 58 D8 Number guessing game TREKINS .BAS: DC 9F Star Trek game instructions WAR .BAS: 82 D1 Card game of War WEEKDAY .BAS: 29 84 Gives facts about days you input WORD .BAS: C0 37 Word guessing game FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.064: MBasic games for any computer //CPM064.DOC: /JUN/86 . : AWARI .BAS: 39 80 Ancient African board game BIO-FF .BAS: 40 9A Biorhythm chart CHECKERS.BAS: DD 18 Play checkers with your computer CRAPS .BAS: C6 20 The infamous casino game CRAZY-8 .BAS: 90 73 Crazy eights card game CUBE .BAS: 9B 53 Avoid the hidden land mines DCHARGE .BAS: B9 BC Depth charge game DIAMOND .BAS: DD ED Prints a diamond pattern DICE .BAS: 70 50 Simulates a dice roll DIGITS .BAS: 86 24 Guess the number EVENWIN1.BAS: CC EF The game of Even Wins EVENWIN2.BAS: 60 3B Two person Even Win game FLIPFLOP.BAS: A4 6D Flip the characters FOOTBAL1.BAS: 0F BD Dartmouth championship football FOOTBAL2.BAS: 74 55 NFU football FURTRADR.BAS: B3 9C Fur Trader GAMMON .BAS: 76 50 Backgammon GOLF .BAS: 95 46 Practice your swing on this one! GOMOKO .BAS: 79 A2 Gomoku board game GUESS .BAS: 6C 00 Guess the number GUNNER .BAS: F5 F2 Gun crew commander HAMURABI.BAS: CE AC Try your hand at government HANGMAN .BAS: CB AE A word game HELLO .BAS: 15 12 Answer the question game HEXAPAWN.BAS: 57 2F Move your pawns on a board HI-Q .BAS: FF D8 Puzzle game HOCKEY .BAS: 96 64 All the action without the ice HORSRACE.BAS: 20 53 Suffern Downs classic MENÕ .BASº B³ E¸ Ruî somå oæ thå gameó oî thió disë froí a MENU MENU .DOC: E3 42 MONOPOLY.BAS: 88 80 FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.065: Games for all CP/M computers //CPM065.DOC: /JUN/86 . : AD .COM: DC 9E Expanded Adventure ADVENFIL.DOC: EA 88 AD support file ADVENTUR.DOC: D7 D8 ADVENTUR.MSG: 31 D3 AD support file ATAB .DAT: 23 81 AD support file COMMON .DAT: 03 23 AD support file CRAWL .COM: 00 36 Role playing game CRAWL .DOC: E2 ED Terminal patch information CRAWL .HNT: B8 89 If you want some help... ELIZA .BAS: 53 6E A conversation with a psychologist KTAB .DAT: 2A D0 AD support file LTEXT .DAT: 2B 52 AD support file RTEXT .DAT: 7A 12 AD support file STEXT .DAT: DE 21 AD support file TRAVEL .DAT: 7B F3 AD support file FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.066: MBasic games for any CP/M computer //CPM066.DOC: /JUN/86 . : CASTLE .BAS: FC DE Wizard's castle role playing game CASTLE .COM: ED 5D Compiled version to run without MBasic CASTLE .DOC: 91 ED CASTLEX .DOC: 9F E3 Castle update info CIA .BAS: A9 67 Detective game CIVILW .BAS: C5 A5 Civil War simulation game DSPACE .BAS: 8E 11 Repel invaders in Deep Space FIGHTER .BAS: 34 3F Gunner's target practice GRANPRIX.BAS: 73 79 Pilot your car in the Gran Prix LIFE .BAS: 0C 52 Cellular generation growth MASTERMD.BAS: 31 BA Guessing game QUEST .BAS: 69 2D Search for pirate treasure STARLAN4.BAS: 07 DA Interstellar commerce game STARLANE.BAS: 92 3E Another version of the Interstellar commerce game YAHTZEE .BAS: 3C A5 The renowned card game FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.067: Osborne 1 specific terminal programs //CPM067.DOC: (Some older versions included for source code /JUN/86 . : and other interesting routines) HOSTCM .BAS: 5C 39 Allows uploads and interface to HOSTCM on an HOSTCM .DOC: F3 80 IBM mainframe running VM/CMS KERMIT .COM: EA CB Kermit-80 communications KERMIT .DOC: F0 BE OSPLNK70.ASM: 85 E9 ASCII only file transfer program that allows OSPLNK70.COM: EB EB host handshake prompt to be defined dynamically OSPLNK70.DOC: 39 EA This uses 7 bit data ONLY, is NOT XMODEM compatible OTERM4 .COM: 24 C3 Communications program with XMODEM and Compuserve A OTERM4 .DOC: 6D 51 protocols both available. 7/8 bit, even/odd parity OTSETUP .COM: A8 C2 Installs extended function key definitions in OTERM OTSETUP .DOC: 2B 87 PLNK0124.ASM: EC B3 Another version of PLINK ASCII file transfer software PLNK0124.COM: B7 12 SERIAL .ASM: A5 5E A 6850 ACIA control utility that allows you to set SERIAL .COM: 99 8B all options for the Osborne 1 serial port chip FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.068: Supercalc applications //CPM068.DOC: NOTE: XQT files require SC 1.12 or higher and /JUN/86 . : the eXecute function to operate ASSTS .TUT: 67 FB Opening values for CHX tutorial ASSTS .XQT: C3 74 (part of CHX) BNKST .TUT: 42 B2 Balancing your bank statement (part of CHX) CALENDAR.CAL: DB 4C Template to generate a calendar from any year 1900-99 CALENDAR.DOC: 62 EB SC 1.05 CASH .TUT: 00 BE Cash distribution (part of CHX) CASH .XQT: 51 8F (part of CHX) CHKLST .TUT: 51 56 (part of CHX) CHNGS .TUT: 38 4A (part of CHX) CHNGS .XQT: AE E5 (part of CHX) CHX .TUT: A9 F1 (part of CHX) CHX .XQT: AB D3 (part of CHX) CHXOPS .CAL: 81 42 (part of CHX) SC 1.12 CHXOPSOV.CAL: BD 36 (part of CHX) SC 1.12 CLOZOPEN.TUT: 29 97 Beginning next month worksheet (part of CHX) CLOZOPEN.XQT: E2 38 (part of CHX) CRCRDS .CAL: 49 BB Credit card worksheet (part of CHX) SC 1.12 CRDFWD .TUT: B3 89 (part of CHX) CRDFWD .XQT: F3 CC (part of CHX) CRDS .TUT: 69 2E (part of CHX) CRDS .XQT: 56 BD (part of CHX) DEP .TUT: BE 71 (part of CHX) DEP .XQT: A4 A6 (part of CHX) EARN .TUT: 22 EA (part of CHX) EARN .XQT: 26 52 (part of CHX) EXP .TUT: 13 5F (part of CHX) EXP .XQT: 6C 87 (part of CHX) FF .TUT: 32 55 Building false floor (part of CHX) FF .XQT: 22 40 (part of CHX) LIAB .TUT: D1 D1 Listing opening debts (part of CHX) LIAB .XQT: F8 28 (part of CHX) LOANCOMP.CALº C¹ C± SC² templatå compareó loaî rates¬ afteò taø casè flow, LOANCOMP.RTN: 31 0F fees, tax bracket, etc for home loans MNTH1 .TUT: 73 DF Update worksheet each month (part of CHX) MNTH1 .XQT: 43 36 (part of CHX) MNTH2 .XQT: 6B 45 (part of CHX) OPSTRBL .TUT: 4C B7 Result discrepancies (part of CHX) OPSTRBL .XQT: E0 BF (part of CHX) OV01 .TUT: F5 CE (part of CHX) OVEX .TUT: 8C 2D (part of CHX) README .CHX: 99 14 Monthly Check record and Financial operating summary RPT1 .XQT: 24 4A Preparation for printing report (part of CHX) ŠRPT2 .XQT: 3B 91 Preparation for printing report (part of CHX) RPTS .TUT: 1E 5B (part of CHX) SAVE .TUT: 6C 65 (part of CHX) SUMCRDS .TUT: 1E 2E (part of CHX) SUMCRDS .XQT: D2 DF (part of CHX) TRBL .TUT: A7 22 Troubleshoot result discrepancies (part of CHX) TRBL .XQT: B6 95 Troubleshoot result discrepancies (part of CHX) TYPES .TUT: 8A 0D Troubleshoot result discrepancies (part of CHX) FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.069: Supercalc applications //CPM069.DOC: /JUN/86 . : AMORT .DOC: 8A AD AMORT60 .CAL: 33 60 5 yr cumulative amortization for 2 loans SC1.05 BALANCE .CAL: A2 3B Checkbook statement SC1.05 BALANCE .DOC: 3D C2 CHECK .CAL: BF 03 Checkbook template SC1.05 CHECK .DOC: C6 B0 CHECKBAL.CAL: 3A B1 Personal checkbook balancer SC1.12 FINANAL .CAL: 2D 31 Template for compound interest, NPV, depreciation, FV FINANAL .DOC: 41 01 present value of a tax deduction SC1.05 GEM2 .CAL: 16 EE Growing Equity Mortgage template SC1.05 GEMLOAN .CAL: 83 C5 Growing Equity Mortgage template SC1.05 HISNHERS.CAL: 70 F1 Personal checkbook balancer for joint account SC1.12 NETBLANK.CAL: 21 68 Blank networth template SC1.05 NETWORTH.CAL: 20 38 Net Worth template with sample data NETWORTH.DOC: 6E 26 SC1.05 STMTRATO.CAL: 9D CA Template for corporate financial stmt ratio analysis STMTRATO.DOC: EB F2 SC1.05 FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.070: dBase II programs and utilities //CPM070.DOC: /JUN/86 . : ADDSCRN .FMT: 69 CC CITYLST .CMD: 22 E3 CITYLST .FRM: 62 BF COMPARE .CMD: F0 D8 Compare month with year to date (part of INVCON) DBSQUASH.BAS: 69 3A MBasic source code for DBSQUASH DBSQUASH.COM: 2E E0 Utility to compact .CMD files 35-40% DBSQUASH.DOC: 41 E8 Removes comments, indentation, etc DELREC .CMD: 26 AE DELSCRN .FMT: B6 2B FOGMAIL .DBF: 21 E1 FULLLST .CMD: C4 BB INVCON .CMD: D5 70 Inventory control program for retail clothing store INVCON .DOC: 33 1F INVCON .IDX: 88 1B (part of INVCON) ITEMFILE.DBF: 55 A9 (part of INVCON) ITEMS .CMD: DF 65 Shows performance of items carried (part of INVCON) ITEMS .DBF: E6 DA (part of INVCON) LABELPRT.CMD: 7E 33 Prints mailing labels multi-up LABELPRT.DBF: 44 4B LABELPRT.MEM: 1F 6E LINEFILE.DBF: 7F C1 (part of INVCON) LINES .CMD: A5 37 Shows performance of lines carried (part of INVCON) LIST .FRM: B2 34 MAILADD .CMD: 5E AA MAILDEL .CMD: 63 43 MAILENV .CMD: AD E4 MAILFMT .FMT: EE 80 MAILINFO.CMD: 21 95 MAILLAB .CMD: 8A 72 MAILLST .CMD: C1 51 MAILLTTR.CMD: 33 39 MAILUPDT.CMD: 6A E9 MENU .CMD: 55 F0 The DeFOG maillist management system NAME .NDX: BF 48 NAMEADDR.FRM: 38 EF PHONE .FRM: 95 EC PRINT .TXT: 2D 4F RATIO .CMD: DC 3C Buy report (part of INVCON) SAMPLE .DBF: 7A 54 SIZEFILE.DBF: 4A 9F (part of INVCON) SIZES .CMD: E2 A1 Reports items sold in each size (part of INVCON) UPDTREC .CMD: 4F 12 ŠUPDTSCRN.FMT: 3C AE FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.071: MBASIC programs //CPM071.DOC: /JUN/86 . : 3-DPLOT .BAS: A0 6D Produces 3-d plots on Radio Shack CGP-115 plotter BCSQUASH.BAS: 88 FD Compacts MBASIC programs by 15-20% by removing BCSQUASH.COM: 22 01 comments and blanks BCSQUASH.DOC: D7 BD CGÐ .DOCº DÄ F° Documentatioî foò Radiï Shacë CGP-11µ programs CGPLOT .BAS: 36 D9 Polynomial curvefit for RS CGP-115 plotter INVTRIG .BAS: 6E 51 Subroutine for arccos and arcsin trig functions LISTINGS.BAS: B1 B2 Prgm to enter data for real estate listings MULTREG .BAS: A2 62 Performs multiple linear regression. Outputs t, MULTREG .DOC: 34 3A R-squared, F & Durbin-Watson, error scatter plot. PLOT3 .BAS: A9 D5 Plot on RS CGP-115 plotter up to 100 X-Y points SCOTT .DOC: CA F6 SCTOVC .BAS: 0D C5 Convert SC .PRN to Visicalc .DIF files SCTOVC .DOC: 6B 5D VCTOSC .BAS: 4C 53 Convert Visicalc .DIF to SC .XQT files VCTOSC .DOC: 14 69 VMAP2 .BAS: 40 A9 VMAP2 .COM: A1 C1 Cross reference table of variables and goto's VMAP2 .DOC: C1 4E FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.072: MBASIC programs //CPM072.DOC: /JUN/86 . : 05-20-84.SPL: 1F F9 SPELLTST sample file EDITOR .BAS: 62 9D Line oriented editor similar to ED EDITOR .COM: CE FB Compiled version of EDITOR HELP .BAS: 8E 4C Electronic Card File system HELP-1 .BAS: E7 43 Allows easy access to random files HELP-2 . : D6 EE Electronic Card File system HELP-3 . : 8E FF Electronic Card File system HELP-4 . : 34 62 Electronic Card File system MAIL .BAS: BF AB Electronic Card File system MEASURE .BAS: CC E7 Metric-US measure conversions MENU .BAS: 05 19 Electronic Card File system MERGE .BAS: 11 AA Electronic Card File system NEWNAMES.BAS: A9 09 From John Gaudio's MBASIC programming tutorial in NEWNAMES.DOC: 87 F6 FOGHORN, Feb & Mar 1984. Name & address file NFLFYL . : 00 00 NFLSTATS.BAS: DB 86 Initializes each team's Power Rating as published NFLUPDAT.BAS: C7 36 in "Pro Football Annual" OPERATE .BAS: 15 0D Electronic Card File system REPORT .BAS: 10 22 Electronic Card File system REPT-FRM.BAS: 67 31 Electronic Card File system SORT .BAS: 46 5C Electronic Card File system SPELLTST.BAS: E1 84 Enables you to set up a spelling test or other pre-determined lesson FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.073: Spelling check program for Z80 computers //CPM073.DOC: /JUN/86 . : DICCRE10.COM: 13 55 Creates the DICT.DIC file DICCRE10.MAC: 0E 36 Source code for DICCRE10 DICT .DIC: E9 81 Main dictionary file SPELLM20.COM: CF 46 The main spelling checker program SPELLM20.DES: C8 58 Info on using WS 2.xx with SPELLM21 SPELLM20.DOC: 94 38 How to create, add, and use DICT files SPELLM20.MAC: F0 D4 Z80 source code for SPELLM20 SPELLM21.COM: 51 05 SPELLM20 patched to use ^\ for marker character FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.074: Televideo TPC1 & TS803 programs //CPM074.DOC: /JUN/86 . : AUTOLOAD.ASM: 2C 8D Will set the desired cursor type on boot AUTOLOAD.DOC: 4D 1A on TPC1 DEMO .SCR: C3 B6 FILETOOL.PQS: 2A D8 GENTOOLS.PQS: 22 E3 KEYS .COM: 0C 67 Sets function keys, arrow keys and saves in a file KEYS .DOC: F1 E5 For TPC1 and TS803 KEYS .PAS: 9F 71 Turbo Pascal source code PUDD .COM: E8 E5 PUblic Domain Draw for TS803 or TPC1 with great PUDD .DOC: 60 3F screen graphics (for Epson Printers). PUDD .PQS: 04 E1 Turbo Pascal source file (squeezed) PUDD-01 .PQS: 09 48 PUDD-02 .PQS: B5 B5 PUDD-03 .PQS: EA C4 All these squeezed files are used to re-compile PUDD-04 .PQS: B1 61 PUDD with Turbo Pascal PUDD-05 .PQS: 0E 2E PUDD-06 .PQS: 12 08 PUDD-07 .PQS: 58 89 TOOLS1 .PQS: 49 57 TOOLS2 .PQS: 31 78 TOOLS3 .PQS: AC F9 TOOLS4 .PQS: 01 84 TURHACK2.PQS: 6E 87 FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.075: Osborne 1 programs //CPM075.DOC: /JUN/86 . : ALPHA .BAS: D8 33 Simple program for children that puts a large letter ALPHA .DOC: 12 3B on the screen for every letter pressed AUTOST .COM: E9 F6 Special file that runs ALPHA when booted CALLPROG.BAS: BC D0 Tests picture saved by WI3GRAPH DISK .DOC: 1C 29 File info for WI3GRAPH HICLINT .DAT: DC CD LET- .DAT: 7E EF Character data file used by ALPHA LET0 .DAT: 27 97 LET1 .DAT: 85 0F LET2 .DAT: 28 31 LET3 .DAT: E7 2C LET4 .DAT: 2D 31 LET5 .DAT: 09 44 LET6 .DAT: 74 D4 LET7 .DAT: CA 5C LET8 .DAT: A1 96 LET9 .DAT: C4 27 LET= .DAT: 7C 02 LETA .DAT: EB 11 LETB .DAT: 07 34 LETC .DAT: E4 7D LETD .DAT: 15 28 LETE .DAT: D7 50 LETF .DAT: BA BD LETG .DAT: CC BE LETH .DAT: BE BD LETI .DAT: 26 43 LETJ .DAT: 25 B1 LETK .DAT: 3A 88 LETL .DAT: 68 4B LETM .DAT: 69 1A LETN .DAT: 71 E2 LETO .DAT: 89 5B LETP .DAT: 8B 4D LETQ .DAT: 58 DE LETR .DAT: 85 6A LETS .DAT: 22 89 LETT .DAT: 29 14 LETU .DAT: F2 DA LETV .DAT: 29 D1 LETW .DAT: 06 86 LETX .DAT: E0 B2 ŠLETY .DAT: 33 6A LETZ .DAT: 13 72 LET[ .DAT: BB 30 TESTBAS .BAS: 85 19 A MBASIC file that contains a picture TESTBAS .COM: FE 79 A Z80 mnemonics file for calling from MBASIC TESTBAS .MAC: EC 1D TESTBAS .REL: 0B 19 TESTMAC .COM: 45 A3 A Z80 mnemonics file for use within CP/M TESTMAC .MAC: 1D 18 TESTMAC .REL: 14 92 WI3BAS .OVR: F0 D7 Overlay to create BASIC files WI3GRAPH.BAS: 42 93 Main O1 graphics drawing program WI3GRAPH.DOC: F0 15 WI3HLP .OVR: 85 3D Short description of functions WI3Z80 .OVR: B5 6C Overlay to create files with Z80 mnemonics FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.076: Osborne 1 programs //CPM076.DOC: /JUN/86 . : ADD .BAS: 93 CC Addition drill for KIDMATH DIV .BAS: EE 71 Division drill for KIDMATH DRAW .BAS: C0 C3 Compose pictures on the screen, then dump to printer DRAW .DOC: DE A9 GRAPHIC .BAS: F2 78 KIDMATH file KDRAW .BAS: 16 38 Screen graphic utility for 24x52 screen KM .BAS: FD 0D KIDMATH - Menu driven arithmetic drill program KM .DOC: 6C 0A WS formatted user manual KPLOT .BAS: F2 94 Prints bar graph or scatter plot on screen MABPLOT . : D5 77 Sample file for KPLOT MUL .BAS: 66 94 Multiplication drill for KIDMATH PAINT2 .BAS: 9D F2 Creates screen display with ASCII and graphic chars PAINT2 .DOC: DC 0C and builds a file of data statements for MBASIC SCDESIGN.BAS: A4 03 Uses graphic and ASCII chrs to build DATA statements SUB .BAS: D3 F3 Subtraction drill for KIDMATH SW104 .BAS: D7 CE Screenwriter program with graphics for Screen Pac 104 SW80 .BAS: 1A 98 or 80 that writes pictures to a sequential file FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.077: FRONT - A CP/M front end menu program //CPM077.DOC: and PRN - a graphics enhancement for WS that allows /JUN/86 . : you to print using all Epson graphics AUTOST .COM: E8 9B Customized for Osborne 1 to load FRONT51 CHAR .DEF: 96 73 Used by PRN CHRTX .COM: A1 E6 Used by PRN FRNSTL51.COM: 81 A0 Install program for FRONT51 (CP/M 2.2 or CPM+) FRNT51PT.ASM: 78 1F Patch info for terminal customization FRONT51 .COM: 58 5C Allows you to have a menu of files on your disk appear FRONT51 .DOC: F3 7B on your screen and run with a keystroke FRONT51 .INF: 09 EE General description of FRONT51 FRONTSUB.DOC: BF 99 Explains how FRONT loads files and hard disk info. PRN .COM: 0C 5A Allows you to embed Epson printer control codes in PRN .DOC: 4C 10 your document to access graphics or special features FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.078: dBase II programs //CPM078.DOC: /JUN/86 . : ADD .MEM: 92 C7 Used by APEXMAIL. See MAIL.DOC and LOADER.CMD ALPH .FRM: 9D 3D Used by APEXMAIL APEXMAIL.DBF: 6F E6 Used by APEXMAIL CARDS .CMD: 65 2D Used by APEXMAIL DSCREEN .23B: 0E 36 Modified for use with dBase II ver 2.3b DSCREEN .CMD: 8C 91 Screen generator program generates dBase code for DSCREEN .DOC: D4 56 data entry screens with error checking (ver 2.4x) DUMP .FRM: 7E 8A Used by APEXMAIL HELLO .CMD: B5 E6 Menu for the APEXMAIL mailing list system LABELMEN.FMT: 60 44 Used by APEXMAIL LABELS .CMD: 94 41 Used by APEXMAIL LOADER .CMD: 17 AA Start of the APEXMAIL system. DO LOADER runs it MAIL .DOC: 75 81 APEXMAIL mailing list system. Prints labels, postcards MAILCOMP.NDX: 4A 74 and lists names. Menu driven. Requires dBase II. MAILREP .CMD: 20 F6 Used by APEXMAIL MAILZIP .NDX: 34 44 Used by APEXMAIL MAINMENU.FMT: 33 98 Used by APEXMAIL MAKEMEM .CMD: 60 F6 Used by APEXMAIL METALENT.CMD: 46 94 Sample file for DSCREEN METALS .DBF: 05 BA Sample file for DSCREEN METALS .DBS: B2 CB Sample file for DSCREEN POSTCARD.FMT: 0D 85 Used by APEXMAIL PRELUDE .CMD: DA 3E Used by APEXMAIL PRINTLBL.CMD: 3E 3C Used by APEXMAIL PRINTOFF.CMD: 8A 08 Used by APEXMAIL PRINTREP.CMD: AF 8E Used by APEXMAIL REP .FMT: 81 82 Used by APEXMAIL SEARCH .CMD: 9C 90 Used by APEXMAIL SELECTMN.FMT: 2C 7B Used by APEXMAIL TEST .DBF: FA 40 Sample file for DSCREEN TEST .DBS: 26 9F Sample file for DSCREEN TESTENT .CMD: 9B BC Sample file for DSCREEN UP1LBL .CMD: E0 7F 1 up label format for APEXMAIL UP1SEL .CMD: D9 33 Used by APEXMAIL UP2LBL .CMD: 3C 7D 2 up label format for APEXMAIL UP2SEL .CMD: C2 5F Used by APEXMAIL UP3LBL .CMD: 17 DB 3 up label format for APEXMAIL UP3SEL .CMD: 0F C0 Used by APEXMAIL UPDATE .CMD: F4 19 Used by APEXMAIL UPDATEMN.FMT: 4C 73 Used by APEXMAIL XSCREEN .DBF: 5C A3 Used by DSCREEN FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.079: dBase II programs //CPM079.DOC: FOGHORN subject database index /JUN/86 . : ABREV-SQ.CMD: 1D E2 Abbreviated square root program ADD .CMD: 72 9B Used with FOGHORN data base of articles D .CMD: 96 5B Sets defaults, enter date, etc from menu. Could be D .MEM: 8B 70 used as an intro to any dBase application EDIT .CMD: BC 96 Used with FOGHORN data base of articles FOG .CMD: 7D 02 Used with FOGHORN data base of articles FOG-HELP.CMD: 7E 45 Used with FOGHORN data base of articles FOG-RPLC.CMD: 12 9C Used with FOGHORN data base of articles FOG-STNG.CMD: 2A EF Used with FOGHORN data base of articles FOG-SUB .CMD: AD E2 Used with FOGHORN data base of articles FOG1 .DBF: 0A 8F Article database from Vol 1 No 1 FOG2 .DBF: B6 A1 Article database up to Jan. 1985 FOGBLANK.DBF: EB 27 Blank template for creating new databases MENU .CMD: A3 5A FOGHORN article database program. Allows searching on MENU .DOC: E3 EB subject key words from a menu SQ-ROOT .CMD: DD A1 Finds the square root of a number. May be used stand SQ-ROOT .DOC: 1F 57 alone or incorporated into another file FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.080: Wordstar/Mailmerge utilities and filter programs //CPM080.DOC: /JUN/86 . : A . : BE EF "The Letter" automated correspondence mgmt file ADDBACK .SUB: C9 DB "The Letter" automated correspondence mgmt file DATABASE. : 4C 48 Use with MailMerge to enter info into a database file DATABASE.INF: for use with other MM programs DEFAULTS.SUB: 8C 3C See WSSUBMIT.DOC. For Epson & WS 2.26 DIABLO .BAS: A1 7E Use this file to set your Diablo 630 margins so that DIABLO .COM: CB 86 you can get nice proportional spacing with Wordstar DIABLO .DIR: 82 A5 A list of Diablo control keys and special codes when DIABLO .DOC: DC 1D patched. DIABLO .PRN: 7A E2 A sample file ready to print with your Diablo 630 ENSOFT2 .C : C6 08 C80 source code for ENSOFT2 ENSOFT2 .COM: A0 E9 Will take a standard ASCII text file and change 'hard' ENSOFT2 .DOC: 99 12 spaces and carriage returns to 'soft' ws format ENVELOPE.MRG: 31 AC Sample MM file for printing envelopes F . : BE EF "The Letter" automated correspondence mgmt file L . : 8F 2D "The Letter" automated correspondence mgmt file LARGE .COP: B8 39 "The Letter" automated correspondence mgmt file LETT .DIR: 9F 31 "The Letter" automated correspondence mgmt file LETTBACK.SUB: AF 6F "The Letter" automated correspondence mgmt file MAKEWS .COM: E1 13 Converts 'hard' ASCII text files to 'soft' format MAKEWS .DOC: 58 83 Wordstar files. MAKEWS .Z80: 0A 9D Z80MR source file for MAKEWS MESSAGE1.SUB: 00 36 See WSSUBMIT.DOC. For Epson & WS 2.26 MESSAGE2.SUB: 66 55 See WSSUBMIT.DOC. For Epson & WS 2.26 MORPAT .ASM: 20 7B Wordstar 2.2x patch file for super/subscripts. You MORPAT .HEX: 60 FB must be familiar with SID and CP/M assembler to MORPAT .PRN: 6A DB use this file! MORPAT .REL: A8 24 MORPAT .SYM: 29 B2 OS1OWN01.A83: 7F D7 "The Letter" automated correspondence mgmt file PAGE .BAS: 19 DA Sets the page length for the Diablo 630 printer PAGE .COM: FE 55 Compiled version of PAGE.BAS for Diablo 630 PAIR .COM: A0 2B Finds unpaired control characters in WS files PAIR .DOC: 17 58 PALC-SIG.COP: 33 F2 "The Letter" automated correspondence mgmt file PRINT .SUB: F2 3C See WSSUBMIT.DOC. For Epson & WS 2.26 PRINTMÅ .1STº 3Ã FÁ "Thå Letter¢ documentation. Makes MailMerge an SAMP-SIG.COP: E4 70 automatic letter generator to create, print, and SMALL .COP: B9 E1 store your correspondence. UNSOFT .COM: 38 75 Converts WS files to standard ASCII, removes dot UNSOFT .DOC: A6 EB commands, makes soft hyphens hard W2 .MRG: 19 40 Sample MM file prints W2 forms ŠWSPATCH3.ASM: 89 EA Provides memory mapped video and print spooling for WSPATCH3.DOC: 1E 03 use with WS 2.26 Special code for F1040 printer also WSSUBMIT.DOC: 2B 46 'Semi-automatic' patching of WS 2.26 using .SUB files Y-FORMAL.COP: 92 F9 "The Letter" automated correspondence mgmt file FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.081: The STOCKBASE program in CBASIC //CPM081.DOC: /JUN/86 . : CSTKBASE.LTR: F2 9F This disk contains the STOCKBASE program as DAYHST .DAT: F3 3E described in the FOGHORN and the PORTABLE COMPANION JULDATE%.BAS: 53 92 LINREG .BAS: D0 42 It can be used to track the performance of a PORTPRFM.BAS: 79 F0 stock portfolio. QKSORT$ .BAS: 1C AB QKSORT% .BAS: EB 9A You will require CBASIC (CRUN2 and CBAS2) to use SCRNIN .BAS: B8 E0 this program. SCRNIN2 .BAS: 67 A1 SCRNIN3 .BAS: D1 FA Additional files are on FOG/CPM.082. STKBASE .INT: 8E 5B STKBASE2.INT: 74 F9 STKBASE3.INT: 73 89 STKFIL01.DAT: 7F 65 STKFPRNT.BAS: E7 41 STKGRAP2.INT: DA 3E STKGRAP3.INT: 13 F5 STKGRAPH.BAS: 94 AB STKGRAPH.INT: F1 95 STKHIST .BAS: 71 BC STKPLOT .BAS: D0 B0 STKPRIC2.INT: 6C A2 STKPRIC3.INT: 63 64 STKPRICE.BAS: AD 4A STKPRICE.DAT: 8A 7F STKPRICE.INT: 2D EC STKUPDTE.BAS: 9B 5A STOKBASE.DOC: 35 D0 STOKBASE.TXT: 15 42 FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.082: Financial programs //CPM082.DOC: /JUN/86 . : BUDGET .BAS: 79 5B Recursive budgeting model COMMSN .BAS: FA 01 Compare Merrill Lynch and Charles Schwab commissions COMMSN .DOC: 0A 59 for common stock transactions FINANCE .BAS: 49 A1 Calculates loans, deposits and compound interest FINANGN1.BAS: 32 B6 Calculates I, N, PMT, PV, FV. FINANGN1.COM: 00 26 Double precision compiled version of FINANGN1 LOAN .BAS: 63 A2 Loan amortization program PROJECT .BAS: 89 9B Project cost calculator (costs board feet) RATIOS .BAS: 1C 1D Calculates ratios from balance sheet information RATIOS .DOC: 1C 31 STATS1 .BAS: 7D 78 Calculates mean, variance, and standard deviation STCKEXMP.BAS: CE 9B With STOCKS.BAS, manages a stock portfolio STKADD .BAS: 74 02 - STKBASE .BAS: 83 FB - STKBETA .BAS: BF 16 - CBASIC files for STOCKBASE on FOG/CPM.081 STKCHANG.BAS: FD DE - STKCREAT.BAS: D9 2C - STKGRPH .BAS: 8B 30 MBasic program that creates a graph of a stock's STKGRPH .DOC: 18 61 20 week price history & 30 week moving average STKPRFM .BAS: 02 1B - STKTRANS.BAS: 8B 5E - CBASIC files for STOCKBASE on FOG/CPM.081 STKUPDAT.BAS: 9D C6 - STOCGRPH.BAS: 24 DD MBASIC program that graphs weekly stock prices STOCGRPH.DOC: F2 34 and displays a table or plots on printer STOCK .DAT: 98 DF STOCKFL . : Empty file for STOCKS initialization STOCKS .BAS: F7 6C With STCKEXMP, manages a stock portfolio FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.083: MBASIC programs //CPM083.DOC: /JUN/86 . : BASLIST .BAS: 1B 77 BASIC program lister lists file to screen in 'pretty' BASLIST .COM: FC 29 format BASLIST2.BAS: 4A 79 BASIC program lister with optional parameters that BASLIST2.COM: E7 F8 can specify number of characters per line, output BASLIST2.DOC: 9D 2B to screen, printer or disk, etc. CALC-DM .BAS: 68 09 Part of DESK-DM.BAS DDISK-DM.BAS: 3E 2B Part of DESK-DM.BAS DESK-DM .BAS: 63 88 Desk Manager program. Calculator, memo writer, DESK-DM .DOC: 19 23 rolodex, and more! DUCK .BAS: 86 EA Shoot'em game for Osborne 1, but can be modified. GRADES .BAS: D7 1F Class grades maintenenace program & class listing IDENT-DM. : 89 39 Part of DESK-DM.BAS INDEX . : 49 AE Part of TELEPHON INIT-DM .BAS: 70 9C Part of DESK-DM.BAS MAKEMENU.DOC: E7 8E Menu shell program for memory mapped computers MAKEMN8B.BAS: 7D CF This version is somewhat generic. MAKEMNZ2.BAS: B2 AD This version is configured for the Zorba REPEAÔ .BASº 6Ä 9³ Displayó á sequencå oæ numbeò yoõ havå tï repeaô tï win ROLO . : 63 03 Part of TELEPHON TELEPHON.BAS: 13 63 Maintain a telephone list TYPEFAST.BAS: 94 40 A touch typing drill TYPING .BAS: 19 D0 Another typing drill FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.084: Disk Catalog program & text catalog program //CPM084.DOC: /JUN/86 . : FATCAT .COM: 70 F9 Menu driven catalog program that reads disk contents FATCAT2 .CHN: 47 9C without sorting, leaving that task for later FATCAT3 .000: D0 83 selection. This makes it fast and easy to catalog FATCAT3 .001: 63 30 all your disks at a sitting. Works with hard disk FATCAT3 .002: 75 7A user areas and/or floppies. FATCAT3 .003: 71 6A FATCAT3 .004: 3D 1B Full documentation is on FOG/CPM.085 FATCAT3 .005: A4 EF FATCAT3 .006: 97 50 For Z80 CP/M 2.2, CPM+, ZCPR3 systems. FATCAT3 .CHN: 55 11 FATCATIN.COM: 31 C1 FATCATIN.DTA: 5B 52 FATCATIN.MSG: FF 88 OUTCAT .000: 92 04 OUTCAT .COM: B3 3B README .1ST: FE F9 STANDARD.CFG: 42 C6 TXTL .COM: 02 29 Sets up text information in a file for easy menu TXTL .DOC: 42 31 driven access TXTL .MAC: 90 45 Z80 source code for TEXTL VOLNUM .COM: A7 E9 Maintains a sequenced list of disk numbers for use VOLNUM .DOC: 71 1E with FATCAT Z3INSTP .COM: F8 85 FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.085: Disk catalog programs //CPM085.DOC: /JUN/86 . : ABC .BAS: 1C 0E MBASIC catalog program. Requires DISK.DIR file ABC .DOC: 09 63 on each disk first (use XDIR.COM) ADD .CMD: 7D 5D Part of DMASTER catalog program APPENDIX.A : EE 16 FATCAT23 documentation APPENDIX.B : 21 8A FATCAT23 documentation CATALOG .DAT: C6 D7 COMM .CMD: DE DB Part of DMASTER catalog program DCAT10 .COM: DA 19 Lists MAST.CAT files grouped in disk order DCAT10 .DOC: 08 3C Currently set for 79 disks maximum DCAT10 .PQS: 77 3B Turbo Pascal source for DCAT10 DELET .CMD: 05 22 Part of DMASTER catalog program DISC .CMD: 20 CF Part of DMASTER catalog program DISC .NDX: F8 FC Part of DMASTER catalog program DMASTER .CMD: 85 5B Menu driven disk catalog program requiring dBase II DMASTER .DOC: 7C 65 Program names must be manually entered into file EDET .CMD: 92 DE Part of DMASTER catalog program EXT .NDX: 2A 3B Part of DMASTER catalog program FATCAT .MMG: EB 18 MailMerge file to print FATCAT23 documentation FATCAT .TOC: D6 E0 FATCAT23 documentation FATCAT .WS : 2C FF FATCAT23 documentation FILE .DBF: C0 71 Part of DMASTER catalog program FINAME .NDX: C7 9C Part of DMASTER catalog program MSCREEN1.FMT: 04 3E Part of DMASTER catalog program P1 .CMD: 9D D2 Part of DMASTER catalog program P1 .FRM: 26 32 Part of DMASTER catalog program P11 .CMD: 24 5B Part of DMASTER catalog program P111 .CMD: 53 8A Part of DMASTER catalog program P2 .CMD: 68 C3 Part of DMASTER catalog program P2 .FRM: EE 75 Part of DMASTER catalog program P3 .CMD: 3A 23 Part of DMASTER catalog program P3 .FRM: 46 B7 Part of DMASTER catalog program P4 .CMD: EF 4C Part of DMASTER catalog program PART .CMD: FF 12 Part of DMASTER catalog program PRINT .CMD: 66 73 Part of DMASTER catalog program README .1ST: FE F9 Read before setting up FATCAT UPDAT .CMD: C2 23 Part of DMASTER catalog program VERS23 .UPD: F7 48 New information on FATCAT23 VIEW .CMD: 7E 16 Part of DMASTER catalog program FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.086: Disk Catalog programs //CPM086.DOC: /JUN/86 . : MCAT .DOC: 82 23 Reads the directory of you disk and adds it to a MCAT .SET: 44 D5 MAST.CAT file automatically. If you use CPM+, MCAT45 .AQM: 25 DC you should also get NULL.COM on FOG/CPM.048 MCAT45 .COM: 3D F6 Latest version of Disk Catalog Maintenance program XCAT43 .AQM: B3 0B XCAT43 .COM: 8B 5D Generates a cross reference listing of all files XCAT43 .DOC: 8E 12 listed in your MAST.CAT XCAT43U .COM: CB F8 This version also lists user areas. YANC-24 .COM: 53 B3 Very easy, menu driven cataloging program with YANC-24 .DOC: 5A CB optional screen handling files YANC-24 .HIS: 62 83 YANCTERM.ANS: FE 70 ANSI standard terminal (DEC VT-100) YANCTERM.APV: B2 F4 Apple II with Videx 80 c YANCTERM.H89: 27 00 DEC VT-52, HEATH H89, TRS80 4 YANCTERM.MA5: CE 6C Microterm ACT4, ACT5, ACT5A YANCTERM.NSA: B2 D0 North Star Advantage YANCTERM.PRM: C4 21 Default ADM3A for Kaypro, Osborne, etc YANCTERM.SAM: C7 70 NO Specific Terminal. Customize to suit YANCTERM.SB : 85 65 Superbrain YANCTERM.SOR: 70 68 Soroc IQ-20, Lobo Max-80, Actrix, NEC PC8001 YANCTERM.VEC: F4 EF Vector Graphics, etc. with Flashwriter board FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.087: Word Processing Utilities and Filters //CPM087.DOC: /JUL/86 . : ENSOFT3 .COM: 3A A9 Converts 'hard' ASCII files to WordStar 'soft' ENSOFT3 .DOC: B4 5C format. Update from FOG/CPM.080 written in ENSOFT3 .PAS: 9C 94 Turbo Pascal FILTER .ASM: 6C 6E Original source code for FILTER FILTER .COM: 91 89 'Softens' or 'hardens' files and strips FILTER .DOC: 73 3A print codes FILTER11.ASM: B9 14 Strips high bit and control characters from FILTER11.COM: E9 F7 WS files FILTER11.DOC: B2 B3 FILTER61.COM: CB 07 Latest version of FILTER FORM3 .COM: F4 19 Places colons after labels in source files, changes FORM3 .DOC: 13 93 upper to lower case, removes tabs, formats comments FORM3 .INF: D0 F1 See also FOG/CPM.010 MAGE31 .ASM: 54 1F Recovers a WordStar file from memory after a MAGE31 .COM: 6A A5 'disk full' error or system crash PW2WS .C : 4B 8A Translates Perfect Writer files to WordStar files PW2WS .COM: F6 03 PW format commands become WS comment lines PWWS .COM: 94 AE Converts Perfect Writer to WordStar files PWWS .DOC: F6 B4 RESQ13 .COM: 06 8F Searches computer memory for text and allows you to RESQ1³ .DOCº 8¹ 1Á savå iô tï á file® Foò texô recoverù afteò á crash. SAVE-WS2.COM: 2B CA Recovers WordStar text from memory to a file after SAVE20 .DOC: 44 96 a system crash. SOFTCR .BAS: AA 04 MBasic program to 'harden' or 'soften' a file SOFTCR .DOC: 06 82 STRIP .ASM: 6E D4 Strips comments from assembly language source files STRIP .COM: C0 38 STRIP .DOC: 35 3E WSDOCON .COM: 98 83 'Softens' standard ASCII files WSDOCON .DOC: 4B 27 WSPW .COM: E9 B9 Converts WordStar to Perfect Writer files FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.088: dBase II Accounting Program from dBase manual //CPM088.DOC: (additional files are on FOG/CPM.089) /JUL/86 . : Simplistic-but uses almost all dBase commands ACCNTREE.DOC: E8 48 Tree structure diagram of program files ACCOUNT .DOC: 35 81 Overview of accounting system ACCOUNTS.CMD: 5E 49 ACNTCOM .DOC: 59 BB Explains function of all command files ACNTFILE.DOC: 22 F9 Lists structure of all data files ACNTINST.DOC: 60 BA How to set up and run the accounting system ACNTSTRU.DOC: 9D FF How the files relate to each other ACNTUSES.DOC: 1A F5 Which files are used by which .CMD files ACTRENDX.CMD: 59 83 BILLED .FRM: 3C 84 BILLINGS.DBF: 3F 5A CHECKFIL.DBF: F5 48 CHECKSTU.CMD: 8C E0 CONSTANT.MEM: B2 68 COSTBASE.DBF: 21 30 COSTBILL.CMD: A0 FA COSTMENU.CMD: B8 78 COSTTIME.CMD: A0 3A COSTUPDA.CMD: 11 68 DATETEST.CMD: 6F 67 DEPMENU .CMD: 8F DD DEPOSITS.CMD: 81 8A DEPOSITS.DBF: 8C 57 DEPPRINT.CMD: 4F 70 DEPTRANS.CMD: D1 8A FINDBILL.CMD: A0 D6 GETDATE .CMD: B0 24 HOLD81 .DBF: EA 19 HOLD84 .DBF: 3E 20 INSERTS .DBF: F8 0C INVMENU .CMD: 25 6C INVOICES.CMD: AC F6 INVOICES.DBF: 3B 90 FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.089: dBase II programs //CPM089.DOC: (additional prgms are on FOG/CPM.088) /JUL/86 . : (for use with accounting system) AVE .CMD: 27 CB Finds the average and variance of a given field BLANK .CMD: B8 46 Adds blank fields to bottom of file DATE .CMD: 99 AA Used by accounting on FOG/CPM.088 DBDIR .ASM: A1 64 Demonstrates how to call an assembler routine DBDIR .CMD: 0E B3 from dBase II, and helps expain this poorly DBDIR .COM: 75 65 documented command DBDIR .DOC: 1E C8 DBSC .CMD: 20 C5 Converts dBase II .DBF files to Supercalc 1.12 files DBUTILS .DOC: 87 EA Information on various utility prgms on this disk DELDUP .CMD: B8 E4 Marks duplicate records for deletion IOMENU .CMD: BE 9E Used by accounting on FOG/CPM.088 IOPOST .CMD: 53 E2 Used by accounting on FOG/CPM.088 IOREVIEW.CMD: D8 9A Used by accounting on FOG/CPM.088 JOBCOSTS.CMD: 90 2C Used by accounting on FOG/CPM.088 JOBCOSTS.FRM: 29 5D Used by accounting on FOG/CPM.088 JOBSINDX.CMD: F8 68 Used by accounting on FOG/CPM.088 JULIAN .CMD: CD 6A Writes the Julian date for every occurence in a file LSQ .CMD: 5A CA Calculates best fit line by least squares method MAX .CMD: F4 82 Finds maximum value of a field MEDIA .FRM: 1A 99 Used by accounting on FOG/CPM.088 MIN .CMD: D5 D0 Finds minimum value in a numeric or character field MLR .CMD: 1C E9 Calculates best fit with two free variables NAMETEST.CMD: 67 95 Used by accounting on FOG/CPM.088 PAYBILLS.CMD: 9A 73 Used by accounting on FOG/CPM.088 PAYEMPS .CMD: 68 64 Used by accounting on FOG/CPM.088 PAYFIND .CMD: 21 BE Used by accounting on FOG/CPM.088 PAYMENU .CMD: 40 0A Used by accounting on FOG/CPM.088 PAYROLL .CMD: F1 B7 Used by accounting on FOG/CPM.088 PERSONNE.DBF: 12 CA Used by accounting on FOG/CPM.088 PLOT .CMD: 6A 90 Allows you to make X-Y plots on an Epson printer PLOT0 .CMD: 95 35 from dBase PLOT1 .CMD: F3 E5 Used by PLOT.CMD PLOT2 .CMD: 47 F2 Used by PLOT.CMD POSTFILE.DBF: D6 DF Used by accounting on FOG/CPM.088 PRINTOUT.CMD: E8 9D Used by accounting on FOG/CPM.088 REPORTME.CMD: 60 A8 Used by accounting on FOG/CPM.088 REVHDR .CMD: 06 AF Used by accounting on FOG/CPM.088 REVIEW .CMD: 13 93 Used by accounting on FOG/CPM.088 REVMRGN .CMD: 66 73 Used by accounting on FOG/CPM.088 SALESTAX.CMD: 04 C4 Used by accounting on FOG/CPM.088 SUPPLIER.DBF: CE CA Used by accounting on FOG/CPM.088 TEST .DBF: A9 78 Used to test DBUTILS.DOC ŠTIMECALC.CMD: 78 67 Used by accounting on FOG/CPM.088 USETAX .CMD: F9 1B Used by accounting on FOG/CPM.088 XSMOOTH .CMD: CB AF Exponential smoothing of one variable XSMOOTH .DBF: 86 9A Used by XSMOOTH.CMD FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.090: dBase II Programs //CPM090.DOC: /JUL/86 . : CANCEL .CMD: 22 1B Used with CHECKS.CMD CHECKS .CMD: 4F B3 A checkbook management system CHECKS .DBF: C2 DD Used with CHECKS.CMD CHECKS .MEM: 46 0A Used with CHECKS.CMD CHECKS .NDX: FF 61 Used with CHECKS.CMD DBFRED37.CMD: 3C 36 Allows you to append with some fields being DBFRED37.DOC: 91 CC defaulted in each append operation (tokenized file) E/BEGIN .CMD: A2 06 EASY POST MAIL LIST SYSTEM E/BONES .CMD: FA 87 A menu driven program to keep a name and address E/CHANGE.CMD: 21 D0 list, and output information for use with E/DATA .DBF: D3 5D WordStar and MailMerge E/ENTER .CMD: 2F 2F Used with EASYPOST E/EOF .CMD: 5F 2E Used with EASYPOST E/FIND .CMD: 34 C2 Used with EASYPOST E/INPUT .CMD: 21 B6 Used with EASYPOST E/PADDRS.CMD: DD 7D Used with EASYPOST E/PHONE .CMD: 8C 2C Used with EASYPOST E/PRINT .CMD: 34 59 Used with EASYPOST E/REORG .CMD: 0A F2 Used with EASYPOST EASYPOST.DOC: 3A CD Introduction to EASYPOST EMF .DOC: 65 58 A menu driven program to do invoicing, inventory, ENTER .CMD: 34 6A and purchase orders for a small publishing business FILL .CMD: CA 94 Used with EMF FORM10 .FMT: 1D 1B Used with DBFRED37 FORMGEN .CMD: E4 8E Generates .FMT forms for DBFRED37 (tokenized file) INDCAT .NDX: A3 4D Used with EMF INDLAST .NDX: 0C C0 Used with EMF INDNUM .NDX: E1 29 Used with EMF INDPO .NDX: 48 09 Used with EMF INVENTOR.CMD: DA 85 Used with EMF INVENTOR.FRM: 30 2A Used with EMF INVOICE .DBF: AE E4 Used with EMF ITEM .CMD: 9D C9 Used with EMF ITEM .DBF: 8B BC Used with EMF LABEL .CMD: 81 57 Used with EMF MARK .CMD: C6 63 Used with EMF MEMBERS .DBF: 04 E0 Used with EMF MENU .CMD: 5C 14 EMF menu entry program MENU2 .CMD: 31 ED Used with EMF NAMES .DBF: 73 FD NEWENTER.CMD: 3E 22 Used with CHECKS.CMD NUM .MEM: 6B 05 ŠPO .CMD: DE C3 Used with EMF PO .DBF: 2A 61 Used with EMF POMEM .MEM: BD 41 Used with EMF POMENU .CMD: 06 E1 Used with EMF SAMPLE .DBF: 7A 54 Used with DBFRED37 SAVE370 .MEM: 7B 48 Used with DBFRED37 SETUP .CMD: 87 9E Used with EMF SIGN .CMD: BD C8 Used with EMF TEST .CMD: FA DC Used with EMF UND/MEMB.DOCº E· BÁ Ho÷ tï uså prinô codeó tï underlinå headings UNDLINES.CMD: 2F 30 in dBase, complete with sample .CMD file UNPAID .FRM: 45 58 Used with EMF VEND .FRM: 33 43 Used with EMF VENDOR .DBF: C5 F9 Used with EMF FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.091: dBase II programs //CPM091.DOC: Portable Companion and FOGHORN index (to Sept/83) /JUL/86 . : ARCHIVE .CMD: 08 27 Used with DB-CHECK ARHELP .CMD: A1 77 Used with DB-CHECK ARTICLES.DBF: 07 22 A compilation of interesting articles in the ARTICLES.DOC: 51 82 Portable Companion and FOGHORN, 1982-1983 ARTICLES.TXT: 07 0C Wordstar version of .DBF file BACKUP .CMD: 10 5E Used with DB-CHECK BAL .CMD: EA CE Used with DB-CHECK BUSINESS.DBF: DD 9E Used with DB-CHECK BUSINESS.NDX: 23 7F Used with DB-CHECK CANCEL .CMD: F1 44 Used with DB-CHECK CATA .CMD: BB 8E Used with DB-CHECK CHECKNO .FRM: 7F 3C Used with DB-CHECK CHREPORT.FRM: AB 80 Used with DB-CHECK DB-CHECK.DOC: E1 0B Checkbook register for personal & business checks DCANCEL .CMD: C3 25 Used with DB-CHECK DEPO .FRM: B1 00 Used with DB-CHECK DEPOSIT .CMD: FC 1F Used with DB-CHECK EDIT .CMD: FE 6A Used with PHONEDEX ENTER .CMD: 95 A2 Used with PHONEDEX FB0 .DOC: 7A 67 FONE BOOK - an electronic phone list FB1 .CMD: 4C 57 FONE BOOK - an electronic phone list FB2 .CMD: AE FB FONE BOOK - an electronic phone list FB3 .CMD: 45 73 FONE BOOK - an electronic phone list FB4 .CMD: CC 78 FONE BOOK - an electronic phone list FB5 .CMD: 9D FE FONE BOOK - an electronic phone list FB6 .CMD: 9E C0 FONE BOOK - an electronic phone list FB7 .CMD: 24 F4 FONE BOOK - an electronic phone list FB8 .FRM: 47 DC FONE BOOK - an electronic phone list FBSTRT . : 4D 78 FONE BOOK - an electronic phone list in dBase II HELP .CMD: 4D 77 Used with DB-CHECK IND .CMD: 77 6F Used with DB-CHECK INDBUSNO.NDX: B6 D1 Used with DB-CHECK INDPERNO.NDX: B6 D1 Used with DB-CHECK KEY .NDX: E7 6F Used with PHONEDEX KEYWORD .CMD: DA CB Used with PHONEDEX LAST .NDX: C7 ED Used with PHONEDEX MENU .CMD: 49 63 DB-CHECK dBase II checkbook program NAMES .DBF: FA CD Used with PHONEDEX OSSIGN .CMD: 4E 35 Used with DB-CHECK (Osborne graphics signon screen) PERSONAL.DBF: 89 B1 Used with DB-CHECK PERSONAL.NDX: 4E ED Used with DB-CHECK PHONEDEX.CMD: A1 B8 ROLODEX type program in dBAse II ŠPHONEDEX.TXT: 20 47 Documentation and introduction PRINT .CMD: 7D 27 Used with PHONEDEX PROMPTS .MEM: A4 DE Used with DB-CHECK PURGE .CMD: C5 EB Used with DB-CHECK REGSIGN .CMD: 8C B9 Used with DB-CHECK REPORT .CMD: 0D DC Used with DB-CHECK RESTORE .CMD: E3 0F Used with DB-CHECK SETUP .CMD: 1D 3C Used with DB-CHECK YEAR .CMD: 27 76 Used with DB-CHECK FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.092: Printer Picture Files //CPM092.DOC: /JUL/86 . : ABRAHAM .PQC: 4C 7B All of these files will print various pictures ANDYCAP .PQC: 0E 8B on your printer when you use the TYPE command BARBIE .PQC: 1E 68 and use ^P to send output to the printer, or BASSETT .PQC: BA 0C use the PIP command to send the file to the BEFCAKE .CQL: A8 FE printer (PIP LST:= BULLDOG .PQC: 82 CC CAT .PQC: 82 49 All files have been SQUEEZED to save space, and CHARLIE .PQC: 21 AA must first be unsqueezed with NSWEEP or USQ CINDY .PQC: E3 D4 before you can print them. You may also have CLOWN .PQC: 09 8D to experiment with print density and lines per DONALD .PQC: 5D A9 inch on your printer for best results. DRAGON .PQC: B3 F1 EAGLE .PQC: 4E C4 FERRARI .PQC: CF 70 GROUCHO .PQC: AF 4C HONEY .PQC: F0 8E HORNCAL .PQC: C8 BD JANE .PQC: 34 28 JESSIE .PQC: 04 0C JFK .PQC: EA 18 KELLY .PQC: AC F4 LINUS .PQC: 5A 0E LUCY .PQC: 78 64 MISSY .PQC: CF 09 MONA .PQC: 10 31 MORGANNA.PQC: 7C 3D NIXON .PQC: 61 49 NIXON1 .PQC: 10 87 NUDE83 .CQL: B4 64 NUDE84CL.PQC: 90 22 NUDE85 .PQC: 59 73 PANTHER .PQC: 85 0F PINUP .PQC: 44 7A PINUP1 .PQC: 32 34 PINUP86 .CQL: 3E BE PINUPCAL.8Q : 56 C2 PLUTO .PQC: 95 7E RAQUEL .PQC: 53 96 SAILING .PQC: B1 65 SALTGIRL.PQC: 5E 9E SAM .PQC: 92 DD SHIP .PQC: 09 72 ŠSHIPCAL .8Q : 1E B7 SNOOPY .PQC: 8C DB SNOOPY1 .PIC: 3A 6D SNOOPY2 .PQC: D1 19 SNOOPY4 .PQC: B5 F9 SNOOPY83.CQL: 05 08 SNOOPY86.CQL: 04 B3 TEKCAL85.PQC: 36 BE TIGER .PQC: 43 1F TWEETY .PQC: 9D 0F XMAS .PQC: 65 DC FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.093: Printer Picture Files //CPM093.DOC: /JUL/86 . : ENTPRISE.PQC: 9D 45 All of these files will print various pictures KIRK .PQC: 5E F1 on your printer when you use the TYPE command SHUTTLE .PQC: ED 50 and use ^P to send output to the printer, or SMALLCAT.PQC: 64 3B use the PIP command to send the file to the SPOCK .DOC: 1A F4 printer (PIP LST:= SPOCK .DSC: C5 A4 SPOCK .PQC: A7 48 All files have been SQUEEZED to save space, and SPOCK1 .PQC: EF B6 must first be unsqueezed with NSWEEP or USQ SPOCK2 .PQC: FC 0A before you can print them. You may also have SPOCK3 .PQC: DC 81 to experiment with print density and lines per SPOCK4 .PQC: F8 3D inch on your printer for best results. STARTREK.PQC: 67 17 STARWARS.PQC: C5 56 FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.094: MBasic games for Osborne 1 & Executive //CPM094.DOC: /JUL/86 . : BATLSHIP.BAS: E8 B6 A version of the old board game EVENT .DAT: 72 74 Used by WHEEL JETSIM .BAS: 9F CB Takeoff module JETSIM .DOC: 2D C6 Flight simulator JETSIMB .BAS: D8 6A Flight and landing module LIFE .AQM: 8B 03 The game of LIFE allows you to track the LIFE .COM: 19 18 growth of cells LIFE .INS: 55 D0 Instructions for LIFE OSZ-JEDI.BAS: AB D6 Star Wars game for 80 col. screen PEOPLE .DAT: EF 6E Used by WHEEL PERSON .DAT: 3B D8 Used by WHEEL PHRASE .DAT: 6E B9 Used by WHEEL PLACE .DAT: 88 75 Used by WHEEL QUOTE .DAT: F6 E9 Used by WHEEL RANDOM .DAT: 78 EC Used by WHEEL THING .DAT: 8C 38 Used by WHEEL TITLE .DAT: BB 56 Used by WHEEL WHEEL .DOC: 2C EE 'Wheel of Fortune' game (like the TV show) WHEEL .INS: 58 39 (uses screen memory pokes) WHEEL-EX.BAS: 98 48 'Wheel of Fortune' game for Executive WHEEL-O1.BAS: 88 E4 'Wheel of Fortune' game for Osborne 1 FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.095: Osborne 1 ZCPR, ZCPR2, ZCPR3 //CPM095.DOC: (pre-configured files for easy installation) /JUL/86 . : ERROR4 .COM: 9D AB Used with ZCPR3 LDR .COM: 24 02 Used with ZCPR3 NZCPR-21.AQM: CD 06 ZCPR1 source code (needs MAC to assemble) NZCPR-21.HEX: 67 95 Pre-configured ZCPR1 .HEX file ONZCPR21.MSG: C9 AF Instructions for turnkey ZCPR1 installation OZZCPR2 .MSG: 64 EB Details of Osborne ZCPR2 implementation STARTUP .COM: C7 D4 Used with ZCPR3 SYS .ENV: 61 AE Used with ZCPR3 SYS .NDR: 75 11 Used with ZCPR3 SYS .RCP: 7F 61 Used with ZCPR3 Z3CPM56 .SYS: 1C 06 Used with ZCPR3 ZCPR .DQC: 2B 59 Squeezed ZCPR1 documentation ZCPR2 .AQM: 27 E2 ZCPR2 source code (needs MAC to assemble) ZCPR2 .HEX: 7D FF Pre-configured ZCPR2 .HEX file ZCPR3 .NOT: 32 CA Details of 56K ZCPR3 implementation ZCPRHDR .LIB: 4E 6D Used with ZCPR2 for re-assembly FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.096: Check Register Program in BDS C //CPM096.DOC: (additional files are on FOG/CPM.097) /AUG/86 . : /REV1 . : REVISED Aug. 1986 ABSTRACT.DOC: F5 6E A simple, WordStar-like user interface makes CHECKA .C : EA DE this check register easy to use. CHECKB .C : C8 F3 Part of CHECKS CHECKC .C : DC 74 Part of CHECKS CHECKS .SCR: 9E 26 Part of CHECKS CHECKS11.COM: 0F 91 Main entry module for CHECKS version 1.1 CHECKSIN.COMº D¸ 0¹ Installatioî prograí foò mosô 80x2´ video CHECKSIN.DAT: 6C 96 displays with addressable cursor CLEARS11.COM: 37 31 Part of CHECKS DEMO .DAT: F4 5A Part of CHECKS demo program DEMO .INF: 93 36 Part of CHECKS demo program READ-ME .A : 12 D6 Part of CHECKS CHECKS .H : 97 EC Part of CHECKS READ-ME .B : 22 8F Part of CHECKS XIO .C : 99 11 Part of CHECKS FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.097: Check Register Documentation & C Interpreter //CPM097.DOC: (Program on FOG/CPM.096) /AUG/86 . : /REV1 . : REVISED Aug. 1986 CALC .SCI: F0 1F Demo program for SCI SCI .COM: D4 B3 A C interpreter - ideal for learning C CHECKD .C : A0 7C Part of CHECKS CHECKS .DOC: B2 69 Part of CHECKS SCÉ .DOCº BÃ F³ Documentatioî foò thå smalì Ã interpreter SHELL .SCI: BB CC Command shell for SCI FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.098: Personal Accounting Software //CPM098.DOC: /JUL/86 . : AC101 .CMD: ED D0 "Accounting 101" program for personal financial AC101 .DOC: CD AE transactions and General Journal in dBase II AC101DOC.CMD: 0E 4A This is 'user supported' software, and contains AC101FRM.CMD: D9 6A its own commercial and registration form! AC101GL .CMD: EC F2 Part of AC101 AC101LTR.CMD: D8 2B Part of AC101 AC101REG.CMD: F6 11 Part of AC101 ADDREC .CMD: 83 2A Part of AC101 ANCHART .CMD: AB 3A Part of AC101 ANCHART .DBF: 17 A8 Part of AC101 AUTOST .COM: 28 56 Will allow an Osborne 1 to autoload BUDGET BUDG .BAS: 43 79 MBasic program allows you to plan a monthly budget BUDGET .COM: 0C 92 and keep to it. Compiled version is supplied BUDGET .DOC: 7F CF for ease of use. Fully menu driven. BUDGET .INF: 69 BC Used with BUDGET COPYRITE.GRF: 24 9C Used with BUDGET EDITBUDG.BAS: FB 1C Used with BUDGET FIXTRANS.BAS: E3 4F Used with BUDGET GENJOURN.DBF: 4A AA Part of AC101 PAYSTUB .CMD: 92 67 Part of AC101 PRTDAT .CMD: C8 E5 Part of AC101 PRTJRN .CMD: 16 3C Part of AC101 PRTJRN .DBF: 08 6A Part of AC101 R .COM: 00 00 Used with BUDGET RECEIPTS.CMD: CA 12 Part of AC101 REGENFIL.DBF: 0E BC Part of AC101 SEARCH .BAS: 7E 86 Used with BUDGET SECTICKS.CMD: 18 64 Part of AC101 SUMMARY .DOC: A4 5E Summary of BUDGET files and requirements UP .SUB: 1E 25 Used with BUDGET FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.099: Computer Diagnostic programs //CPM099.DOC: /JUL/86 . : BD .HLP: 71 0B Bad Disk program reads disks and locks out BD03 .COM: B4 A2 bad sectors DIAG204 .COM: AD 5D Osborne 1 SD/DD factory diagnostics DISKDOC .COM: 7F E9 Verifies data, fixes bad sectors, debugs file DISKDOC .DOC: C1 3F systems, disk drivers and controller routines DISKX .COM: 4D 74 Disk Exercisor v1.0 for 179x disk controller chip. DISKX .DTA: 21 1D For CP/M 2.2 only. Currently set up for DISKX .INS: 2F A0 ADM3 type terminals (Osborne & Kaypro). DISKX10 .DOC: 67 97 DISKXINS.COM: 94 E3 Install program for different terminals FAST .COM: E0 13 Patch to speed up MPI drives on an Osborne 1 to FAST .DOC: DF 2D reduce noise and shorten access time OSPD .C : B6 91 Drive timing program for Osborne 1 written in OSPD .COM: EF 04 C80 PK .COM: B0 70 Ver. 1.3 Peek and Poke utility allows you to PK .DOC: FC 08 examine or change any location in RAM. CPM2.2 or + READTRAK.COM: 5B 36 Allows Osborne 1 to read tracks of any disk in its READTRAK.DOC: A2 CE drive to determine density, sector size, etc. REGROUP .COM: 7C BB Recover files from a disk with damaged directory. REGROUP .DOC: BE C0 Configured for Osborne 1 DD only, but source code REGROUP .PAS: BD 04 in Turbo Pascal is provided. TD .COM: F5 50 Time Drives on an Osborne 1 - allows you to check TD .DOC: 91 2C drive speed. FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.100: Printer Set programs //CPM100.DOC: /JUL/86 . : BARCODE .BAS: 63 3F Allows Epson MX-80 with Graftrax to print 3 of 9, BARCODE .DOC: D9 98 interleaved 2 of 5, or codabar barcodes EPSET2 .ASM: 28 CC EPSET2 .COM: 93 FD Sets Epson Printer parameters EPSNPRTR.ASM: CE 0A EPSNPRTR.COM: 3C 05 Sets Epson Printer parameters EPSNPRTR.DOC: 93 A3 EPSON .BAS: 1C 49 Sets Epson Printer parameters EPUP .COM: 26 3E Allows control codes to be sent to the printer from EPUP .DOC: E0 BE a menu interface to set print type, margins, etc. EPUPMOD .COM: 0F 29 on Epsons. EPUPMOD lets you change menu coding. GEMINI15.ASM: 53 3F GEMINI15.COM: 62 F5 Sets Gemini Printer parameters GEMSET .ASM: E2 18 GEMSET .DOC: 3D 32 KPGEMSET.COM: F9 12 Kaypro Customized setup for Gemini OSGEMSET.COM: 05 C6 Osborne Customized setup for Gemini PRINT .BAS: 1A 96 Sets Epson Printer parameters PRINT .DOC: 4A 17 PRINTSET.BAS: A6 77 Sets Epson Printer parameters PRINTSET.COM: C2 7D Sets Epson Printer parameters PRINTSET.DOC: B4 A4 PRNTR .ASM: D7 BE PRNTR .COM: 5F 5C Gemini 10/15 printer setup program SEND .COM: 32 77 Allows you to send a byte or series of bytes SEND .DOC: 27 4B directly to your printer SETMX .ASM: 8B 95 SETMX .COM: F5 1F Sets Epson Printer parameters SETMX .DOC: D3 3B SETPRC10.COM: 44 49 Allows you to send printer control codes from a SETPRC10.DOCº D¹ C¸ menõ driveî interfacå tï youò printeò ¦ useó multiple data files for different printers. SETSTAR .COM: A3 9E Sets Gemini Star printer parmeters STARSET .ASM: 90 1E STARSET .COM: 04 3A WSL2 .SUB: 8C 38 Attaches EPUP to WS 2.26 WSLMOD2 .COM: 6B 4A Special version of EPUPMOD for use with WS 2.26 FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.101: Osborne 1 Function Key Setting Programs //CPM101.DOC: /JUL/86 . : KEYSET34.COM: 22 9F Defines function keys, arrow keys, and boot command KEYSET34.DOC: 85 22 QWIKSET .AQM: 99 EE QWIKSEÔ .COMº 6¶ 5± Alsï doeó screeî size¬ bauä rate¬ porô selection¬ QWIKSET .DOC: DE 04 and horizontal scrolling toggle QWIKSET2.AQM: 17 EF QWIKSET2.COM: 31 71 Adds serial port parity and data bits SAVKEY .COM: AA 24 Saves key settings to a file SET .COM: 82 65 Does all the above as well as setting printer init. SET .DOC: 80 22 and doing memory pokes SET-O1 .AQM: A1 76 Sets the 10 Special Function Keys SET-O1 .COM: 77 BD SET/SAV .DOC: 02 A0 SETKEY/SAVKEY instructions SETKEY .COM: 14 67 Sets key settings from a file SETUP .DOC: 38 30 Details memory locations for SETUP area SUBSET .C : 2C D2 C80 source file SUBSET1 .COM: 77 C8 Defines function keys and arrow keys on SD SUBSET2 .COM: F7 AD Defines function keys and arrow keys on DD SUPERSET.C : 90 88 C80 source file SUPERSET.DOC: 07 89 Sets function keys in a file and recalls them SUPRSET1.COM: 25 E7 Defines function keys, arrow keys, and boot command SUPRSET2.COM: 24 07 Defines function keys, arrow keys, and boot command FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.102: Printer Set Programs //CPM102.DOC: /JUL/86 . : ERGO1 .ASM: C9 D9 ERGO1 .COM: E7 64 Sets the Ergo Hush-80 printer modes from menu ML92SET .COM: 42 EE Sets Okidata ML92 print modes from menu NECSET .ASM: DF 02 Sets NEC 8023A-C print modes from menu NECSET2 .ASM: 24 22 NECSET2 .COM: 9C EE Sets NEC 8023 and C Itoh Prowriter modes from kybd OKI-TST .BAS: B5 93 ML 92 and 93 test demo program OKI-TST .DOC: CA 20 OKI92 .COM: 5E C0 Menu driven program to set print modes on ML92 OKI92 .DOC: BD 07 OKI92 .PAS: 3E 44 Turbo Pascal source code OKITALIC.ASM: 41 73 OKITALIC.COM: 58 D9 Downloads an italic character set to ML 92 or 93 OKITALIC.DOC: 4F 9C printers which can be accessed from your prgm. PRINTER .BAS: 80 2F Sends print control codes to an IDS Prism 132 PRISM132.TXT: 86 26 Instructions for PRISM.BAS PRO .BAS: 2A 11 Prints WS file in proportional space on NEC 8023A PRO-ADDR.BAS: 17 2A Prints envelopes & address labels in proportional PRO-ADDR.DOC: CF 86 font on NEC 8023A or C Itoh Prowriter PRO-BAS .DOC: 65 08 Documentation for PRO.BAS PROPSPAC.DIA: C1 50 Notes on getting proportional spacing on DIABLO 630 PROWPINS. : 34 76 How to interface the Prowriter to an Osborne 1 PSETUP .PAS: 73 72 Menu driven - for Panasonic KX-P1092 setup PTR8023 .ASM: 2D A2 PTR8023 .COM: 4E 96 Menu driven setup for NEC 8023 A-C printer SETOK .ASM: 7E C4 SETOK .COM: 28 15 Sets Okidata printer codes from menu SETOK .DOC: 01 10 TALLY .AQM: D2 19 Squeezed source code foe TALLY TALLY .COM: F6 3A Sets Mannesmann Tally MT160L printer codes from menu TYPE .BAS: A1 9D Sets Okidata print codes from menu TYPE .DOC: 91 41 WSOKI .DOC: 95 64 Tips for setting Okidata printers up with WS 3.0 FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.103: Misc. Osborne 1 programs //CPM103.DOC: /JUL/86 . : CPMDEC .DOC: 7F 7F Fortran program for DEC PDP computer running RSX CPMDEC .FTN: 44 0E that allows MDM7 checksum transfers CTERM .C : 91 C8 CTERM .COM: 8C 75 Simple O1 terminal program CTERM .DOC: 90 99 DATE .COM: 36 8C Stores a date in low memory that can be accessed DATE .DOC: 7D FE even after a reset. DATE .MAC: 29 F2 Used with DATE DATE2 .COM: 18 8C Used with DATE DATE2 .MAC: 47 0A Used with DATE EPOSLINK.DOC: 1C 1B Allows an Osborne 1 to easily connect with an EPOSLNK .COM: 71 48 EPSON PX-8 with a FILINK compatible program GD .COM: 28 A1 Used with DATE GD .PAS: 9C 76 Used with DATE NEWROM .COM: F6 67 Will extract the O1 monitor ROM to a disk file NEWROM .DOC: 02 CE OREMOTE .AQM: 69 08 Attach a remote console through the serial port OS-CIO .OSB: DA 27 BDS C console I/O include file OSBDSCIO.C : E4 69 BDS C console I/O routines OSBLINK .MAC: 44 CF Patches BIOS to blink the cursor OSMDIO .C : 71 9A BDS C modem I/O routines OZSTUF .DOC: 6C FB Info on ROMDUMP and SCPRT2 OZZYBAUD.C : FA DC OZZYBAUD.COM: 53 6C Sets Osborne 1 serial port baud rate OZZYTIME.COM: 7B A6 Displays time & date on your screen ROMDUMP .COM: 63 05 Copies the O1 monitor ROM into memory ROMDUMP .MAC: 84 4D SCPRT2 .COM: 5F 60 Screen dump utility for the O1 SCPRT2 .MAC: 30 15 TERMNL2 .ASM: E6 28 Very simple ASCII terminal emulator TERMNL2 .DOC: 01 E8 TOGGLE .ASM: C4 4A Change LST: device between serial & parallel port FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.104: Disk Directory programs //CPM104.DOC: /JUL/86 . : D1 .COM: 02 8D 'DIRFIRST' lists a sorted directory and displays D1/NOUSQ.COM: 2C D6 the first line of files (& unsqueezes!) Z80 only D2 .COM: BB 57 Small (1K) sorted directory D2 .DOC: 8C 16 D80 .AQM: 73 4A Squeezed source code for D80 D80 .COM: C7 0B Very small (1K) directory program DIRFIRST.DOC: 7A E7 DIRR .DOC: 3B 30 Documentation for DIRR7 DIRR7 .AQM: CB C7 Squeezed source code for DIRR7 DIRR7 .COM: B3 43 Sorted directory program DIRU .COM: 1A F3 Displays files on all user areas DIRU .DOC: E9 A3 DIRU .MQC: A1 A0 Squeezed source code for DIRU EDIR .COM: 3D 55 Extended Directory - another small directory prgm. SAP44 .AQM: 68 EE Squeezed source code for SAP44 - (not for CPM+) SAP44 .COM: 68 82 Sort And Pack utility alphbetizes and sorts directory SAP44 .DQC: 9E 60 Squeezed documentation for SAP44 SORTDIR .COM: EB E4 Sorts directory without erasing 0K files and moves SORTDIR .DOC: 62 BD 'erased' files end of the directory X .AQM: 7C 6A Squeezed source code for X.COM X .COM: 6C BA Very small eXtended directory program XDIR37A .AQM: 11 EE Squeezed source code for XDIR37 XDIR37A .COM: 9B ED New XDIR program that works correctly with CPM+ XXDIR .COM: 47 84 Another eXtended directory program FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.105: File listing programs //CPM105.DOC: /JUL/86 . : LIST .BAS: D1 5B Print program listings from within MBASIC LIST3 .ASM: 02 55 LIST3 .COM: A8 6E Lists an ASCII file on printer or screen. Strips LIST3 .DOC: 94 C1 high order bits, so works fine with WS files LISTT .AQM: FC C4 Squeezed source code for LISTT LISTT .COM: A6 B7 Lists file to printer with headings, pg #, etc. LISTT .DOC: 1C 3B P-ASP .AQM: 73 D2 Squeezed source code for P-ASP P-ASP .COM: 81 F1 Designed to print .ASM, .SYM, and .PRN files. Will P-ASP .DOC: 26 4B not work with WS document files. PRINT22 .COM: 31 95 Prints files with margins, headings, and pg #. Many PRINT22 .DOC: E4 EA options are available. QLIST .DOC: 62 9E QLIST14 .AQM: EA 23 Squeezed source code for QLIST14 QLIST14 .COM: E8 A7 List both squeezed and unsqueezed files SHOW .ASM: 75 5E SHOW .COM: 34 7D Lists files to screen with pagination SHOW .DOC: ED 93 SLIST .COM: 4A B7 Lists files on printer or screen SLIST .DOC: 84 D3 TYPELZ13.COM: D0 8F Will display squeezed, ASCII, or Crunched files TYPELZ13.DOC: EC 75 CRUNCH & UNCR are on FOG/CPM.114 TYPELZ13.ZZ0: 80 E2 Crunched source code for TYPELZ13 VLIST .COM: 18 46 Varies speed of file listed to screen VLIST .DOC: 2B 16 XTYPE .COM: DA 84 Types squeezed or ASCII files to screen XTYPE .DOC: CD A4 FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.106: FORTH83 - disk 1 of 3 //CPM106.DOC: /JUL/86 . : For all CP/M systems - uses standard CP/M files META80 .BLK: B5 AF UTILITY .BLK: 1C E0 FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.107: FORTH83 - disk 2 of 3 //CPM107.DOC: /JUL/86 . : For all CP/M systems - Uses standard CP/M files KERNEL80.BLK: 0D FA README .80 : 27 F3 FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.108: FORTH83 - disk 3 of 3 //CPM108.DOC: /JUL/86 . : For all CP/M systems - uses standard CP/M files CLOCK .BLK: CE E9 CPU8080 .BLK: 4D 47 EXPAND80.BLK: A8 FF EXTEND80.BLK: 6C 26 F83 .COM: AA 03 META80 .BLK: B5 AF FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.109: Assembly language programming //CPM109.DOC: /JUL/86 . : CALL-CPM.COM: FA DD Educational - allows you to experiment with CP/M CALL-CPM.DOC: 95 3C function calls. Shows registers on screen. DASM .ZLG: 2B 8E Zilog nmemonic insert for ZZSOURCE DIS .AQM: 17 36 Squeezed source for DIS DIS .COM: 76 32 8080 Disassembler DIS .INS: F5 0F Instructions for DIS.COM DISASM .AQM: F6 05 Squeezed source code for ZILOG Z80 disassembler DISASM .DOC: 51 FD DISSAM .ASM: E8 66 8080 disassembler DISSAM .DOC: 36 A2 EM2 .ASM: C5 9A EM2 .COM: 42 55 Educational - performs 8080 operations & displays EM2 .DOC: F4 0A register & flag information MSA .INF: 5F 5D MSA15 .DOC: AD F1 MSA15 .COM: A3 9D An 8080 disassembler ZDIS .COM: 4A B7 Zilog Z80 disassembler FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.110: Algol-M Programming Language, assemblers, //CPM110.DOC: and MAC fixes /JUL/86 . : ALGINTRO.TXT: 7D F5 Algol-M language description ALGOL .DOC: B7 78 ALGOL is a block structured language ALGOLM .COM: 45 29 Algol-M compiler by Lt. Mark Moranville ALGSTART.TXT: A2 86 Algol-M run instructions ARRAY .ALG: 91 C3 Sample ALGOL-M program BLK .INP: A1 8C ALGOL Demo input file BLKTEST .ALG: 2B 42 Sample ALGOL-M program BOOLINT .ALG: BD 09 Sample ALGOL-M program CASETEST.ALG: 84 9A Sample ALGOL-M program CASETWO .ALG: D7 DE Sample ALGOL-M program COMERR .TXT: 84 7D ALGOL compile errors documentation FILE1 .INP: 7C EA ALGOL Demo input file FILE2 .INP: F2 04 ALGOL Demo input file FLYTEST .ALG: 7F D8 Sample ALGOL-M program GOTOTEST.ALG: 1E 5B Sample ALGOL-M program HANOI .ALG: E9 6B Sample ALGOL-M program L81 .COM: E8 D7 Structured 8080 assembly language L82 .COM: 09 F7 Structured 8080 assembly language L83 .COM: 7F 00 Structured 8080 assembly language LUNAR .ALG: AC D7 Sample ALGOL-M program M81 .COM: 67 ED Macro processor MAC .FIX: A2 82 Notes on modifying MAC.COM to not convert lower case MACREF .COM: 62 D9 Cross reference utility for MAC .PRN files MACREF .DOC: 46 99 ML .SUB: 4C 20 Part of ML80 ML80 .DOC: 29 BA Structured 8080 assembly language ML80 .REF: FC 8A Structured 8080 assembly language syntax reference ML80/L80.DOC: 16 54 Structured 8080 assembly language ONEND2 .ALG: 65 F0 Sample ALGOL-M program PERM .ALG: D6 F1 Sample ALGOL-M program READWORD.ALG: EA 0A Sample ALGOL-M program RFILE .INP: 9B 21 Demo input file RUNALG .COM: 6C E5 ALGOL int file interpreter RUNERR .TXT: BD 4A ALGOL run time errors documentation RWINT .ALG: 4B 94 Sample ALGOL-M program SIISTR .ALG: E1 3E Sample ALGOL-M program SORT .ALG: 03 F8 Sample ALGOL-M program STRING .ALG: 08 D8 Sample ALGOL-M program STRTST .ALG: 69 A7 Sample ALGOL-M program USRMAN .TXT: BF 05 Structured 8080 assembly language manual WDIR .M80: 57 B8 Sample ML80 file WINPUT .INP: 8F CA ALGOL Demo input file ŠXDIR .M80: BD 7F Sample ML80 file XMAC .ASM: 63 92 Can be overlayed in MAC for cross-assembly work FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.111: Assembly language utilities //CPM111.DOC: /JUL/86 . : CPM .DOC: B1 20 Libraries of extensions to Microsoft FORTRAN CPMFN .DOC: FE 73 Allows Microsoft Fortran to make CP/M BDOS calls CPMFN .MAC: E4 A4 Microsoft M80 source code CPMFN .REL: 99 CC CPMFNA .DOC: 9C CA Machine level interface to a command line CPMFNA .MAC: 48 64 Microsoft M80 source code CPMFNA .REL: 3D 4A CPMINT .DOC: 90 73 Allows CP/M BDOS call from within F80 programs CPMINT .FOR: 8C 79 Microsoft F80 fortran source code CPMINT .REL: ED DA CPMLIB .DOC: 7A D5 Documentation for using CPMLIB CPMLIB .REL: AD 4B Library of F80 routines for CP/M BDOS call TEST .FOR: 21 84 Tests CPMLIB functions TEST1A .ASM: 3B 5F Z80 assembler test file TEST2 .ASM: D7 04 Z80 assembler test file Z80ASM .COM: 5C AC Zilog/Mostek Z80 assembler Z80DOC .DOC: 6D 2C Documentation for Z80ASM Z80MAIN .AQM: 46 3E Z80 resident assembler Z80OPCDS.ASM: 2B AC Z80 resident assembler Z80SUBS .ASM: A5 C3 Z80 resident assembler ZZSOURCE.COM: 88 3A A Z80 disassembler ZZSOURCE.DOC: 59 47 FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.112: Small c Compiler (Mike Bernson version) //CPM112.DOC: Written in BDS C 1.41 /JUL/86 . : (disk 1 of 2 disks) ASSEMBLE.COM: FA 82 Assembler for C1 compiler C .DEF: 6E 2C Used with small c compiler C .SUB: A2 F7 Used with small c compiler C1 .C : 7D D1 Used with small c compiler C1 .COM: F9 67 Small c compiler C2 .C : 92 68 Used with small c compiler C3 .C : E4 6A Used with small c compiler C4 .C : 1F CE Used with small c compiler C5 .C : 03 69 Used with small c compiler C6 .C : 05 97 Used with small c compiler C7 .C : 34 00 Used with small c compiler C8 .C : DB 15 Used with small c compiler C9 .C : 30 C3 Used with small c compiler CC .SUB: 4D 66 Used with small c compiler CL .SUB: E4 DE Used with small c compiler FUNCTION.CRL: FD 48 Used with small c compiler LINK .COM: EE 2E Linker for assembler output STDLIB .TXT: 06 5B Used with small c compiler SUBMIT .C : 6D 3E Sample file that allows nested submits TIME .C : C7 68 Sample file to get/set date WORDPUZL.C : 82 7F Sample game written in this version of c WORDPUZL.DOC: F3 71 FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.113: Small c Compiler & other c programs //CPM113.DOC: (disk 2 of 2 disks) /JUL/86 . : ASCTOBIN.CQ : F4 E9 Used with PROBE102 BDOSDEF .HQ : 8F 15 Used with PROBE102 C .DOC: 23 CA Description of files for small c compiler C-LANG2 .DOC: 8F A1 Introduction to the small c compiler on FOG/CPM.112 CBIOSDEF.HQ : AA 07 Used with small c compiler CCREF .COM: AB 3E Cross-references c source files CCREF .DOC: BC 0F FUNCTION.ASM: 7B 93 Used with PROBE102 GREP .C : 8F A3 From Oct. 84 Dr. Dobbs Journal - GREP .COM: 2D 7F GREP .DOC: 73 60 Instructions on compiling with C80 PROBE102.COM: 7A 48 A utility to display various information about PROBE102.CQ : 52 E9 your CP/M system, BIOS jump tables, disk PROBE102.DOC: 73 7B parameter headers and space allocation vectors. PROBE102.SUB: A1 37 Used with PROBE102 PROBE102.UPD: AB 0E Used with PROBE102 PROBSDPB.CQ : 72 A8 Used with PROBE102 PROBSERN.CQ : 51 D8 Used with PROBE102 PROBSIGN.CQ : 24 89 Used with PROBE102 RUNTIME .ASM: 31 A9 Used with small c compiler RUNTIME .TXT: 23 E6 Used with small c compiler STDLIB .ASM: C2 35 Used with small c compiler STDLIB20.DOC: 81 D8 Used with small c compiler STDLIB20.TXT: F3 2E Used with small c compiler TOOLS .CQ : 79 3D Used with GREP TOOLS .H : 3E 3D Used with GREP FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.114: New File compression/extraction programs /CPM114 .DOC: /JUL/86 . : CRUNCH .COM: AC AC Uses the LZW compression technique to compress CRUNCH .MZC: 2E D4 files for archival and storage purposes. CRUNCH12.DOC: 81 3E Filenames compressed this way have a Z as the CRUNCH12.MSG: 44 30 middle letter of the file extension. HOWWORKS.IT : 26 FE Discussion of the technique. INCLUDE1.IZC: C6 2D Crunched file for CRUNCH INCLUDE2.IZC: FB 89 Crunched file for CRUNCH LZDEF12 .DOC: 02 94 Describes crunched file format UNARC .COM: C2 09 Restores files compacted with the MSDOS ARC utility UNARC .DOC: FD A7 (ARC ver. 5.xx) UNARC .FOR: 13 FA Short description of UNARC UNARC .IQF: 86 FC Squeezed technical information file UNARC .MSG: 31 C0 Introductory file material for UNARC UNARC .ZQ0: D5 16 Squeezed source code for UNARC UNARCA .COM: DF 9B 8080 compatible version of UNARC UNCR .COM: 3F 71 UNCRUNCH compressed files UNCR .MZC: 79 6D Crunched source code for UNCR FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.115: SORT programs //CPM115.DOC: /JUL/86 . : BSORT .AQM: E2 05 Squeezed source code for BSORT BSORT .COM: 3E 01 Combination sort for fixed length records BSORT .DOC: 1A 1B EZFILE .BAS: 86 C5 Creates, adds to, and changes sequential files EZFILE .DOC: 04 BF LEXLATE .CSM: F3 C2 Used with SSORT QQSORT .COM: 52 30 Quick sort program QQSORT .LIB: DA CC QQSORT .PAS: 31 B0 Pascal/Z source code SHELL .COM: F9 BA Shell sort program SHELL .LIB: D3 04 SHELL .PAS: E6 49 Pascal/Z source code SORTC .BAS: C7 BA Variable length, variable column sort in Mbasic SORTFILE.COM: 2E 88 Sorts an ASCII file in ascending order SORTFILE.DOC: D6 E4 SORTKYBD.BAS: 39 8F Sorts keyboard input to screen listing SORTORDR.ASM: 6C 13 Used with SSORT SORTV .COM: 6B 77 Sort for variable length records terminated with SORTV .DOC: 2C 91 CR/LF pair SORTV-12.ASM: C9 FF Source code for SORTV (requires MAC) SSORT .COM: 9A 01 A merge sort utility with up to 20 sort keys SSORT .CQ : 74 35 Squeezed BDS C source code for SSORT SSORT .DOC: 0A 9A Allows you to use different collating sequences SSORT .OVL: A3 D9 Used with SSORT SSORT .SH : D8 A0 Used with SSORT SSORT .SYM: 55 A2 Used with SSORT FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.116: UTOOLS - a collection of utilities written //CPM116.DOC: in c (From Kernighan & Plauger books) /JUL/86 . : Disk 1 of 3 disks - in BDS C ver 1.46 CAL .C : 12 25 C language source code for utilities CAT .C : EA 2D C language source code for utilities CH .C : E3 56 C language source code for utilities CMP .C : EB BC C language source code for utilities COMM .C : 4E A2 C language source code for utilities CRT .C : EA 54 C language source code for utilities FIND .C : EF 85 C language source code for utilities HCAT .C : 7B C9 C language source code for utilities INCL .C : 55 CE C language source code for utilities KWIC .C : 69 C4 C language source code for utilities LLINE .C : 20 3A C language source code for utilities LPR .C : D3 91 C language source code for utilities MAKDOC .C : BC 69 C language source code for utilities MYLIB3 .C : D0 AC C language source code for utilities PREP .C : 53 EE C language source code for utilities README .UT : BC 9F Information on UTOOLS README .UT2: 27 E6 Information on UTOOLS update README .UTS: 53 24 More info on UTOOLS SORT .C : E3 0C C language source code for utilities SPLIT .C : F2 6D C language source code for utilities SPLTSCAN.C : 39 B4 C language source code for utilities SPLTSCAN.DOC: 93 70 Describes character handling similar to TEX TABS .C : DA 92 C language source code for utilities TAIL .C : 16 A1 C language source code for utilities TEE .C : AB 45 C language source code for utilities TR .C : F4 E0 C language source code for utilities UNIQ .C : AA 6E C language source code for utilities UNROT .C : 81 FC C language source code for utilities UTDIR .C : AE 0B C language source code for utilities UTOOL .DOC: 44 FD Examples of UTOOL usage UTOOL .MAN: 26 C3 Structured description of program syntax UTOOL2 .MAN: 78 BB Update to original UTOOLS VSPLIT .C : A7 3B C language source code for utilities WC .C : D1 D9 C language source code for utilities WC .COM: 68 55 Counts lines, words, and characters FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.117: UTOOLS - UNIX like utilities for CP/M //CPM117.DOC: /JUL/86 . : Disk 2 of 3 disks CAL .COM: 15 8F Print lines with date match CH .COM: B6 33 Change pattern in text file COMM .COM: FA B1 Print lines common to two files CRT .COM: CB 5B Display text file a screen at a time FIELD .COM: 1B E5 Selects fields from a file FIND .COM: C1 BC Find patterns in text files HCAT .COM: 33 08 Horizontally concatenate text files INCL .COM: AE A9 Expand included files KWIC .COM: 07 8A Key word in-context index LPR .COM: 9D 43 Send stdin to printer PREP .COM: 56 94 Convert a text file to one word per line SORT .COM: 18 2F Incore sort of ASCII lines SPLIT .COM: 52 2D Read stdin and write it out to files TABS .COM: 8D EF Convert tabs to blanks or blanks to tabs UTDIR .COM: B1 37 Sorted file directory UTKWIC .DAT: 41 12 Used with KWIC UTKWIC .OUT: 6A 48 Used with KWIC FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.118: UTOOLS - UNIX like tools for CP/M & other //CPM118.DOC: c utilities /JUL/86 . : Disk 3 of 3 disks CAT .COM: E6 C7 Concatenate files CCHECK .COM: 8E CA Checks c source code for matching brackets and CCHECK .MAN: 4F BC punctuation CMP .COM: C4 1C Compare two files FIELDCC .COM: EB 63 Select column delimited fields from a file FINDMF .COM: 68 E2 Simple patter match with multiple file input TAIL .COM: 1A E9 Print last n lines of file TEE .COM: 4B BC Copy stdin to stdout and named file TR .COM: 55 2A Transliterate characters UNIQ .COM: 1C 23 Filters out adjacent duplicate lines UNROT .COM: 82 0F Unrotate lines rotated by KWIC VSPLIT .COM: 2D 9C Vertically split a text file XC1E .COM: 16 61 Cross reference c source code XC1E .CQ : E0 3A Squeezed source code for XC1E in AZTEC C XC1E .DOC: 8C F9 FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.119: Dan's Information Management System //CPM119.DOC: A database program in MBasic /JUL/86 . : Disk 1 of 2 disks DCFORM .ASC: 5F FC NOTE: All .ASC files are MBasic files that must DCHESHIR.ASC: AA 2F be loaded into MBasic and saved as standard DCREATE .ASC: 97 03 .BAS binary files before running the system. DEDIT .ASC: D5 04 DGET .ASC: C1 77 DGET+ .BAS: 6F F6 DIMS .ASC: 5B E6 This is a comprehensive list-management system DINSTALL.DOC: 54 33 that can be installed for almost any CP/M system DLABELS .ASC: E4 85 DLETTERS.ASC: 17 12 Custom report formats can easily be designed DNADIN .ASC: 52 4B DPUT .ASC: 13 CD DSORT .ASC: 24 DE DSTAT .ASC: A2 33 DUNFLAG .BAS: 95 42 READ-ME .103: 6C 33 Newest release notes on version 1.03 STRIP .ASC: 52 0B FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.120: PCFILE and DIMS (disk 2 of 2) //CPM120.DOC: Data management programs /JUL/86 . : ARTICLES.D : 70 85 Part of DIMS (from FOG/CPM.119) ARTICLES.DD : 70 85 Part of DIMS (from FOG/CPM.119) DDOC .ASC: 7F AC Part of DIMS (from FOG/CPM.119) DHELP .ASC: ED 1D Part of DIMS (from FOG/CPM.119) DHELP .DOC: 56 3B Part of DIMS (from FOG/CPM.119) FIELDFOR.DWS: D8 0F Part of DIMS (from FOG/CPM.119) FORMFORM.DWS: AA F9 Part of DIMS (from FOG/CPM.119) LONGADDR.D : 8B 9B Part of DIMS (from FOG/CPM.119) LONGADDR.DD : 8B 9B Part of DIMS (from FOG/CPM.119) MEMBERS .D : 42 80 Part of DIMS (from FOG/CPM.119) MEMBERS .DD : 42 80 Part of DIMS (from FOG/CPM.119) MEMBERS .DFO: DB 4C Part of DIMS (from FOG/CPM.119) MEMBERS .DOC: 90 A2 Part of DIMS (from FOG/CPM.119) PCEXPORT.COM: 7D 26 Allows moving data from PCFILE to comma delimited PCFILE .COM: DB CE Ver. 8.6 Data management program - menu driven PCFILE .DOC: 29 3F and easy to use. Maintains lists, prints labels, PCSORT .COM: 27 61 etc. REFORMAT.BAS: 87 B0 Allows you to change the structure of comma delimited REFORMAT.DOC: B1 52 files with CR/LF delimited records SHORT .DFO: AE 4E Part of DIMS (from FOG/CPM.119) SHORT1 .DFO: EA 85 Part of DIMS (from FOG/CPM.119) SHORTADD.D : 72 6C Part of DIMS (from FOG/CPM.119) SHORTADD.DD : 72 6C Part of DIMS (from FOG/CPM.119) STANDADD.D : 91 F8 Part of DIMS (from FOG/CPM.119) STANDADD.DD : 91 F8 Part of DIMS (from FOG/CPM.119) STANDADD.DFO: B9 3A Part of DIMS (from FOG/CPM.119) FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.121: Commodore C-128 programs //CPM121.DOC: /JUL/86 . : CPM+ .SYS: DF A9 The Dec 6, 1985 revision of the C-128 CPM+ system CPM3 .LQB: 59 65 that properly supports the serial port. Squeezed CX80 .AQM: 1E 78 files are included on this disk to assemble your CXDISK .AQM: 25 BA own version of CPM+.SYS, or you can just copy the CXEM .AQM: 90 5C new CPM+.SYS to your CP/M system disk. CXEQU .LQB: C6 33 Used to assemble new CPM+.SYS CXEXT .AQM: F6 63 Used to assemble new CPM+.SYS CXINTR .AQM: 39 7C Used to assemble new CPM+.SYS CXIO .AQM: 86 6B Used to assemble new CPM+.SYS CXKEY .AQM: A4 A1 Used to assemble new CPM+.SYS CXKRNL .AQM: F2 28 Used to assemble new CPM+.SYS CXKYCODE.AQM: BE F7 Used to assemble new CPM+.SYS CXPRINTE.AQM: 21 3E Used to assemble new CPM+.SYS CXRAMDSK.AQM: CD 26 Used to assemble new CPM+.SYS CXSCB .AQM: 00 A0 Used to assemble new CPM+.SYS CXSYS .GET: F3 0B Used to assemble new CPM+.SYS C1571 .COM: DB A9 Turns off verify, speeding up GCR format disk access CONF .COM: A8 16 Allows you to configure printer & screen attributes, CONF .HLP: 8F 28 keyclick, baud rate, etc. FAST8502.AQM: 31 37 Used to assemble new CPM+.SYS GENCPM .DQT: BA 6A Used to assemble new CPM+.SYS MODEBAUD.LQB: B5 CF Used to assemble new CPM+.SYS READ .ME : 40 0C Instructions for assembling a new BIOS. You will X6502 .LQB: 18 A6 need the additional disks from Commodore supplied Z80 .LQB: 98 69 with the Digital Research manuals if you do this. FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.122: IMP244 communications program by Irv Hoff //CPM122.DOC: You will need this disk PLUS an overlay for your /AUG/8¶ ® º computeò froí onå oæ thå diskó followinç thió one. I2FUNC .COM: FD 97 IMP internal function key programmer I2FUNC .DOC: 7B 0E Instructions for using I2FUNC I2LIB .COM: 8D 8A IMP dialing library editor I2LIB .DOC: EF FB Instructions for using I2LIB I2NM-2 .ASM: 36 30 IMP dialing library overlay I2PR-1 .ASM: 19 46 Overlay allowing Penril 1200-AD to work with IMP I2RV-4 .ASM: 5C FD Overlay for Racal Vadic VA212PA or VA3451 I2VB-2 .ASM: 19 4E IMP 'verbose mode' overlay required for Avatex IMP .DOC: A0 E6 IMP theory and instructions IMP .INF: 4F 24 Introduction to IMP features IMP-DISK.NOT: AE E8 How to change IMP transfer buffer size IMP-OVL .CUS: E2 BA Information for customizing your IMP IMP-OVL .LST: 1B 45 List of available overlays for IMP IMP244 .BEL: E7 5A Disable incoming BELL characters IMP244 .COM: EA E4 Distribution version of uninstalled IMP IMP244 .DTR: F6 AA Patch IMP to disable DTR IMP244 .UPD: A8 8C Changes to this latest IMP version MLOAD24 .AQM: 58 5A Squeezed source file for MLOAD24 MLOAD2´ .COMº D¸ AÁ Replacemenô foò CP/Í LOAD.COÍ thaô allows offsets, etc. Can be used to install IMP, MDM7, and MEX overlays. FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.123: Overlays for IMP244 to adapt various computers //CPM123.DOC: This disk is one in a series that supplements /AUG/86 . : the IMP distribution files on FOG-CPM.122 I218-2 .ZQ0: E0 43 MicroMint SB180 (Hitachi 64180). Z80 code I2A2-2 .AQM: FD B6 Apple //c with various cards I2A3-2 .AQM: 7F C7 Apple /// I2AC-1 .AQM: D3 55 Actrix (Access Matrix) (Dart at 5.0688 MHz) I2AD-1 .AQM: 94 48 Advanced Digital Super Six (Z80 Dart and 8116) I2AL-1 .AQM: F0 59 Altos Series 5000 and 8000 (Z80 Dart & 8430 CTC) I2AM-2 .AQM: 78 D1 Ampro Little Board (Z80 Dart & 8430 CTC) I2AP-7 .AQM: 16 3C Apple //e (2651 for CCP and 6551 for SSC) I2B2-1 .AQM: 66 D3 Big Board II (Z80 SIO and 8430 CTC) I2B3-1 .AQM: 51 FF Bondwell II laptop portable (8251 & 8253 BRG) I2BT-3 .AQM: 32 EB Beehive Topper (Z80 Dart and 8430 CTC) I2BW-2 .AQM: 00 F1 Bondwell 12/14 (Z80 SIO and 8253 BRG) I2C8-± .AQMº 5· 2¸ Commodorå C12¸ -needó ¶ Dec/8µ oò lateò bios(FOG-CPM.121) I2CC-3 .AQM: BF 26 CCS 2719 and CCS 2830 (Z80 Dart and 8430 CTC) I2CP-± .AQMº 2¶ 6Æ CompuPrï interfaceò 3/´ (265± w¯ Bauä Ratå Generator) I2DM-1 .AQM: 36 3E Dynabyte Monarch (Z80 SIO and 8116 BRG) I2DP-1 .AQM: 01 F3 Datapoint 1560 (8251A and 8430 CTC) I2DV-1 .AQM: 24 C5 Datavue 3000 (Z80 SIO and 8430 CTC) FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.124: Overlays for IMP244 to adapt various computers //CPM124.DOC: This disk is one in a series that supplements /AUG/86 . : the IMP distribution files on FOG-CPM.122 I2EA-1 .AQM: E0 1B Eagle II and III (Z80 SIO and 8430 CTC) I2EP-1 .AQM: 00 E4 Epson QX-10 (Z80 SIO and Intel 8253) I2EQ-3 .AQM: 65 05 Insight Enterprises EQ-4 (Z80 SIO and 8116 BRG) I2H8-4 .AQM: 50 F8 Heath/Zenith 89 (8250 w/Baud Rate Generator) I2HZ-5 .AQM: 4D F3 Heath/Zenith 100 series (2661 w/BRG) I2KP-1 .AQM: 49 0C Kaypro with external modem (Z80 SIO & 8116 BRG) I2LO-1 .AQM: D8 10 Lobo MAX-80 (Z80 SIO and 8116 BRG) I2MC-1 .AQM: DD 0B Molecular Series X (Z80 Dart and 8430 CTC) I2MD-1 .AQM: 13 6A Morrow MD3 (8251 and 8254-2 BRG) I2MDA-2 .AQM: 24 7D All Morrow MD ( ROM 1.x 2.x 3.x and/or hard disk) I2ME-1 .AQM: 29 07 Morrow MD5/MD11 (Z80 SIO) I2MM-2 .ZQ0: E1 04 Micromint SB180 (Hitachi HD64180) I2MO-1 .AQM: 74 AB Morrow MD3 (old units with 8251 and no BRG) I2MT-1 .AQM: 91 63 Memotech SDX-512 (Z80 Dart and 8430 CTC) I2NA-2 .AQM: D2 CA North Star Advantage (8251 and 8253 BRG) I2NE-1 .AQM: BC 34 NEC 8801 (8251 and no Baud Rate Generator) I2NH-2 .AQM: 67 3E North Star Horizon (Standard 8251 and no BRG) I2NS-5 .AQM: C9 09 North Star Horizon (8251 and HSIO-4 serial board) FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.125: Overlays for IMP244 to adapt various computers //CPM125.DOC: This disk is one in a series that supplements /AUG/86 . : the IMP distribution files on FOG-CPM.122 I2OS-4 .AQM: AA AA Osborne 1 using RS232 port only. (6850 ACIA) I2OV-2 .AQM: 99 ED Osborne 4 Vixen (8251 and 8155 BRG) I2OX-1 .AQM: 10 A1 Osborne Executive (Dart and Intel 8253 BRG) I2R2-1 .AQM: 4F 9C TRS-80 Model II/12 (Z80 SIO and 8430 CTC) I2R4-± .AQMº 6¹ Cµ TRS-8° Modeì ´ w/Montezumá Micrï (TR160² ¦ BR19411) I2S2-1 .AQM: 6B 18 Sanyo 1200/1250 (8251 with no Baud Rate Generator) I2SB-1 .AQM: D0 9B Intertec SuperBrain (8251 and BR1941) I2SP-± .AQMº 6Á 8³ Colecï Adaí witè EVÅ SP-± interfacå ¦ externaì modem I2SS-2 .AQM: 4C 16 CompuPro System Support 1 (2651 w/BRG) I2SY-2 .AQM: 02 95 Sanyo 1000/1100/1200/1250 (8251, no BRG) I2TV-4 .AQM: F9 EE Televideo 802/803 (Z80 SIO and 8430 CTC) I2US-1 .AQM: 02 1F US Robotics S-100 plug-in modem (8251, no BRG) I2WM-2 .AQM: 8F F6 WaveMate Bullet (Z80 Dart and 8430 CTC) I2XE-1 .AQM: DE 63 Xerox 820 (Z80 SIO and 8116 Baud Rate Generator) I2ZB-1 .AQM: D3 B5 Zorba (8251A and 8254-2 BRG) FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.126: MDM740 - CP/M communications software //CPM126.DOC: An overlay for your specific computer is required /AUG/86 . : See the following disks for overlays M7FNK .COM: 50 7C MDM740 internal function key editor M7FNK .DOC: B2 EE Instructions for using M7FNK M7LIB .COM: 12 AE MDM740 dialing library number editor M7LIB .DOC: 27 D9 Instructions for using M7LIB M7NM-1 .AQM: A3 17 Phone number overlay for MDM712 or earlier M7NM-6 .ASM: 39 54 Phone number overlay for MDM740 M7RV-7 .AQM: 76 86 Racal Vadic VA2121PA modem dialing overlay MDM740 .COM: D6 7E Uninstalled MDM740 distribution version MDM740 .DOC: 27 5F Documentation and instructions MDM740 .INF: F2 BC Description of features MDMLNK .COM: BD A5 Self prompting program for installing overlays MDMLNK .DOC: 7E 47 on MDM7, MEX, or IMP FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.127: Overlays for MDM740 to adapt various computers //CPM127.DOC: This disk is one in a series that supplements /AUG/86 . : the MDM740 distribution files on FOG-CPM.126 M7A3-1 .AQM: A3 78 Apple /// softcard w/RS232 drivers M7AC+3 .AQM: 7F 28 Apple-Cat // ALS CP/M card. CP/M+ or CPM2.2 M7AC-1 .AQM: 8C 18 Apple-Cat // (Vanilla flavored) M7AD-1 .AQM: AF 29 ADDS Multivision M7ADAM .AQM: 96 E0 Coleco Adam M7AJ-1 .AQM: 42 E4 Apple J-Cat with Apple Super Serial card M7AL-2 .AQM: A7 16 Altos Series 5 M7AP-6 .AQM: 94 06 Apple // with ALS, CCS 7710, SSM, CPS, Versacard M7AQ-6 .AQM: 01 F7 Apple // w/6 MHz PCPI Applicard M7AX-2 .AQM: AF 29 Actrix M7CD-1 .AQM: A0 F7 Cromemco CDOS at port 50 M7CI-1 .AQM: 58 43 CCS 2718 S100 board M7CO-1 .AQM: D6 77 Columbia 1502-2 M7CR-2 .AQM: 9D DE Cromemco M7CU-1 .AQM: 1B 30 CCS 2820 M7CZ-3 .AQM: F5 4C CCS 2719 with Baud Rate Generator M7DB-1 .AQM: B2 09 Dynabyte serial port 80H M7DM-1 .AQM: D7 BC Dynabyte Monarch FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.128: Overlays for MDM740 to adapt various computers //CPM128.DOC: This disk is one in a series that supplements /AUG/86 . : the MDM740 distribution files on FOG-CPM.126 M7DP-3 .AQM: 08 0D Datapoint 1650 M7DU-1 .AQM: F7 FB Durango series computers M7EG-2 .AQM: 5D 28 Eagle IIE-2 M7EP-2 .AQM: E5 C1 Epson QX-10 M7FA-2 .AQM: 13 3F Franklin ACE w/dual interface card M7GP-1 .AQM: 08 86 General purpose - based on 8251 I/O M7H8-7 .AQM: F8 09 Heath/Zenith H89 or Z90 M7HP-1 .AQM: B3 C2 Hewlett Packard 125 series 100 M7HZ-1 .AQM: 91 7C Heath/Zenith H/Z 100/110 series M7IM-2 .AQM: 4B 66 IMS computers M7IN-2 .AQM: AA 8C CompuPro Interfacer 3 or 4 M7IO-1 .AQM: BF 39 Intersystems MIO board at 80H M7JC-2 .AQM: 5A 04 Apple Super Serial card w/Novation J-cat M7KP-2 .AQM: E5 69 Kaypro II (7/8 data, even/odd) M7LB-2 .AQM: D0 92 Ampro Little Board series 100 M7LBD+ .AQM: 93 5F Ampro Little Board (even/odd parity version) M7LO-2 .AQM: D0 7B Lobo Max-80 M7M4-1 .AQM: D5 A9 TRS-80 Model 4 M7MD-2 .AQM: 0F E1 Morrow Micro Decision MD3 FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.129: Overlays for MDM740 to adapt various computers //CPM129.DOC: This disk is one in a series that supplements /AUG/86 . : the MDM740 distribution files on FOG-CPM.126 M7-PBM .AQM: 08 0D Performance Business Machine M7NA-1 .AQM: A8 22 North Star Advantage M7NC-1 .AQM: 06 FB NCR Decision Mate V M7NE-1 .AQM: D6 B9 NEC PC-8001 M7NH-2 .AQM: C4 78 North Star Horizon M7NT-1 .AQM: 4C B0 Northern Telecom computer M7OA-2 .AQM: 21 B3 Otrona Attache M7OD-5 .AQM: DF 2F Osborne 1 w/Comm-Pac or CTS Datacomm modem M7OS-2 .AQM: BA 54 Osborne 1 using RS232 port only M7OV-1 .AQM: A8 21 Osborne Vixen M7OX-1 .AQM: 4F 31 Osborne Executive M7P1-1 .AQM: B9 22 PMC Micromate M7PC-1 .AQM: 08 59 IBM PC with Baby Blue Z80 card M7PM-2 .AQM: 0B 48 PMMI 103 S-100 modem M7PP-4 .AQM: 3F 51 Pied Piper M7PT-1 .AQM: 3C D2 Processor Technology SOL M7QX@3 .AQM: 22 94 Epson QX-10 with VALDOCS M7QY-1 .AQM: F0 F4 Quay computers FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.130: Overlays for MDM740 to adapt various computers //CPM130.DOC: This disk is one in a series that supplements /AUG/86 . : the MDM740 distribution files on FOG-CPM.126 M7R1-3 .AQM: BD 03 TRS-80 Model I w/Omikron Mapper M7R2-2 .AQM: BB 0D TRS-80 Model II/12 w/Pickles & Trout CP/M M7R3-1 .AQM: BA 9F TRS-80 Model III w/Omikron or Model 4 w/CPM 2.2 M7R4+1 .AQM: AF 2F TRS-80 Model 4 with Radio Shack CPM+ M7R4-4 .AQM: 94 63 TRS-80 Model 4 w/Montezuma Micro CP/M 2.2 M7S1-1 .AQM: D6 CB Sanyo MBC-1100 M7SB-1 .AQM: CC 23 Intertec Compustar/Superbrain M7SY-3 .AQM: 81 7B Sanyo MBC-1000 (requires hardware modifications) M7TK-1 .AQM: 98 39 Teletek SystemMaster M7TS-2 .AQM: 58 02 Toshiba EW-100/T-100/T-250/T-200 M7TV-9 .AQM: BA 14 Televideo TS-802/TS-803/TPC-1 M7TV-9 .DQC: C6 7D Notes on Televideo printer enabling M7US-3 .AQM: B6 E8 US Robotics S-100 M7VG-1 .AQM: AC 35 Vector Graphics 3 and 4 M7VI-2 .AQM: 02 87 Visual 1050 M7VT-4 .AQM: F8 56 DEC VT180, Rainbow, Robin, and DECmateII w/ CP/M M7XE-1 .AQM: 99 20 Xerox 820 and 820 II M7ZB-4 .AQM: AB F0 Zorba M7ZX-3 .AQM: 41 6B Zobex S-100 FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.131: Source code for MDM740 in 8080 assembler. //CPM127.DOC: This disk is one in a series that supplements /AUG/86 . : the MDM740 distribution files on FOG-CPM.126 NOTE: This disk is NOT required to configure or MDM740 .ASM: 03 40 use MDM740 with your computer. It is supplied as reference. FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.132: MEX - Modem EXecutive communications program //CPM132.DOC: These overlays supplement the MEX files on the /AUG/86 . : distribution disk FOG-CPM.136 MXM-CD11.AQM: F1 78 Concord Data Systems 224 AD modem MXM-CM12.AQM: 1B D6 Cermetek Infomate 212A Modem MXM-CT15.AQM: F4 2C CTS Companion modem 212AH MXM-DT11.AQM: F7 B1 Datec 212 modem MXM-IM11.AQM: 09 4E Cermetek Info-Mate 212A modem MXM-MW11.AQM: 6E 6D Racal-Vadic Maxwell 1200V modem MXM-PR11.AQM: 18 D4 Penril 300/1200 AD and compatibles (Rixon) MXM-RV14.AQM: 46 76 Racal-Vadic VA12 MXM-RX10.AQM: 67 4E Rixon R212A 300/1200 modem MXM-SC11.AQM: 0C D5 SmartCat MXM-SM15.AQM: 7A 63 Hayes Smartmodem MXM-UD11.AQM: 92 7F UDS 212-A/D MXM-VP11.AQM: C7 9C Ventel MD212 Plus MXO-AP12.AQM: 9F A2 Apple //, various serial cards MXO-C212.AQM: C7 05 Cermetek 212A and 199SA MXO-CT10.AQM: FE D4 CTS Companion modem MXO-DP10.AQM: B3 23 Datapoint 1560 FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.133: MEX - Modem EXecutive communications program //CPM133.DOC: These overlays supplement the MEX files on the /AUG/86 . : distribution disk FOG-CPM.136 MXO-DT10.AQM: 76 AD Datec 212 modem MXO-DV10.AQM: 29 EC Davidge DSB-4/6 single board computer MXO-GB10.AQM: FF 63 CompuPro Interfacer 3/4 MXO-H811.AQM: 49 E5 Heath/Zenith H89 MXO-HZ11.AQM: 96 5D Heath/Zenith 100 MXO-II11.AQM: 51 9B InterSystems VIO MXO-IM10.AQM: 5F B5 Cermetek InfoMate 212 modem MXO-KP41.AQM: 96 0B Kaypro (all versions) MXO-KPS4.AQM: 4E 97 Kaypro with external Smartmodem only MXO-MD10.AQM: 0F 7B Morrow Micro Decision MD2, MD3 (without printer) MXO-MD10.NOT: 63 63 Info on implementing MD3 rev 1 MXO-MD11.AQM: 1C CD Morrow Micro Decision MD2, MD3A MXO-NE10.AQM: 8E E5 NEC PC-8001 MXO-NS10.AQM: 2C 0F North Star Horizon MXO-OA11.AQM: DA 3C Otrona Attache FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.134: MEX - Modem EXecutive communications program //CPM134.DOC: These overlays supplement the MEX files on the /AUG/86 . : distribution disk FOG-CPM.136 MXO-OC10.AQM: 36 78 Osborne 1 w/Comm-Pac or CTS Datacomm modem MXO-OS17.AQM: 69 42 Osborne 1 w/estensive SET options MXO-OS22.AQM: CB 17 Osborne 1 MXO-OX10.AQM: D1 CB Osborne Executive MXO-PM11.AQM: D8 7D PMMI S-100 modem MXO-PP10.AQM: 6A FB Pied Piper computer MXO-PR10.AQM: 6C 7B Penril 300/1200 AD modem MXO-R210.AQM: C1 D8 TRS-80 Model II/12/16 MXO-RT10.AQM: 71 86 Racal-Vadic VA3451 modem MXO-RV13.ASM: 8A 02 Racal Vadic VA112 modem MXO-SB12.AQM: 8D DE Intertec Superbrain MXO-SC10.AQM: E9 7D Smartcat modem MXO-SM14.AQM: B5 96 Hayes Smartmodem MXO-SY11.AQM: BD 89 Sanyo MBC-1000 FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.135: MEX - Modem EXecutive communications program //CPM135.DOC: These info files supplement the MEX files on the /AUG/86 . : distribution disk FOG-CPM.136 CCAUTO .IQF: 2F FD Make MEX automatically transfer files CURAMEX .INF: B9 F7 Unattended dialing and log-on CURAMEX .OSB: 05 3F Auto-log command file GET .DOC: FD 11 GET.MEX will allow MEX to transfer a file from a GET .MEX: 5A CF remote computer to your computer using MEX MEX-OS .TXT: 18 17 Info on using MEX with Osborne Comm-Pac modem MEX-OVLY.BUG: 0E BA How to make overlays 'cloneable' MEX-SET2.DQC: E0 98 Notes on using INI.MEX MEX11UPD.DQC: 76 D0 Summary of updates in MEX version 1.1x MEXNEWS .0Q1: A5 B4 MEX news and updates MEXNEWS .0Q2: 0D 0C MEX news and updates MEXNEWS .0Q3: AE 96 MEX news and updates MEXNEWS .0Q4: E2 B5 MEX news and updates MEXPAT11.ASM: A4 00 Patch file for modifying MEX defaults MEXUSAGE.TXT: A5 AC How to use MEX MXO-TD30.AQM: 83 59 Turbo-Dos overlay MXO-TR3 .AQM: 5B 04 TRS-80 model 3 with Holmes VID-80 and CP/M 2.2 MXO-TV10.AQM: 0B 46 Televideo TV802 MXO-UD10.AQM: E1 A9 UDS 212 A/D modem MXO-US13.AQM: A0 39 US Robotics S-100 modem MXO-VP10.AQM: A2 40 Ventel MD212 Plus modem MXO-XE11.AQM: 32 28 Xerox 820 and 820 II MXO-ZB10.AQM: 26 DF Zorba USERMEX .DOC: EA 79 Sample batch command files for MEX FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.135: MEX114 communications program. You will need //CPM135.DOC: overlays from one of the previous disks to /AUG/86 . : adapt MEX to your computer. BUFFERS .DOC: 70 BE Explains the MEX buffering scheme MEX .HLP: D6 50 On-line MEX help file MEX-EASY.DOC: 38 A8 Short 'cheat sheet' to getting MEX on line MEX-EASY.FIX: CB B2 More 'cheating' MEX114 .COM: 52 9E MEX version 1.14 distribution file MEX11DOC.TOC: B9 69 Table of contents for MEX documentation MEX11DOC.WQ : 83 54 Squeezed MEX documentation READ114 .ME : 8E 71 Info on version 1.14 updates FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.137: Banner and sign programs //CPM137.DOC: /SEPT/86. : BANNER .BAS: DA 9A Prints a message on your printer or screen BANNER .COM: 02 83 Compiled version of BANNER.BAS BANNER .DOC: 43 4D BIGDATA .BAS: D2 8B Prints banners on NEC 8023 from data in prgm. BIGEPSON.BAS: 6F 19 Prints banners with Epson printers from kybd input BIGNEC .BAS: 40 CC Prints banners with NEC 8023 from keyboard input BIGPRINT.BAS: 40 CC Prints banners on NEC 8023 with mod. instructions BIGPRINT.DOC: EC 1C for other printers GOTHIC .COM: 9C C1 Prints gothic character banners NEC .BAS: 9E 5B Merge file for BIGPRINT PRINTER .BAS: D3 E4 Displays printer characters available SIGN11 .COM: 89 59 Make signs up... self prompting. SIGN11 .DAT: FE 9A Data file for SIGN11 FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.138: Microsoft Basic Programs //CPM138.DOC: /SEPT/86. : AUTOPLOT.BAS: A7 AD Plots scaled graphs from X-Y input pairs AXES .BAS: 48 E0 For PLOT BANDIT .BAS: 48 07 One arm bandit BELLOWS .BAS: 09 AC Calculates photographic exposure BINOMIAL.BAS: 8B 88 Binomial distribution BIORYTHM.BAS: FD 8F Check your high points BODEASCI.BAS: 75 42 Bode plot for certain transfer functions CASINO .BAS: D1 5D Baccarat, Blackjack or Roulette CONVERSN.BAS: CB 4C Ascii to decimal conversion DAYS .BAS: 16 7A Computes days between dates DRACULA .BAS: A2 82 An 'adventure' type game ESCAPE .BAS: 25 86 Escape from tanks & a minefield FINANCES.BAS: 39 4F Calculate future value, amortization, interest, etc. GUARD .BAS: 07 33 Guardian of the Insects game GUESSNUM.BAS: 45 BD Random number guessing game ICBM .BAS: CB BF Target practice ICBMHS .DAT: 64 F5 ICBM high score file LABEL .BAS: D2 D4 For PLOT LOVE .BAS: CC 4A Print a message on your printer PLOT .BAS: 3A EE Plotter driver for TRS-80 CGP-115 PLOTTER .DOC: E8 DC ROULETTE.BAS: 26 E4 More casino games THINKEÒ .BASº 44 1E Á concepô processoò thaô takeó noun-verâ pairs THINKER .DOC: 58 74 and supplies logical return arguments THINKER2.BAS: AC 54 FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.139: Games programs for all computers //CPM139.DOC: /SEPT/86. : BR .DCL: 0C 59 PLI source code for BRHYTHM BR-DD .DCL: FF 3A PLI source code for BRHYTHM BR-DD .PLI: 10 D4 PLI source code for BRHYTHM BR-DIY .DCL: 32 24 PLI source code for BRHYTHM BR-DIY .PLI: 72 4E PLI source code for BRHYTHM BR-E .DCL: 74 B6 PLI source code for BRHYTHM BR-E .PLI: E1 01 PLI source code for BRHYTHM BR-GAD .DCL: DA 37 PLI source code for BRHYTHM BR-GAD .PLI: 18 B5 PLI source code for BRHYTHM BR-GYN .DCL: A8 DF PLI source code for BRHYTHM BR-GYN .PLI: 60 2E PLI source code for BRHYTHM BR-MTG .DCL: E8 AA PLI source code for BRHYTHM BR-MTG .PLI: 8D B4 PLI source code for BRHYTHM BR14 .PLI: 49 D9 PLI source code for BRHYTHM BR14 .SUB: 37 F9 Submit file for assembling BRYTHM BRHYTH14.MSG: 14 DD Information on version 1.4 BRHYTHM .COM: A8 EE Compiled biorythm program CCINE .DCL: FA 24 PLI source code for BRHYTHM CCINE11 .PLI: B9 1D PLI source code for BRHYTHM DISPRT .DCL: A9 7E PLI source code for BRHYTHM DISPRT .PLI: 22 B4 PLI source code for BRHYTHM GRGJUL .DCL: 84 6F PLI source code for BRHYTHM GRGJUL11.PLI: D8 52 PLI source code for BRHYTHM LADCONF .COM: F6 0E Lets you configure LADDER for your terminal LADDER .COM: 26 00 Similar to Donkey Kong.. Uses ascii characters LADDER .DAT: A3 80 for screen graphics LADDER .DOC: A1 AE UPCASE .DCL: 4E 17 PLI source code for BRHYTHM UPCASE .PLI: 94 A8 PLI source code for BRHYTHM ZELLER .DCL: A8 A9 PLI source code for BRHYTHM ZELLER11.PLI: 80 0B PLI source code for BRHYTHM FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.140: Osborne Executive games //CPM140.DOC: /SEPT/86. : COPTER .BAS: 4B 4D Helicopter war game DEMO .COM: 59 EB Introduces you to KARATE instructions, etc FASTKEY .ASM: 2C 8E Allows you to change the function keys FASTKEY .COM: 05 17 'on the fly' FASTKEY .DOC: 6D D7 GAMEDISK.FNT: 0B 46 Alternate font for graphics games on this disk GAMES .DOC: 84 CC HELPER .BAS: 4D EA Main menu for Mbasic games on this disk HUNT&PEK.BAS: E7 B4 A kind of 'Pac person' game KARATE .000: F6 21 KARATE .COM: A3 C9 Graphics action game KARATE .DOC: 4B A6 KARATE .FNT: EC CE Alternate font for Karate game MAKER .BAS: D7 CC Strategy game SHOOT .BAS: D9 D3 Alien invaders game SPY .BAS: DB C2 Find all the secret documents STARS .BAS: 10 D5 Don't let them catch you ZAP .BAS: 48 30 A bomb-eating worm! FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.141: Osborne 1 programs //CPM141.DOC: /SEPT/86. : JOURNEY .COM: 7E BF A full screen graphic 'adventure' game with D&D JOURNEY .DOC: 83 C4 type characters JOURNEY .INS: 47 B9 Used by Journey JOURNEY .SSS: 05 B5 Used by Journey LOGOFF .AZM: 87 36 Part of the UPDATE program LOGOFF .COM: AB 7B Part of the UPDATE program LOGON .AZM: 2C 48 Part of the UPDATE program LOGON .COM: 87 C3 Part of the UPDATE program OSNAKE .DOC: 6B 6D Graphics program - eat points - not snake OSNAKE .COM: A6 FC TDUCK .COM: C1 0B Duck shooting graphics game (from Portable Comp.) TDUCK .PAS: F5 74 Turbo Pascal source code for TDUCK TIMEOFF .AZM: 88 4D Part of the UPDATE program TIMEOFF .COM: DB B5 Part of the UPDATE program TIMEON .AZM: 74 59 Part of the UPDATE program TIMEON .COM: 75 D4 Part of the UPDATE program UPDATE .AZM: A4 17 Z80 source code for UPDATE UPDATE .COM: 89 13 These programs form a system of keeping track of UPDATE .DOC: 70 28 computer usage (inspired by the IRS) FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.142: Osborne 1 programs //CPM142.DOC: /SEPT/86. : AUTOMOD .ASM: 99 05 Single density command line autostart AUTOMOD .COM: EE 96 AUTOMOD .DOC: BE 05 AUTOMODD.ASM: C8 4D Double density command line autostart AUTOMODD.COM: F5 27 AUTOST .AQM: 14 7E Squeezed source code for AUTOST AUTOST .ASM: 49 D7 The original AUTOST AUTOST .COM: E6 9E BAUTOST .DOC: 70 AA AUTOST that logs to specified drive/user CLOCK .BAS: D4 F5 Digital clock display DISKEYS .BAS: D4 95 Print out function key settings DMPSCR .BAS: 1F FA Screen dump for Osborne 1 DMPSCR .DOC: C8 A2 FSTART .COM: 16 04 AUTOST generator with drive speed patches FSTART .DOC: 5C E0 FUNC .COM: FB 24 SD function key setting program FUNCTDD .COM: 71 D3 DD function key setting program FUNCTION.COM: 50 6F Function key set program FUNCTION.DOC: FA 11 GRAPH .BAS: B8 7D Graphics screen dump to Epson MX-80 with Graftrax MAKAUTO2.ASM: 39 B0 Generate a custom AUTOST file with drive speed up MAKAUTO2.COM: 5E 42 MAKEAUTO.ASM: B8 ED Generate a custom AUTOST file MAKEAUTO.COM: 2A 6D MAKEAUTO.DOC: 9A 6A OCLOCK .COM: 58 F8 Sets up a simple counter in RAM OCLOCK .DOC: 88 B8 OSARROW .COM: 98 F7 Allows toggling from WS to CPM arrow keys OSARROW .DOC: FE DF OSARROW .PAS: 69 54 Turbo Pascal source code for OSARROW OSBKYBD .ASM: 05 8C Function key setting program OSCHG .COM: 05 9E Changes screen width on Screen-Pac OSCREEN .BAS: AC 46 Shows screen characteristics OSPATCH1.COM: 26 DB Patches COPY.COM for more reliable operation SCREEN .COM: FA 62 Sets screen width on Screen-Pac SCREEN .DOC: 72 FE SETAUTO .COM: DF E6 Sets automatic boot command SETAUTO .DOC: A6 71 STARTER .ASM: 16 79 Creates a custom AUTOST program STARTER .COM: DB D5 STARTER .DOC: 16 08 TO .ASM: 63 D3 Changes screen width on Screen-Pac ŠTO .COM: CF AB TO80 .ASM: 49 B6 Changes width to 80 col on Screen-Pac TO80 .DOC: 64 63 WID .ASM: 15 9D Changes screen width on Screen-Pac WID .COM: 0B FB WID .DOC: 62 E0 WIDTH .C : 4F 9C Changes screen width on Screen-Pac WIDTH .COM: 52 3A Written in BDS C WIDTH .DOC: 9D 4F FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.143: Microsoft Basic programs //CPM143.DOC: /SEPT/86. : A/CLIST .BAS: 0F 0B Part of CHECKREG ACCOUNT .BAS: 47 5C Part of CHECKREG ACCOUNTS. : EB DA Part of CHECKREG BANK .BAS: D3 61 Part of CHECKREG CHECKREG.BAS: 7A 2A Menu driven Check Register program handles CHECKREG.DOC: D8 C6 multiple accounts CONVERT .BAS: D0 5B Convert metric to standard & Celcius to Farenheit CORINDEN.BAS: FF E4 Part of CHECKREG CORRBAL .BAS: D5 17 Part of CHECKREG CORRECT .BAS: 0B F9 Part of CHECKREG ENDROUTE.BAS: E3 4B Mbasic 'toolbox' module for program end ENDROUTE.DOC: 40 7F GANTTX .BAS: A9 4D Prints Gantt charts from disk file LATDEC .BAS: 30 FD Declines Latin verbs LATDEC .DOC: 91 67 MBASIC-P.DOCº 5Â A¸ Ho÷ tï Pokå aî addresó tï unprotecô protecteä files MEASURE .BAS: CC E7 Convert metric to standard METRIC .BAS: 1C AC Convert metric to standard MONEY .BAS: C5 F9 Amortization, PV, FV MONEY .DOC: 52 4D MULTREG .DTA: 6D CE Used with MULTREG1 MULTREG .MSG: D4 81 Used with MULTREG1 MULTREG1.BAS: 55 A0 Linear multiple regression ver 1.1 MULTREG1.DOC: 0F 69 PRINT .BAS: A6 1B Part of CHECKREG PROFILE .SUB: D1 C5 Part of CHECKREG (used with CPM+ for autoload) SAVE-MB2.COM: B0 54 Saves MBasic programs from memory to a file SAVE20 .DOC: 44 96 (useful after a 'crash') STARTER .BAS: 4B 01 Part of CHECKREG UNPROTEC.DOC: BC E5 Another way to unprotect a protected MBasic file FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.144: Printing programs for printers //CPM144.DOC: /SEPT/86. : AD-A&D .WS : 58 91 Bradford advertisement AD-B&C .WS : 52 CA Bradford advertisement ALLFONTS. : 1E C0 Bradford demo text BRADCON .COM: C4 F7 Bradford font generator program BRADCON .DOC: 6F 4B BRADFIX .PAT: 67 7A Patch to update BRADFORD.COM BRADFORD.COM: E7 81 Print text in multiple fonts (like typesetting!) BRADFORD.INF: 76 C4 Information on gettin the Bradford manual BRADFORD.MSG: D5 0A Mini manual and 'cheat sheet' FLASH .DSC: 73 D5 Information on the FLASH programs FLASH22B.ASM: 33 77 Blinking cursor patch for FLASHPRINT FLASH22B.DOC: 15 B9 FLASH22O.ASM: AA A2 Blinking cursor and no .BAK patch for FLASHPRINT FLASH22O.DOC: 5B DF FLASHGEN.BAS: CB 8E Printer character generator for Epson/CItoh FLASHGEN.COM: DC 9B Compiled version of FLASHGEN FLASHGEN.DOC: 1E 8F FONT1 .BIN: 8C DD BRADFORD font file FONT1B . : 50 0C BRADFORD font file FONT2 .BIN: E8 83 BRADFORD font file FONT3 .BIN: F7 DF BRADFORD font file FONT4 .BIN: 51 DA BRADFORD font file FONT5 .BIN: 0E 26 BRADFORD font file FONT6 .BIN: 3E 4B BRADFORD font file FONT7 .BIN: 7D B7 BRADFORD font file FONT8 .BIN: 98 5A BRADFORD font file FONT9 .BIN: 21 5C BRADFORD font file FONTA .BIN: C8 52 BRADFORD font file FONTB .BIN: 74 49 BRADFORD font file FONTC .BIN: C4 23 BRADFORD font file FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.145: CP/M Utility programs //CPM145.DOC: /SEPT/86. : ALERT .COM: 88 78 Sounds the console bell and waits for keystroke ALLOC .COM: E6 8D Displays a disk bit map. Type ALLOC H for help BMAP .COM: C4 BF Displays a disk bit map of directory information BMAP7/11.ASM: 37 8B Source code for BMAP7/11 BMAP7/11.COM: 49 B8 Displays a disk bit map of directory information CLS .DOC: 69 30 Intro to CLS-ANY CLS-ANY .ASM: 6E 51 Clear screen program source code CLS-^Z .COM: 78 4F Clear screen program for Osborne, Kaypro, etc CPMADÒ .COMº 5³ E¹ Showó variouó CP/Í addresses® BDOS¬ CCP¬ BIOS¬ etc CPMCALC .COM: F9 00 Showó variouó CP/Í addresses® BDOS¬ CCP¬ BIOS¬ etc ELSEG .COM: 1D 2E For use with GSUB ENDIFG .COM: 13 C5 For use with GSUB GK2SET .COM: F3 1B Allows changing the default attention character GKEY2 .COM: 19 F4 A key re-definition program GKEY2 .DOC: 0B D1 GOTOG .COM: D6 87 For use with GSUB GSUB .DOC: 7B 32 GSUB14 .COM: C5 A7 Improved version of SUBMIT IF .ASM: C4 8E For use with SUBMIT files IF .COM: 0E 56 For use with SUBMIT files IFG .COM: CB EC For use with GSUB IFG .DOC: 77 29 IFSKIP .DOC: 2D 12 Conditional execution of lines in SUBMIT files PRLMOV .ASM: 82 BD Routine to re-locate Page Relocatable Files RAMDSK .ASM: 36 DD Add on module to create a small CPM 2.2 ramdisk RAMDSK .COM: 97 6B (20K) for demonstration purposes RAMDSK .DOC: E8 66 SAFRAM .ASM: 3E 64 Allows you to protect an area of high memory SAFRAM .DOC: 3A 9A from being overwritten. SAFRAM2 .COM: 27 8C SKIP .ASM: 24 2D For use with SUBMIT files SKIP .COM: DA 01 For use with SUBMIT files TPA .COM: 19 78 Shows Transient Program Area available WAIT .COM: 0B FC For use with SUBMIT files. Suspends operation WAIT .DOC: A4 54 and waits for keyboard input. FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.146: CP/M Utility Programs //CPM146.DOC: /SEPT/86. : BU .AQM: CE D0 A simple backup utility that will back up all BU .COM: 70 76 user areas, checking attribute bit for files BU .DOC: 26 82 that have been changed. DDÄ .AQMº 0Å C± Dysaî Digitaì Diagnostiã Prograí sourcå code® NOTE: DDD11 .DOC: 68 3B this is an un-installed skeleton version DE-LBR .COM: 07 05 Extracts all files from a .LBR file DE-LBR .DOC: D7 F2 ERAA .COM: 8C 29 'Erase with Query'. Asks for confirmation before ERAA .DOC: 72 47 erasing files. N41 .AQM: 34 70 Decimal/Hex/Binary number conversion and logical N41 .COM: 7D E3 expression evaluator N41 .DOC: 91 52 REAÄ .COMº 8Á CÁ Allowó yoõ tï reaä multiplå texô fileó sequentially READ .DOC: 41 04 WIPE .COM: AF B5 Erases *.PRN *.SYM *.HEX *.REL and *.BAK with a WIPE .DOC: A1 48 single command. WIPE11 .ASM: E5 6E Source code for WIPE WIPE11 .COM: A1 6E Won't erase *.HEX files WIPEALL .SUB: 4C A7 Demonstration submit file for WIPE XCCP .COM: 0D 78 An 'extended CCP' that adds command line editing XCCP .DOC: 3C 6D multiple command line, etc for CPM 2.2 XCCP .HLP: 7D 2E XREN .ASM: 38 92 An MSDOS-style rename command XREN .COM: BD 02 XRENAME .DOC: 9C D4 XUSEÒ .ASMº AÄ 3° Allowó accesó tï extendeä useò areaó (0-31© iî CP/M XUSER .COM: E5 0E 2.2 systems XUSER .DOC: 21 05 FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.147: Osborne Executive programs //CPM147.DOC: /SEPT/86. : BOLD .CHR: 3C 29 A new character set for the Exec. DIRPATCH.AZMº 0¶ 0¶ Allowó thå DIÒ.COM commanä tï sho÷ DIRPATCH.DOC: E3 71 disk space remaining DIRPATCH.HEX: C0 3B EXECDIAL.DOC: 70 E6 Documentation for OP and VDOP EXPROF .ASM: 74 71 A profiling utility for CPM+ that times functions EXPROF .DOC: 4F C8 in c or assembly language programs EXPROF .NOT: AF 18 EXPROF .REL: E6 F7 EXPROF .Z80: F2 99 EXTIME .COM: 0D F0 Sets the Executive clock EXTIME .DOC: 0A 1B EXTIME .Z80: E4 75 Source code for EXTIME FNK-KBD .DOC: 4E BD Intro to FNKEYS and KEYBD FNKEYS .ASM: BD 09 Source code for program on FOG/CPM.048 FRENCHF .ONT: F8 D7 A French character set for the Executive KEYBD .ASM: A4 09 Source code for program on FOG/CPM.048 OP .COM: 43 33 An auto dialer program for a Hayes compatible OP .MQC: DA B4 modem. Will dial a number from a list OPV .COM: 45 BC Another version of OP that dials a number on OPV .MQC: 42 7C your screen REEDFONT.EX1: C3 D9 A new character font for the Executive VDOP .COM: D5 F7 A combination auto dialer and text editor! VDOP .MQC: 7F 2A Source code for VDOP FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.148: A desktop manager written in dBase II //CPM148.DOC: /SEPT/86. : ACTPLANS.CMD: 2A 45 Combines features of Calculator, Expense ACTPLANS.DBF: 8F D8 Account, Time Manager, Planner, Notebook, ACTPLANS.NDX: C3 A1 Address & Phonebook, Filing Cabinet, etc. ACTPLANS.TXT: 69 72 AGGENDAS.CMD: AE 22 Will also chain to .COM files, making a AGGENDAS.DBF: 97 CF complete menu driven system AGGENDAS.NDX: F5 CD CALCULAT.CMD: 83 4A All files on this disk are part of the CHANGEOP.CMD: 59 1F HANDY+ system DECISION.CMD: 8A 55 DECISION.DBF: 85 3F DECISION.NDX: EE 79 ERASTIME.CMD: A7 95 EXITWORK.CMD: FF C9 EXPENSES.CMD: BA 07 EXPENSES.DBF: F0 0B EXPENSES.FRM: F9 29 EXPENSES.NDX: B4 A5 FILECABS.CMD: 4B A3 All files on this disk are part of the FILECABS.DBF: 07 F3 HANDY+ system FILECABS.NDX: B2 18 FONEBOOK.CMD: 39 E7 FONEBOOK.DBF: CD F2 FONEBOOK.NDX: 2C 6E GETXTIME.CMD: A2 36 HANDY+10.DOC: 29 B0 LIFETIME.CMD: 1F 7C MILEAGES.DBF: BA 5A MILEAGES.FRM: 67 42 MILEAGES.NDX: B4 A5 NEXTDATE.CMD: D5 C9 NOTEBOOK.CMD: 4D 3E NOTEBOOK.DBF: 99 25 NOTEBOOK.NDX: 5C 24 All files on this disk are part of the NOTEBOOK.TXT: A6 0C HANDY+ system NOTECARD.CMD: D9 85 PLANNING.CMD: 79 9A PLANNING.DBF: 60 86 PLANNING.NDX: AF FB PRINTIME.CMD: 1C 41 REMINDER.CMD: D9 C3 REMINDER.DBF: B3 0E ŠREMINDER.NDX: 65 D3 SAYMONTH.CMD: 26 93 SAYTODAY.CMD: 58 D0 SIXMONTH.CMD: 04 AB TODOLIST.CMD: EA D7 TODOLIST.DBF: 21 64 TODOLIST.NDX: 91 13 All files on this disk are part of the WORKMENU.CMD: AA AE HANDY+ system WSTATION.CMD: 0E 5C FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.149: Osborne 1 Programs //CPM149.DOC: /SEPT/86. : AUTOST .COM: B0 2A Autostart for MENU.BAS BARG .COM: 51 A5 Bar Graph program uses typed-in figures. BARG .DOC: 81 06 BARG .PAS: E9 88 Turbo Pascal source code CALC .COM: 7A 8D A simple 4 function 2 decimal calculator CALC .DOC: 6F 00 CALC .Z80: 1F C7 Source code (works on Vixen, too) CUBIST .BAS: CC 72 Part of MENU of games G/CHANGE.BAS: 8C 13 Part of the GRAPH/DR program GR/DR/3D.BAS: E0 9E Part of the GRAPH/DR program GR/DUMP .BAS: 52 C8 Part of the GRAPH/DR program GR/DUMP1.BAS: E1 E7 Part of the GRAPH/DR program GR/MENU .DOC: 1F B7 Info on the Mbasic games on this disk GR/PRCNT.BAS: 21 29 Part of the GRAPH/DR program GR/PRINT.BAS: C6 C8 Part of the GRAPH/DR program GRAPH/DR.BASº Fµ 7Â Á graphicó prograí thaô allowó yoõ tï design on GRAPH/DR.DOC: E5 C1 the O1 screen & print the result GRAPHIC2.COM: 4D B3 Allows you to type graphics characters on the GRAPHIC2.DOC: 99 A2 screen & displays X-Y coordinates. GRAPHIC2.PAS: E7 0C Turbo Pascal source code (works on Vixen, too) LEMANS .BAS: C1 99 Part of MENU of games MENU .BAS: FA E9 Main menu for games and GRAPH/DR MENU/2 .BAS: 37 F0 Main menu for games and GRAPH/DR OZ1MEM .AZM: D5 64 Source code for OZ1MEM (works on Vixen, too) OZ1MEM .COM: 22 28 Displays memory contents on screen OZ1MEM .DOC: 05 DE RANDOM .DTA: BB 9A Part of MENU of games NOTE: these are tokenized REVERS/P.BAS: 6D A0 Part of MENU of games and protected so you SOLITAIR.BAS: 30 B6 Part of MENU of games can not list them SQUABBLE.BAS: D6 EB Part of MENU of games SUBSERCH.BAS: 94 E8 Part of MENU of games TEACH .DOC: FD 02 Learn Morse code on the Osborne 1 TEACH3 .ASM: CF 60 This program will beep the beeper on all versions TEACH3 .COM: 9C 6B of Osborne 1 TEACH3 .DOC: 08 73 FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1986) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description -FOG/CPM.150: Osborne 1 programs //CPM150.DOC: /SEPT/86. : 3DGRAPH .BAS: D5 DD Displays a 3d bargraph on the screen 3DGRAPH .DSC: 12 EE A .OZP: 29 7C Part of the ALPHABET program ALPHABET.BAS: 98 96 Draws a screen for each letter of the alphabet. ALPHABET.COM: EB 27 should be an attention getter for children ALPHABET.DOC: FB 0C AUTOALFA.COM: 82 4F Custom AUTOST that loads ALPHABET B .OZP: FE 54 Part of the ALPHABET program BREAKOUT.COM: 27 D8 Osborne 1 version of the arcade game C .OZP: 6B E4 Part of the ALPHABET program D .OZP: 95 3D Part of the ALPHABET program E .OZP: D4 62 Part of the ALPHABET program EXAMPLE .POP: 04 CB Example for WATOR1 F .OZP: 7D 49 Part of the ALPHABET program G .OZP: C4 A1 Part of the ALPHABET program H .OZP: 5C F9 Part of the ALPHABET program I .OZP: 68 DE Part of the ALPHABET program J .OZP: DC C3 Part of the ALPHABET program K .OZP: 44 68 Part of the ALPHABET program L .OZP: 29 E9 Part of the ALPHABET program LALANE .BAS: 65 5C Animated stick figure M .OZP: A2 9C Part of the ALPHABET program MAZE3 .BAS: 6F AD Random maze generator N .OZP: A5 95 Part of the ALPHABET program O .OZP: BB 22 Part of the ALPHABET program P .OZP: FA A8 Part of the ALPHABET program Q .OZP: 9D D3 Part of the ALPHABET program R .OZP: DB 82 Part of the ALPHABET program S .OZP: 0E 2C Part of the ALPHABET program SNAKE .COM: C8 50 A snake game using graphics T .OZP: 62 55 Part of the ALPHABET program U .OZP: 6A 52 Part of the ALPHABET program V .OZP: 19 E9 Part of the ALPHABET program W .OZP: B8 88 Part of the ALPHABET program WATOR1 .COM: 72 C7 A simulation of sharks and fish in an ocean WATOR1 .PAS: 50 45 (may also run on other computers) X .OZP: 15 5D Part of the ALPHABET program Y .OZP: 72 B1 Part of the ALPHABET program Z .OZP: 49 4F Part of the ALPHABET program FOG LIBRARY DISK FOG-CPM.151 Copyright (1987) by FOG (First Osborne Group) to the extent not copyrighted by the original author for the exclusive use and enjoyment of its members. Any reproduction or distribution for profit or personal gain is strictly forbidden. For information, contact FOG, P. O. Box 3474, Daly City, CA. 94015-0474. as part of the description of a file indicates that the program is distributed on a "try first, pay if you like it" basis. If you find the program(s) meet your need, please refer to the author's documentation for information on becoming a registered user. Only by registering and paying for the programs you like and use will the authors of such programs continue development. Often, more complete documentation, additional modules, and new releases are available only to registered users. Word processing and WordStar companion utilities. Filename Description -01-00 .87 This is the release date of the disk. -CPM151 .DOC This is the description of the disk contents. ANYCODE .ASM 0A39 3K ->(ANYCODE 1 of 2)<- ASseMbler source code for patch which allows you to send any character to your printer from within WordStar. ANYCODE .DOC 932C 20K ->(ANYCODE 2 of 2)<- CHGCHAR .COM 8957 1K ->(Change Character 1 of 3)< Will change any character in a file to any other character. Works with ASCII or hexidecimal characters. Squeezed ASseMbler source code is included. CHGCHAR .DOC C2DC 5K ->(Change Character 2 of 3)<- CHGCHAR .AQM 13C4 4K ->(Change Character 3 of 3)<- DBL .COM D7E3 4K ->(Double 1 of 2)<- Prints your text in column format and gives you control over format and print size. DBL .DOC 4385 1K ->(Double 2 of 2)<- IXMAIN .COM B29F 19K ->(Indexer 1 of 14)<- Program to help you index a book. Includes module which merges two index files and Turbo Pascal source code. IXMAIN .PAS EAEE 6K ->(Indexer 2 of 14)<- IXDIAG .PAS 8241 2K ->(Indexer 3 of 14)<- IXDOIT .PAS 9822 10K ->(Indexer 4 of 14)<- IXDONE .PAS EF02 4K ->(Indexer 5 of 14)<- IXINIT .PAS BA1D 5K ->(Indexer 6 of 14)<- IXSTRG .PAS CCE9 6K ->(Indexer 7 of 14)<- IXTEXT .PAS 65E1 4K ->(Indexer 8 of 14)<- IXTREE .PAS CF6E 5K ->(Indexer 9 of 14)<- IXWALK .PAS E039 4K ->(Indexer 10 of 14)<- INDEXER .DOC 4196 25K ->(Indexer 11 of 14)<- ABSTRACT. 7F29 1K ->(Indexer 12 of 14)<- IXMERGE .COM F3F0 14K ->(Indexer 13 of 14)<- IXMERGE .PAS 8C99 15K ->(Indexer 14 of 14)<- FOG LIBRARY DISK FOG-CPM.153 Copyright (1987) by FOG (First Osborne Group) Disk 1 of 4. Kermit modem software. Filename Description -01-00 .87 This is the release date of the disk. -CPM153 .DOC This is the description of the disk contents. KERMICRO.DOC B5DF 29K ver. 4.05 ->(Kermit 1 of 50)<- Communications software for CP/M computers calling mainframes (most often used by universities). Basic program must be overlaid w. computer and modem specific information. ASseMbler source is included. CP4ANN .TXT 21E2 8K ver. 4.05 ->(2 of 50)<- CP4ASM .DOC 79DA 10K ver. 4.05 ->(3 of 50)<- Information on how to assemble your own Kermit. CP4AAA .HLP EDC9 2K ver. 4.05 ->(4 of 50)<- More information on building your version of Kermit. CP4KER .HEX 4475 36K ver. 4.05 ->(5 of 50)<- CP4KER .BWR 0255 3K ver. 4.05 ->(6 of 50)<- List of known bugs in this version. CP4820 .HEX 76AC 3K ver. 4.05 ->(7 of 50)<- Xerox 820 overlay. CP4APL .HEX A8F0 3K ver. 4.05 ->(8 of 50)<- Apple II with with 6551 ACIA overlay. CP4APM .HEX FD5E 3K ver. 4.05 ->(9 of 50)<- Apple II with Micromodem II overlay. CP4BB2 .HEX F615 3K ver. 4.05 ->(10 of 50)<- Big Board II overlay. CP4BRN .HEX 0521 3K ver. 4.05 ->(11 of 50)<- Intertec Superbrain overlay. CP4CP3 .HEX 5572 2K ver. 4.05 ->(12 of 50)<- "Generic" CPM+ overlay. CP4CPT .HEX 2676 3K ver. 4.05 ->(13 of 50)<- CPT-85xx word processors with CompuPak CP/M overlay. CP4DEL .HEX F8CB 3K ver. 4.05 ->(14 of 50)<- Digicomp Delphi 100 overlay. CP4DM2 .BWR E86E 5K ver. 4.05 ->(15 of 50)<- Information for DecMate overlay. CP4DM2 .HEX 39E5 3K ver. 4.05 ->(16 of 50)<- DecMate II with CP/M option overlay. CP4GEN .HEX BC1E 3K ver. 4.05 ->(17 of 50)<- "Generic" overlay for CP/M 2.2 systems with IOBYTE. CP4H89 .HEX 0017 4K ver. 4.05 ->(18 of 50)<- Heath/Zenith H89 overlay. CP4KPR .HEX 9FA3 3K ver. 4.05 ->(19 of 50)<- Kaypro overlay. CP4LOB .HEX 07E2 4K ver. 4.05 ->(20 of 50)<- Lobo Max-80 overlay. CP4MDI .HEX 194D 3K ver. 4.05 ->(21 of 50)<- Morrow Decision I overlay. CP4MIK .HEX 1605 3K ver. 4.05 ->(22 of 50)<- MikroKiko overlay. CP4NST .HEX 0FBC 2K ver. 4.05 ->(23 of 50)<- NorthStar overlay. CP4OSB .HEX E309 3K ver. 4.05 ->(24 of 50)<- Osborne 1 overlay. CP4OSI .HEX 1002 2K ver. 4.05 ->(25 of 50)<- Ohio Scientific overlay. CP4ROB .HEX 9EC4 3K ver. 4.05 ->(26 of 50)<- DEC VT180 overlay. CP4TEL .HEX 2700 3K ver. 4.05 ->(27 of 50)<- Telcon Zorba overlay. CP4TLB .HEX 08B0 3K ver. 4.05 ->(28 of 50)<- TRS 80 Model II with Lifeboat CP/M overlay. CP4TPT .HEX B8C1 3K ver. 4.05 ->(29 of 50)<- TRS 80 Model II with Pickles and Trout CP/M overlay. CP4UDI .HEX 11F1 2K ver. 4.05 ->(30 of 50)<- Morrow MicroDecision overlay. CP4VEC .HEX 7A30 3K ver. 4.05 ->(31 of 50)<- Vector Graphics overlay. CP4Z00 .HEX 0D25 3K ver. 4.05 ->(32 of 50)<- Heath/Zenith Z100 under CP/M-85 overlay. FOG LIBRARY DISK FOG-CPM.154 Copyright (1987) by FOG (First Osborne Group) Disk 2 of 4. Kermit. Filename Description -01-00 .87 This is the release date of the disk. -CPM154 .DOC This is the description of the disk contents. KERMIT80.DOC 7A28 57K ver. 4.05 ->(33 of 50)<- Documentation for microcomputer versions of Kermit. KERMIT .TXT 502B 6K ver. 4.05 ->(34 of 50)<- PROTO .DOC 8811 99K ver. 4.05 ->(35 of 50)<- FOG LIBRARY DISK FOG-CPM.155 Copyright (1987) by FOG (First Osborne Group) Disk 3 of 4. Kermit. Filename Description -01-00 .87 This is the release date of the disk. -CPM155 .DOC This is the description of the disk contents. CP4KER .ASM 1DF6 4K ver. 4.05 ->(36 of 50)<- CP4CMD .ASM 09B0 23K ver. 4.05 ->(37 of 50)<- CP4CPM .ASM C763 7K ver. 4.05 ->(38 of 50)<- CP4DEF .ASM C0D0 8K ver. 4.05 ->(39 of 50)<- CP4LNK .ASM 8BE0 8K ver. 4.05 ->(40 of 50)<- CP4MIT .ASM 4027 29K ver. 4.05 ->(41 of 50)<- CP4TT .ASM ABF8 23K ver. 4.05 ->(42 of 50)<- CP4TYP .ASM 9E80 9K ver. 4.05 ->(43 of 50)<- CP4UTL .ASM 3C3C 30K ver. 4.05 ->(44 of 50)<- CP4WLD .ASM 290F 4K ver. 4.05 ->(45 of 50)<- LASM .COM BE32 6K ver. 4.05 ->(46 of 50)<- (Linking Assembler) Is like ASM but handles chaining multiple files together in one assembly. LASM .DOC E0E9 5K ver. 4.05 ->(47 of 50)<- (Linking Assembler) documentation. MLOAD .COM 6D48 3K ver. 4.05 ->(48 of 50)<- MLOAD24 so you have all needed pieces together. Full documentation of FOG-CPM.122 FOG LIBRARY DISK FOG-CPM.156 Copyright (1987) by FOG (First Osborne Group) Disk 4 of 4. Kermit. Filename Description -01-00 .87 This is the release date of the disk. -CPM156 .DOC This is the description of the disk contents. CP4PKT .ASM 8165 63K ver. 4.05 ->(49 of 50)<- CP4SYS .ASM E594 81K ver. 4.05 ->(50 of 50)<- FOG LIBRARY DISK FOG-CPM.157 Copyright (1987) by FOG (First Osborne Group) More Kermit. Filename Description -01-00 .87 This is the release date of the disk. -CPM157 .DOC This is the description of the disk contents. KRMTEXEC.COM 8720 26K ->(Executive Kermit 1 of 15)<- Turbo Pascal version of Kermit for the Osborne Executive. All source code is included and is squeezed. KERMIT .DOC 9594 17K ->(Osb.Exec. Kerm.2 of 15)<- K .PQS 4EA4 2K ->(Osb.Exec. Kerm.3 of 15)<- KCMD .PQS 2FB5 2K ->(Osb.Exec. Kerm.4 of 15)<- KDIR .PQS 654C 4K ->(Osb.Exec. Kerm.5 of 15)<- KDISPLAY.PQS 2A03 2K ->(Osb.Exec. Kerm.6 of 15)<- KERMIT .PQS 0A23 35K ->(Osb.Exec. Kerm.7 of 15)<- KHELP .PQS 7A86 4K ->(Osb.Exec. Kerm.8 of 15)<- KINIT .PQS C26C 4K ->(Osb.Exec. Kerm.9 of 15)<- KOPEN .PQS DFC4 3K ->(Osb.Exec. Kerm.10 of 15)<- KREC .PQS 36AE 4K ->(Osb.Exec. Kerm.11 of 15)<- KREC1 .PQS 67F8 7K ->(Osb.Exec. Kerm.12 of 15)<- KSEND .PQS 1945 9K ->(Osb.Exec. Kerm.13 of 15)<- KTERM .PQS 4692 3K ->(Osb.Exec. Kerm.14 of 15)<- KERMIT .HLP 4B46 1K ->(Osb.Exec. Kerm.15 of 15)<- KERMIT .C 546D 37K C source for Kermit File Transfer Utility. FOG LIBRARY DISK FOG-CPM.158 Copyright (1987) by FOG (First Osborne Group) This disk contains programs for the Commodore 128. These files allow you to read and write different formats with the 1571 drive. Filename Description -01-00 .87 This is the release date of the disk. -CPM158 .DOC This is the description of the disk contents. CPM3 .SYS 1CBA 25K ->(C128 CPM+ 1 of 2)<- A new operating system for the Commodore 128. Modifications include the ability to read Otrona Attache disk format. Rename this file to CPM+.SYS before attempting to use it. C128MOD .DOC D739 2K ->(C128 CPM+ 2 of 2)<- CXDISK .AQM 156C 22K This version of CXDISK for the Commodore 128 has been modified to support Otrona Attache disk format CXEQU .LIB FD8D 17K This version of CXEQU for the Commodore 128 helps support the Otrona Attache disk format. RDCBM20 .COM 8757 14K ver. 2.0 ->(RDCBM 1 of 2)<- This program allows file transfer form C128 DOS to CPM format in the CPM mode on a Commodore 128. RDCBM .DOC 5482 6K ver. 2.0 ->(RDCBM 2 of 2)<- RDMS233C.COM 5AC3 23K ->(Read MS-DOS 1 of 4)<- This set contains source code (squeezed), Documenta- tion, notes, as well as main program to allow you to be able to read MS-DOS disks on a Commodore 1571 drive. 'C' source (squeezed) is included. RDMS .DOC 4806 11K ->(Read MS-DOS 2 of 4)<- RDMS .128 1B64 2K ->(Read MS-DOS 3 of 4)<- RDMS233C.CQ 32AA 23K ->(Read MS-DOS 4 of 4)<- SCREEN40.COM CC1F 1K This program turns of the 40 column screen on a Commodore to allow faster operation. UNIDRIVE.COM 4FD7 13K ->(UNIDRIVE 1 of 3)<- This set contains the main program, documentation, as well as squeezed 'C' source code. It allows the selection of 24 different MFM formats on the Commodore 128 with 1571 drive(s). It will Read and Write only -- It will not format (initialize) disks. UNIDRIVE.DOC AE68 3K ->(UNIDRIVE 2 of 3)<- UNIDRIVE.CQ 08F2 8K ->(UNIDRIVE 3 of 3)<- C1571-2 .COM 4A9A 1K This is a new version which speeds up drive access. Note - this file must be renamed C1571/2.COM FOG LIBRARY DISK Copyright (1987) by First Osborne Group (FOG) Filename CRC Description --FOGCPM.160: Files for working with .LBR collections -CPM160 .DOC: and various .LBR utilities written with -MAR-87 . : PascalP CREATE .COM: B7 92 Creates a .LBR file template DRDATE .INC: A1 A4 PascalP source file DRTODATE.INC: 90 F8 PascalP source file EXPAND .PCD: 0A 99 LBRDISK2.DOC: 63 EA Documentation on CPM 2.2 version LBRDISK2.NOT: 2C 42 LBRDISK2.SET: A8 62 Customize your LBRDISK2 program LBRDISK3.COM: E6 18 CPM+ version of LBRDISK LBRDISK3.DOC: 17 FE Documentation on CPM+ version LBRDISK3.SET: 18 98 Customize your LBRDISK3 program LBRDSK22.COM: 0F 6E Allows you to set up a .LBR file as a pseudo drive LBRDSK22.NOT: 2C EA and access it with standard utilities (like NSWP) LDIR .COM: 8B FD Gives a directory of files contained inside a .LBR LDIR .PCD: E5 E9 PascalP source file LDIR .PQS: 1C D4 PascalP source file LDIRBBS .COM: 3C 8E Version of LDIR customized for bulletin board use LDIRQ .PAS: B0 9A PascalP source file LLF11 .COM: A1 E1 List library files within a .LBR LLF11 .DOC: 10 35 LOADDIR .INC: CB 64 PascalP source file LSETDATE.COM: 26 99 Sets dates within .LBR files LSETDATE.PCD: 8D 99 LSETDATE.PQS: 44 03 PascalP source file LTYPE .PCD: E7 AB LTYPE .PQS: FF E4 Types files within .LBR files NOPIPES .MAC: A3 09 PATCH .DOC: 84 98 Patching RUNPCD.COM to return a 16 bit value PCDHELP .PCD: FD 40 READ .ME : 65 E0 Info on using .PCD files RUNPCD .COM: 4B 3A SETNAME .INC: BA F1 PascalP source file SETRSX .COM: 18 0D Used with LBRDISK SKIPBLKS.INC: CD 25 PascalP source file SKIPTO .INC: D9 F4 PascalP source file SKPRDRKT.INC: 14 06 PascalP source file SLUDIR11.ZQ0: 96 76 Revised module for SYSLIB collection with bug fixed SORTDIR .INC: 87 BE PascalP source file FOG LIBRARY DISK FOG-CPM.161 Copyright (1987) by FOG (First Osborne Group) Graphics programs for the Osborne Executive as well as other CPM+ utilities. Filename Description -03-00 .87 This is the release date of the disk. -CPM161 .DOC This is the description of the disk contents. DRAW .COM 2D54 6K ->(Draw 1 of 6)<- This is a graphics program with a demo. The Demo works on the Osborne Executive. Requires some hardware mods to completely implement. DRAWDEMO.COM B88B 6K ->(Draw 2 of 6)<- HI-RES .DOC B7BB 28K ->(Draw 3 of 6)<- HI-RES .MAC 8F37 23K ->(Draw 4 of 6)<- GRPH-MOD.DRW 6DDC 23K ->(Draw 5 of 6)<- FONT .PIX 3B53 1K ->(Draw 6 of 6)<- PIXGEN .BAS E883 17K ->(Pixgen 1 of 3)<- Design graphics for the Epson printer on the Executive screen This comes with MBasic source code, so it could be modified for other hardware combinations. PIXGEN .DOC 15C5 6K ->(Pixgen 2 of 3)<- PIXRN .DAT 1D8D 1K ->(Pixgen 3 of 3)<- SCRPRINT.COM EFEC 1K ->(Screen Print 1 of 2)<- This is a memory resident screen print utility for the Osborne Executive. SCRPRINT.DOC 4E38 3K ->(Screen Print 2 of 2)<- KEYTEST .COM 735D 1K ->(Key Tester 1 of 2)<- This is a test program for the keyboard of the Executive. It comes with Assembler source. KEYTEST .MAC 6626 4K ->(Key Tester 2 of 2)<- MAKE .COM D011 16K ->(Make 1 of 4)<- This is similar to the Unix MAKE command. It is a type of submit file builder that follows a written script. Source code in (squeezed) Aztec 'C' has been included. MAKE .DOC 54A1 5K ->(Make 2 of 4)<- MAKE .CQ 29CA 8K ->(Make 3 of 4)<- MAKEFILE. 8A0D 1K ->(Make 4 of 4)<- CEN-INP .COM 9196 1K ->(Centronics Import 1 of 2)<- This program makes the Executive parallel port resemble a printer to another computer. This can be helpful for file transfers. CEN-INP .MQC 7507 10K ->(Centronics Import 2 of 2)<- FOG LIBRARY DISK FOG-CPM.162 Copyright (1987) by FOG (First Osborne Group) Small database, as well as Text utility programs. Filename Description -03-00 .87 This is the release date of the disk. -CPM162 .DOC This is the description of the disk contents. AF5 .COM 17A5 39K ver. 5 ->(Address Filer 1 of 3)<- This allows you to create & maintain mail lists, it is also menu-driven. It also contains a sort module. AF5 .DOC 8E66 11K ver. 5 ->(Address Filer 2 of 3)<- AF5SORT .COM B983 24K ver. 5 ->(Address Filer 3 of 3)<- LITCIT .BAS 1CB4 5K Basic source code to help compose a bibliography. Can be used with REFIND. REFIND .BAS E787 6K ->(Refind 1 of 4)<- This set Keeps track of references & uses key words with logical AND and OR searches. REFIND .DOC B045 11K ->(Refind 2 of 4)<- QREFIND .COM DC58 6K ->(Refind 3 of 4)<- REFSRT .COM 4770 8K ->(Refind 4 of 4)<- LOOKUP3 .COM 61E1 1K ver. 3 ->(Lookup 1 of 3)<- Searches a text file for matching string. Ideal for fast name/phone number lookup. 8080 assembler is included. LOOKUP3 .DOC E236 5K ver. 3 ->(Lookup 2 of 3)<- LOOKUP3 .ASM 5BB8 9K ver. 3 ->(Lookup 3 of 3)<- DIALER21.COM 4A99 3K ver. 2.21 ->(Dialer 1 of 3)<- Combination of LOOKUP and an auto dialer for Hayes compatible modem. 8080 Assembler source is included. Works with any standard ASCII delimited text file. DIALER21.DOC 0BA3 13K ver. 2.21 ->(Dialer 2 of 3)<- DIALER21.AQM 393B 11K ver. 2.21 ->(Dialer 3 of 3)<- READ .COM D16F 7K ->(READ 1 of 2)<- Allows you to read multiple text files, moving forward and backward in the file. READ .DOC BCD6 4K ->(READ 2 of 2)<- FOG LIBRARY DISK FOG-CPM.163 Copyright (1987) by FOG (First Osborne Group) Disk 1 of 2. CCP105+, a new Command Console Processor for CPM+. Filename Description -03-00 .87 This is the release date of the disk. -CPM163 .DOC This is the description of the disk contents. CCP .COM B553 4K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 1 of 62)<- A replacement Command Console Processor for CPM+ systems. Includes history trace of BDOS calls, assembling and loading instructions, information on RSX files, ASseMbler and 'C'source code, and much more. Not for novice users! BDOSRSX .ASM EF01 2K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 2 of 62)<- BDOSRSX .RSX CED0 1K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 3 of 62)<- CCP .EXT 3D9C 12K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 4 of 62)<- CCP102 .UPD C927 2K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 5 of 62)<- CCP102A .NOT 8A55 1K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 6 of 62)<- CCP103 .NOT 86CA 5K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 7 of 62)<- CCP104 .NOT 8AC4 2K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 8 of 62)<- CCP105 .NOT 3C27 5K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 9 of 62)<- CCP3 .DOC 541C 8K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 10 of 62)<- CCP3MAKE.SUB E354 2K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 11 of 62)<- CCP3STRT.ASM 800C 2K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 12 of 62)<- CCPEXT .C 21F1 1K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 13 of 62)<- CCPHDR .MAC 1177 6K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 14 of 62)<- CCPHDR .SUB 77A8 1K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 15 of 62)<- CMDRUN .COM 4519 3K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 16 of 62)<- CODE .C 0FEF 1K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 17 of 62)<- CODE .COM 8DC2 12K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 18 of 62)<- CODECLR .C 4585 1K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 19 of 62)<- CODECLR .COM 2A03 7K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 20 of 62)<- DIRNAME .COM 2AC0 1K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 21 of 62)<- DIRNAME .MAC 0ECC 1K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 22 of 62)<- DIRRSX .MAC E968 1K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 23 of 62)<- EXT .SUB C95A 1K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 24 of 62)<- FILES .DOC B08C 2K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 25 of 62)<- GETCCP .C 58AC 2K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 26 of 62)<- HISTORY .DOC 9123 7K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 27 of 62)<- LOADER .MAC 8D87 14K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 28 of 62)<- LRUNHDR .MAC 4A39 3K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 29 of 62)<- LRUNHDR .SUB 6647 1K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 30 of 62)<- MAKECCP .SUB 1E7C 1K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 31 of 62)<- MAKEFILE.DAT 9BA9 1K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 32 of 62)<- PUTCCP .C F410 2K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 33 of 62)<- RELHEX .COM 6A56 10K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 34 of 62)<- ROOT .DIR 5F18 1K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 35 of 62)<- SCANAS .ASM 03B2 5K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 36 of 62)<- SCANAS .RSX FB5D 1K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 37 of 62)<- SCANCZII.ASM 46AD 5K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 38 of 62)<- SCANCZII.RSX 040F 1K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 39 of 62)<- SCANLIST.DOC FBA2 1K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 40 of 62)<- SCANLN .ASM B31D 5K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 41 of 62)<- SCANLN .RSX 0833 1K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 42 of 62)<- SETDIR .COM 87B0 2K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 43 of 62)<- SETDIR .MAC C1BD 5K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 44 of 62)<- SUBMOD .DOC 555D 1K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 45 of 62)<- SUBMOD1 .ASM 327F 2K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 46 of 62)<- SUBMOD1 .SUB E34C 1K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 47 of 62)<- FOG LIBRARY DISK FOG-CPM.164 Copyright (1987) by FOG (First Osborne Group) Disk 2 of 2. CCP105+. Also on the disk are some stand-alone utilities for CPM+. Filename Description -03-00 .87 This is the release date of the disk. -CPM164 .DOC This is the description of the disk contents. BIOS2RSX.AQM D212 8K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 48 of 62)<- BIOS2RSX.RSX E983 2K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 49 of 62)<- BIOSFIX .COM 0637 1K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 50 of 62)<- BIOSFIX .MAC E04A 2K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 51 of 62)<- CCP101 .NOT 1D57 2K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 52 of 62)<- CCP105 .MQC 25E7 54K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 53 of 62)<- CD310 .DOC 251A 6K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 54 of 62)<- CD311 .AQM F251 15K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 55 of 62)<- CPM2 .COM 9E55 4K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 56 of 62)<- CPM2 .DOC 5B78 2K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 57 of 62)<- CPM2DEL .COM 6923 1K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 58 of 62)<- CPM3SCB .DOC 975C 9K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 59 of 62)<- WRITECCP.COM C5E0 1K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 60 of 62)<- WRITECCP.DOC 3AA5 1K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 61 of 62)<- WRITECCP.MQC 4E9D 5K ver. 1.05+ ->(CCP 62 of 62)<- SID11 .RSX 06A8 1K ver. 1.1 ->(SID RSX 1 of 2)<- Add a memory string search to SID. SIDRSX11.DOC 24E3 4K ver. 1.1 ->(SID RSX 2 of 2)<- STAT30 .COM 3531 1K ver. 3.0 ->(STAT 1 of 3)<- Helps correct free space remaining which was incorrectly reported by some older CPM 2.2 programs. STAT30 .DOC F263 3K ver. 3.0 ->(STAT 2 of 3)<- STAT30 .ASM A7CB 5K ver. 3.0 ->(STAT 3 of 3)<- SYN .COM DE40 1K ->(SYN 1 of 3)<- A command line SUBMIT-like program that works with CPM+. (It is similar to EX in some ways.) Will also work on CPM 2.2 systems. SYN .DOC 9891 6K ->(SYN 2 of 3)<- SYN .ASM 9935 12K ->(SYN 3 of 3)<- SAPP12 .COM 0101 3K ver. 1.2 ->(SORT & PACK 1 of 3)<- This sorts and packs a CPM+ directory SAPP12 .DOC 328B 6K ver. 1.2 ->(SORT & PACK 2 of 3)<- SAPP12 .AQM 4DED 11K ver. 1.2 ->(SORT & PACK 3 of 3)<- FOG LIBRARY DISK FOG-CPM.165 Copyright (1987) by FOG (First Osborne Group) Disk 1 of 2. A simple database program. Filename Description -03-00 .87 This is the release date of the disk. -CPM165 .DOC This is the description of the disk contents. CARDFILE. DED1 2K ->(Cardfile 1 of 44)<- Cardfile works with 4x6 cards (can also be printed). It allows searches on key words and is menu-driven. It works for all CPM systems but is pre-installed for the KayPro. If you wish to install it for another system you may do it with any Turbo Pascal Installation, such as is on FOG-CPM.159, or the TINST that comes with Turbo Pascal. DOCUMENT.TXT 3788 42K ->(Cardfile 2 of 44)<- MENU .COM 1797 11K ->(Cardfile 3 of 44)<- NEWFILE .CHN 9C57 2K ->(Cardfile 4 of 44)<- PRINTER .CHN A075 9K ->(Cardfile 5 of 44)<- RETRIEVE.CHN E1F3 14K ->(Cardfile 6 of 44)<- SORTFILE.CHN 8859 3K ->(Cardfile 7 of 44)<- TEMPLATE.CHN 5A6E 9K ->(Cardfile 8 of 44)<- UNDELETE.CHN 5CF3 12K ->(Cardfile 9 of 44)<- EXTRACT .COM 1F15 14K ->(Cardfile 10 of 44)<- KEYLIST . FECD 1K ->(Cardfile 11 of 44)<- MAINBODY.CHN 9FDE 13K ->(Cardfile 12 of 44)<- INSTALL .COM C828 10K ->(Cardfile 13 of 44)<- INSTALL .DAT 1805 1K ->(Cardfile 14 of 44)<- XFER .COM 4C19 13K ->(Cardfile 15 of 44)<- FOG LIBRARY DISK FOG-CPM.166 Copyright (1987) by FOG (First Osborne Group) Disk 2 of 2. Conclusion of Cardfile as well as two other small menu-driven programs. Filename Description -03-00 .87 This is the release date of the disk. -CPM166 .DOC This is the description of the disk contents. DATASCR .INC F6E3 3K ->(Cardfile 16 of 44)<- DISPLSCR.INC 9E03 1K ->(Cardfile 17 of 44)<- EDITSCR .INC D54B 7K ->(Cardfile 18 of 44)<- EXTRACT .PAS 47C5 12K ->(Cardfile 19 of 44)<- FILECARD.NOT D34A 11K ->(Cardfile 20 of 44)<- GETCARD .INC 8DF9 1K ->(Cardfile 21 of 44)<- HELPSCR .INC FB6F 2K ->(Cardfile 22 of 44)<- INITVAR .INC EDC2 1K ->(Cardfile 23 of 44)<- INPSCR .INC 498C 1K ->(Cardfile 24 of 44)<- INPUT .INC 9EB7 4K ->(Cardfile 25 of 44)<- INPUTSCR.INC 9302 1K ->(Cardfile 26 of 44)<- INSTALL .PAS 53F1 3K ->(Cardfile 27 of 44)<- IOERR .INC 5F6E 2K ->(Cardfile 28 of 44)<- MAINBODY.PAS A0B2 4K ->(Cardfile 29 of 44)<- MENU .PAS 892B 5K ->(Cardfile 30 of 44)<- NEWFILE .PAS 4ADE 2K ->(Cardfile 31 of 44)<- PRINTER .PAS B512 9K ->(Cardfile 32 of 44)<- PRINTREC.INC 87CA 1K ->(Cardfile 33 of 44)<- READ0 .INC AE47 1K ->(Cardfile 34 of 44)<- READKEY .INC 6D02 2K ->(Cardfile 35 of 44)<- RETRIEVE.PAS 363E 8K ->(Cardfile 36 of 44)<- SETCARD .INC 3957 1K ->(Cardfile 37 of 44)<- SORTFILE.PAS A4C0 5K ->(Cardfile 38 of 44)<- TEMPLATE.PAS 1008 1K ->(Cardfile 39 of 44)<- UNDELETE.PAS F5F6 4K ->(Cardfile 40 of 44)<- VARIABLE.INC 7BFA 2K ->(Cardfile 41 of 44)<- WRITREC .INC 7C37 1K ->(Cardfile 42 of 44)<- WRTCARD .INC E9D4 1K ->(Cardfile 43 of 44)<- WRTTAG .INC D327 1K ->(Cardfile 44 of 44)<- CHOOSE .COM 8D4C 13K ->(Choose 1 of 3)<- Choose helps you make your decisions by assigning weights to your priorities and calculating your best alternatives. Pascal source code is included (Squeezed). CHOOSE .DOC 9172 3K ->(Choose 2 of 3)<- CHOOSE .PQS D193 7K ->(Choose 3 of 3)<- MAIL .COM F22E 19K ver. 3.2 ->(MAIL 1 of 3)<- Menu driven program to create mailing labels. Includes documentation and patch points for terminal installation. Comes complete with Turbo Source code (squeezed). MAIL .NOT DA92 2K ver. 3.2 ->(MAIL 2 of 3)<- MAIL .PQS F372 10K ver. 3.2 ->(MAIL 3 of 3)<- FOG LIBRARY DISK FOG-CPM.167 Copyright (1987) by FOG (First Osborne Group) Osborne 1 and Vixen games. Filename Description -04-00 .87 This is the release date of the disk. -CPM167 .DOC This is the description of the disk contents. JOURNEY .COM ED3D 48K ver. 1.2 ->(Journey 1 of 5)<- Adventure game. JOURNEY is for the Osborne 1, VJOURNEY is a completely rewritten graphics version for the Osborne Vixen VJOURNEY.COM 686D 48K ver. 1.2 ->(Journey 2 of 5)<- README . BFD5 1K ver. 1.2 ->(Journey 3 of 5)<- VJOURNEY.INS B713 34K ver. 1.2 ->(Journey 4 of 5)<- JOURNEY .SSS CD51 1K ver. 1.2 ->(Journey 5 of 5)<- VMAZE .COM B95A 22K ->(Vixen Maze 1 of 4)<- "Pacpersons"-type maze chase game for the Osborne Vixen. VMAZE .DOC 0A5C 7K ->(Vixen Maze 2 of 4)<- VMAZE .HLP B1B8 3K ->(Vixen Maze 3 of 4)<- VMAZE .NOT F794 1K ->(Vixen Maze 4 of 4)<- FOG LIBRARY DISK FOG-CPM.168 Copyright (1987) by FOG (First Osborne Group) File and text editors and viewing programs. Filename Description -04-00 .87 This is the release date of the disk. -CPM168 .DOC This is the description of the disk contents. EDFILE3 .COM BC06 11K ver. 3.0 ->(File Editor 1 of 3)<- Edit any disk file and change characters in either ASCII or hex. Perfect for patching any program. EDFILE3 .DOC 794B 20K ver. 3.0 ->(File Editor 2 of 3)<- EDFILE3 .UPD C711 2K ver. 3.0 ->(File Editor 3 of 3)<- M-DUMP11.COM 26A6 8K ver. 1.1 ->(Memory Dump 1 of 2)<- Copies your computer's memory to a disk file. Normally used to recover from a disk error or system crash. M-DUMP11.DOC 4932 5K ver. 1.1 ->(Memory Dump 2 of 2)<- MPRINT .COM 614F 9K ->(MultiPrint 1 of 4)<- A multi-file, multiple copy print utility with control over margins, tabs, pages, etc. BDS 'C' source is included. MPRINT .DOC 9481 1K ->(MultiPrint 2 of 4)<- MPRINT .C 82AB 6K ->(MultiPrint 3 of 4)<- WILDEXP .C 39F6 6K ->(MultiPrint 4 of 4)<- SCAN12 .COM AC73 4K ver. 1.2 ->(SCAN 1 of 2)<- A bi-directional text viewing utility. SCAN12 .DOC D726 7K ver. 1.2 ->(SCAN 2 of 2)<- VDE25 .COM 1B51 12K ver. 2.5 ->(VideoDisplayEditor 1 of 6)<- Comprehensive text editor for all computers (VDM25 is the version for memory mapped computers such as the Osborne 1). VDE25 .DOC 76A7 52K ver. 2.5 ->(VideoDisplayEditor 2 of 6)<- VDE25 .QRF 55A9 3K ver. 2.5 ->(VideoDisplayEditor 3 of 6)<- VDE25INS.BUG 5A38 1K ver. 2.5 ->(VideoDisplayEditor 4 of 6)<- VDM25 .COM 3CF3 11K ver. 2.5 ->(VideoDisplayEditor 5 of 6)<- VINST25 .COM 7703 9K ver. 2.5 ->(VideoDisplayEditor 6 of 6)<- FOG LIBRARY DISK FOG-CPM.175 Copyright (1987) by FOG (First Osborne Group) dBASE II programs. Filename Description -04-00 .87 This is the release date of the disk. -CPM175 .DOC This is the description of the disk contents. DBSHOP30.DOC F8F9 6K ver. 3.0 ->(dBASE Shopper 1 of 20)<- Maintains grocery lists, tracks coupons, prints aisle lists for purchases, etc. Two versions (one for most terminals, the other for the Epson QX-10 graphics) are included. dBASE 2.4x is required. ADDITEM .CMD 0FBC 5K ver. 3.0 ->(dBASE Shopper 2 of 20)<- ADDSTORE.CMD 2783 2K ver. 3.0 ->(dBASE Shopper 3 of 20)<- AISLE1 .NDX 512A 3K ver. 3.0 ->(dBASE Shopper 4 of 20)<- CHANGE .CMD 66BA 3K ver. 3.0 ->(dBASE Shopper 5 of 20)<- CLEAR .CMD 1B5B 1K ver. 3.0 ->(dBASE Shopper 6 of 20)<- GBASE .DBF 7538 7K ver. 3.0 ->(dBASE Shopper 7 of 20)<- GETGRO .CMD 5AFE 2K ver. 3.0 ->(dBASE Shopper 8 of 20)<- GRAPHICS.EPS C32E 1K ver. 3.0 ->(dBASE Shopper 9 of 20)<- GRAPHICS.MEM AD61 1K ver. 3.0 ->(dBASE Shopper 10 of 20)<- GROCERY1.DBF C728 7K ver. 3.0 ->(dBASE Shopper 11 of 20)<- INSTALL .CMD 44D3 15K ver. 3.0 ->(dBASE Shopper 12 of 20)<- ITEM1 .NDX 19B9 5K ver. 3.0 ->(dBASE Shopper 13 of 20)<- MAINMENU.CMD C02E 6K ver. 3.0 ->(dBASE Shopper 14 of 20)<- MAINMENU.EPS 0DF1 5K ver. 3.0 ->(dBASE Shopper 15 of 20)<- PURCHASE.CMD 1CAB 2K ver. 3.0 ->(dBASE Shopper 16 of 20)<- REMSTORE.CMD 6A5D 2K ver. 3.0 ->(dBASE Shopper 17 of 20)<- REPORT .CMD 0F0E 3K ver. 3.0 ->(dBASE Shopper 18 of 20)<- STANDARD.FRM 3792 1K ver. 3.0 ->(dBASE Shopper 19 of 20)<- STORES .DBF 6009 1K ver. 3.0 ->(dBASE Shopper 20 of 20)<- NEWLEADS.DOC 9A81 1K ->(Newleads/Prospects 1 of 10)<- dBASE II (ver 2.4x) program for keeping track of prospects generated by national advertising campaigns. Allows follow up letters to be generated with local sales representatives being notified of correspondence. NEWLEADS.CMD 34A8 2K ->(Newleads/Prospects 2 of 10)<- NEWLEADS.DBF 7C28 2K ->(Newleads/Prospects 3 of 10)<- PROSPECT.DOC 72BC 3K ->(Newleads/Prospects 4 of 10)<- ADDNEW .CMD 82CB 3K ->(Newleads/Prospects 5 of 10)<- AGENTS .DBF 37A3 1K ->(Newleads/Prospects 6 of 10)<- INITIALS.NDX 9957 1K ->(Newleads/Prospects 7 of 10)<- LAST .NDX DED2 1K ->(Newleads/Prospects 8 of 10)<- LETTER .ZIP BC10 2K ->(Newleads/Prospects 9 of 10)<- MODIFY .CMD 63F8 2K ->(Newleads/Prospects 10 of 10)<- VI-MAIN .CMD C709 4K ->(Video Library 1 of 19)<- dBASE II video tape library organizer program. Prints labels and lists by title, subject, etc. VI-EDIT .CMD 370E 2K ->(Video Library 2 of 19)<- VI-FRAME.CMD 9958 1K ->(Video Library 3 of 19)<- VI-GETS .CMD BCC5 1K ->(Video Library 4 of 19)<- VI-LIST .CMD 4692 2K ->(Video Library 5 of 19)<- VI-LOCAT.CMD E563 5K ->(Video Library 6 of 19)<- VI-PACK .CMD 99DB 2K ->(Video Library 7 of 19)<- VI-POSN .CMD 5D3A 2K ->(Video Library 8 of 19)<- VI-SOME .CMD 923B 1K ->(Video Library 9 of 19)<- VIDEOLOG.ADD DDD4 2K ->(Video Library 10 of 19)<- VIDEOLOG.DBF 8F22 1K ->(Video Library 11 of 19)<- VIDEOLOG.NDX 952E 7K ->(Video Library 12 of 19)<- VIDEOLOG.OLD E316 9K ->(Video Library 13 of 19)<- VIDLABEL.CMD 1119 2K ->(Video Library 14 of 19)<- VIDLOG20.DOC 7C9F 2K ->(Video Library 15 of 19)<- VIDTAPE .CMD 169B 3K ->(Video Library 16 of 19)<- VIDTAPE .NDX EA66 4K ->(Video Library 17 of 19)<- VIDTITLE.CMD E1FD 3K ->(Video Library 18 of 19)<- VIDTITLE.NDX 44FB 11K ->(Video Library 19 of 19)<- FOG LIBRARY DISK FOG-CPM.178 Copyright (1987) by FOG (First Osborne Group) A collection of disk utilities for the Osborne 1 and Vixen. Source code is included for most of the programs so at least some of them could be modified for other computers. Filename Description -06-00 .87 This is the release date of the disk. -CPM178 .DOC This is the description of the disk contents. EDCOM .COM D645 4K ->(File Editor 1 of 6)<- View and edit files that fit in available memory. This gives a display of Hex and ASCII values. Two versions (80 column and 52 column display) plus Z80 source are included. EDCOM .DOC 511C 6K ->(File Editor 2 of 6)<- EDCOM .ZQ0 AD9B 16K ->(File Editor 3 of 6)<- EDCOM52 .COM 9E34 3K ->(File Editor 4 of 6)<- EDCOM52 .DOC F3CD 7K ->(File Editor 5 of 6)<- EDCOM52 .ZQ0 4B84 15K ->(File Editor 6 of 6)<- F41T .COM 7C5C 3K ->(Format 41 Tracks 1 of 5)<- Format Osborne 1 disks with an extra track -- store a little more on each disk. M80 source included. DRIVES .DOC F197 10K ->(Format 41 Tracks 2 of 5)<- F41T .MQC 390D 8K ->(Format 41 Tracks 3 of 5)<- F41T .PQN 4D43 17K ->(Format 41 Tracks 4 of 5)<- F41T .REL 3518 3K ->(Format 41 Tracks 5 of 5)<- FINDMEM .COM 63C2 1K ->(Find Memory 1 of 3)<- Display the contents of memory on your Osborne 1 or Vixen screen. Z80 source included. FINDMEM .DOC 3E80 3K ->(Find Memory 2 of 3)<- FINDMEM .Z80 B9E7 8K ->(Find Memory 3 of 3)<- FMT20 .COM 69E5 3K ->(Fast Format 1 of 3)<- Fast format/verify program for Double Density Osborne 1 with 1.4 ROM. Includes Z8E compatible symbol file. FMT20 .DOC 49A9 6K ->(Fast Format 2 of 3)<- FMT20 .SYM C7AF 1K ->(Fast Format 3 of 3)<- O1DRAFT3.COM B494 2K ->(Osborne/Epson 1 of 5)<- Allows Osborne 1 or Vixen to access all of the features of an Epson or compatible printer. Addresses individual pins on the print head to produce dots and graphics. O1DRAFT3.DOC 0D56 1K ->(Osborne/Epson 2 of 5)<- O1GRAPH3.COM 7DE1 2K ->(Osborne/Epson 3 of 5)<- O1GRAPH3.DOC F8C2 7K ->(Osborne/Epson 4 of 5)<- O1GRAPH3.ZQ0 A5AE 10K ->(Osborne/Epson 5 of 5)<- ONSCR-UL.ASM 9093 5K ->(Onscreen Underline 1 of 3)<- Display keyboard input on screen in the underline mode. Written for Osborne 1 but includes ASM source so it can be modified for other systems. ONSCR-UL.COM EA8D 1K ->(Onscreen Underline 2 of 3)<- ONSCR-UL.DOC 4D27 3K ->(Onscreen Underline 3 of 3)<- SET4C .AQM F338 14K ->(Setup for DriveC 1 of 4)<- Setup program for Osborne 1 with DriveC that allows you to setup screen width, auto scroll, arrow keys, and baud rate. ASM source included. SET4C .DOC 230A 2K ->(Setup for DriveC 2 of 4)<- SET4C-52.OBJ 0312 2K ->(Setup for DriveC 3 of 4)<- SET4C-80.OBJ 3A0A 2K ->(Setup for DriveC 4 of 4)<- UNFMT .COM B5B7 2K Destroys format and data information on the disk in drive B on an Osborne 1. FOG LIBRARY DISK FOG-CPM.179 Copyright (1987) by FOG (First Osborne Group) Disk 1 of 2. Scrivener, a generic CP/M program for most computers. Filename Description -09-13 .87 This is the release date of the disk. -CPM179 .DOC This is the description of the disk contents. SCRIVNER.COM 92AA 41K ->(Scrivener 1 of 25)<- A task oriented processor that combines the power of merge printing and a spreadsheet-like calculating ability to automate the processing of form letters, invoices, accounting work, journals, financial modelling, etc. SCRIVNER.DOC 102E 110K ->(Scrivener 2 of 25)<- READ .ME BD89 2K ->(Scrivener 3 of 25)<- AMSTRAD .INC D684 1K ->(Scrivener 4 of 25)<- EPSON .INC 5AEE 1K ->(Scrivener 5 of 25)<- OSBORNE .INC 80DF 1K ->(Scrivener 6 of 25)<- FOG LIBRARY DISK FOG-CPM.181 Copyright (1987) by FOG (First Osborne Group) Executive WorkPlace and ExecReadTrack are Osborne Executive specific programs. Neutexec will run on most CPM+ systems. Filename Description -09-13 .87 This is the release date of the disk. -CPM181 .DOC This is the description of the disk contents. XWP .COM B014 28K ver. 1.1 ->(ExecutiveWorkplace 1 of 25)<- A graphics environment similar to Framework on MS-DOS computers. Uses Osborne Executive alternate character set to produce amazing graphics on screen. Integrates your standard utilities into menu selections on screen. READ .ME 3F16 1K ver. 1.1 ->(ExecutiveWorkPlace 2 of 25)<- XWP .CFG 9042 1K ver. 1.1 ->(ExecutiveWorkPlace 3 of 25)<- XWP .DOC B527 21K ver. 1.1 ->(ExecutiveWorkPlace 4 of 25)<- XWP .PHN 2530 1K ver. 1.1 ->(ExecutiveWorkPlace 5 of 25)<- XWP .PRN 0CE0 1K ver. 1.1 ->(ExecutiveWorkPlace 6 of 25)<- XWP .USR 7447 1K ver. 1.1 ->(ExecutiveWorkPlace 7 of 25)<- EDIT .COM 021B 6K ver. 1.1 ->(ExecutiveWorkPlace 8 of 25)<- EXCLOCK .REL C605 1K ver. 1.1 ->(ExecutiveWorkPlace 9 of 25)<- EXCLOCKR.RSX AF78 2K ver. 1.1 ->(ExecutiveWorkPlace 10 of 25)<- MAIN .CHR 33AC 6K ver. 1.1 ->(ExecutiveWorkPlace 11 of 25)<- OXEGE .REL 6054 9K ver. 1.1 ->(ExecutiveWorkPlace 12 of 25)<- OXEGE .CHR D090 6K ver. 1.1 ->(ExecutiveWorkPlace 13 of 25)<- PAUSE .COM A342 1K ver. 1.1 ->(ExecutiveWorkPlace 14 of 25)<- XWP .C 41C8 4K ver. 1.1 ->(ExecutiveWorkPlace 15 of 25)<- XWPCAL .C 8785 2K ver. 1.1 ->(ExecutiveWorkPlace 16 of 25)<- XWPCLK .C 339C 4K ver. 1.1 ->(ExecutiveWorkPlace 17 of 25)<- XWPDATA .C A93A 1K ver. 1.1 ->(ExecutiveWorkPlace 18 of 25)<- XWPFILES.C 236C 2K ver. 1.1 ->(ExecutiveWorkPlace 19 of 25)<- XWPHELP .C 126B 4K ver. 1.1 ->(ExecutiveWorkplace 20 of 25)<- XWPLINK .SUB 1E1E 1K ver. 1.1 ->(ExecutiveWorkplace 21 of 25)<- XWPMENU .C 046A 4K ver. 1.1 ->(ExecutiveWorkplace 22 of 25)<- XWPMSG .C 95FC 2K ver. 1.1 ->(ExecutiveWorkplace 23 of 25)<- XWPTERM .C 66E3 5K ver. 1.1 ->(ExecutiveWorkplace 24 of 25)<- OXEGE .H A23A 1K ver. 1.1 ->(ExecutiveWorkplace 25 of 25)<- NEUTEXEC.COM FDA4 4K ver. 1.0 ->(NEUTEXEC 1 of 6)<- A memory resident technical character generator for CPM+ computers and for Epson or compatible dot matrix printers. It contains a Greek alphabet, a set of Gothic capitals, and a set of mathematical symbols in both pica and compressed size. The character set can be replaced in whole or in part by the user. It allows you to create custom characters and print them by using a special "attention" character. NEUCHARS.DOC 5B0B 2K ver. 1.0 ->(NEUTEXEC 2 of 6)<- NEUCHCMP.QQ 0458 3K ver. 1.0 ->(NEUTEXEC 3 of 6)<- NEUCHREG.QQ 145B 5K ver. 1.0 ->(NEUTEXEC 4 of 6)<- NEUTEXEC.DOC E013 19K ver. 1.0 ->(NEUTEXEC 5 of 6)<- NTREADME. 5822 1K ver. 1.0 ->(NEUTEXEC 6 of 6)<- EXRDTRAK.OBJ 7080 1K ->(Exec Read Track 1 of 3)<- Use this with SID on and Osborne Executive to read any single sided disk (including foreign formats). ASM source is included. EXRDTRAK.ASM 7B7C 4K ->(Exec Read Track 2 of 3)<- EXRDTRAK.WS 1A25 3K ->(Exec Read Track 3 of 3)<- FOG LIBRARY DISK FOG-CPM.182 Copyright (1987) by FOG (First Osborne Group) Both CPM+ (especially Osborne Executive) and CP/M 2.2 users will find valuable tools on this disk. Included here is a program to augment the filename in describing your files and a program to print the ASCII character set on your screen. If you are interested in the SCB, be sure to investigate these goodies from Gordon Wilk. Filename Description -09-15 .87 This is the release date of the disk. -CPM182 .DOC This is the description of the disk contents. OXEGE .DOC EE14 15K ->(OXEGE 1 of 17)<- A graphics interface program for the Osborne Executive. It creates a REL file for Executive WorkPlace and other programs. Full BDS 'C' source is included. EGELIB .SUB 6F87 1K ->(OXEGE 2 of 17)<- OXASM .MAC F6E8 2K ->(OXEGE 3 of 17)<- OXEGE .CHR D090 6K ->(OXEGE 4 of 17)<- OXEGE .H A23A 1K ->(OXEGE 5 of 17)<- OXEGE .REL 6054 9K ->(OXEGE 6 of 17)<- OXEGE1 .C 20FC 3K ->(OXEGE 7 of 17)<- OXEGE2 .C 1826 2K ->(OXEGE 8 of 17)<- OXEGE3 .C 1E4F 1K ->(OXEGE 9 of 17)<- OXEGE4 .C F117 3K ->(OXEGE 10 of 17)<- OXEGE5 .C AE5F 1K ->(OXEGE 11 of 17)<- OXEGE6 .C 0C57 5K ->(OXEGE 12 of 17)<- OXEGE7 .C F6A7 3K ->(OXEGE 13 of 17)<- OXEGE8 .C F6F9 3K ->(OXEGE 14 of 17)<- SAMPLE .COM A1D2 11K ->(OXEGE 15 of 17)<- SAMPLE .C 9F38 3K ->(OXEGE 16 of 17)<- TEST .BAS A437 5K ->(OXEGE 17 of 17)<- BANKLOOK.COM 77D6 1K ->(BankLook 1 of 3)<- Lets you look into the Osborne Executive memory banks. ASM source is included. BANKLOOK.ASM ED38 4K ->(BankLook 2 of 3)<- BANKLOOK.DOC DFC3 2K ->(BankLook 3 of 3)<- BCOPY .COM C67E 2K ver. 1.0 ->(Batch Copy 1 of 2)<- A batch copy program for CPM+ computers. Copies up to seven sets of files; primarily intended for use with RAM disks. BCOPY .DOC 194F 5K ver. 1.0 ->(Batch Copy 2 of 2)<- LIST .COM 0DA0 1K ->(File Desc. Lister 1 of 5)<- Extracts the first line of one or more files so as to expand on the filename in describing the purpose of the file. Will even pull first line (hopefully, the copyright) from program files. This is the generic version. ASM source included. LIST .AQM 2985 10K ->(File Desc. Lister 2 of 5)<- LIST .DOC F51E 7K ->(File Desc. Lister 3 of 5)<- LISTEX .COM 6BA1 1K ->(File Desc. Lister 4 of 5)<- Osborne Executive specific version of LIST. See LIST.DOC for details. ASM source is included. LISTEX .AQM C297 10K ->(File Desc. Lister 5 of 5)<- LOMEM .COM A45E 1K ->(LowMemory 1 of 2)<- Displays low memory on the Osborne Executive. ASM source is included. LOMEM .ASM E078 6K ->(LowMemory 2 of 2)<- SETSCB .COM FD54 2K ->(Set SCB 1 of 3)<- Sets the System Control Block on any CPM+ system. See also SCB.TXT for additional information on the SCB. ASM source is included. SETSCB .AQM FB77 9K ->(Set SCB 2 of 3)<- SETSCB .DOC 4349 5K ->(Set SCB 3 of 3)<- SCB .TXT 8426 7K A discussion of the CPM+ System Control Block and list of locations. CPMPATCH.LTR 6609 2K Patches CPM+ to do a proper abort after a ^C. FINDCHAR.BAS A7E2 3K An MBasic program to display any of the ASCII characters from 0 to 255 on your screen. Written with screen codes for the Osborne Executive but could be edited for any system. FOG LIBRARY DISK FOG-CPM.187 Copyright (1987) by FOG (First Osborne Group) This Commodore 128 specific disk contains a replacement operating system and the source. Filename Description -11-18 .87 This is the release date of the disk. -CPM187 .DOC This is the description of the disk contents. C128 .INF 87EB 5K ->(C-128 BIOS 1 of 23)<- A replacement operating system for the Commodore 128 to allow better use of CP/M and to shutoff 40-column display, the redundant read/write verification, and uses the RAMdisk as the default drive. The file CPM3.SYS must be renamed to CPM+.SYS for this to work. You must have the RAMdisk to use this system. Source code included (you need Digital Research disks for the compiler). INSTRUC .DOC 7014 4K ->(C-128 BIOS 2 of 23)<- CX80 .AQM 461D 4K ->(C-128 BIOS 3 of 23)<- CXDISK .AQM A014 21K ->(C-128 BIOS 4 of 23)<- CXEM .AQM 3D24 6K ->(C-128 BIOS 5 of 23)<- CXEXT .AQM CF66 2K ->(C-128 BIOS 6 of 23)<- CXINTR .AQM 4592 13K ->(C-128 BIOS 7 of 23)<- CXIO .AQM 3098 15K ->(C-128 BIOS 8 of 23)<- CXKEY .AQM 010E 11K ->(C-128 BIOS 9 of 23)<- CXKRNL .AQM FA27 10K ->(C-128 BIOS 10 of 23)<- CXKYCODE.AQM 6CA5 3K ->(C-128 BIOS 11 of 23)<- CXPRINTE.AQM 1803 2K ->(C-128 BIOS 12 of 23)<- CXRAMDSK.AQM 916D 4K ->(C-128 BIOS 13 of 23)<- CXSCB .AQM 05C6 2K ->(C-128 BIOS 14 of 23)<- FAST8502.AQM B020 13K ->(C-128 BIOS 15 of 23)<- CPM3 .LQB 825C 3K ->(C-128 BIOS 16 of 23)<- CXEQU .LQB 971E 12K ->(C-128 BIOS 17 of 23)<- MODEBAUD.LQB B072 1K ->(C-128 BIOS 18 of 23)<- X6502 .LQB 84C5 4K ->(C-128 BIOS 19 of 23)<- Z80 .LQB 9977 4K ->(C-128 BIOS 20 of 23)<- CXSYS .GET 2B7E 1K ->(C-128 BIOS 21 of 23)<- GENCPM .DAT 24E7 3K ->(C-128 BIOS 22 of 23)<- CPM3 .SYS 19CA 24K ->(C-128 BIOS 23 of 23)<- FOG LIBRARY DISK FOG-CPM.190 Copyright (1987) by FOG (First Osborne Group) The 1986 SuperCalc templates for preparing Federal and California income tax returns. Filename Description -02-26 .88 This is the release date of the disk. -CPM190 .DOC This is the description of the disk contents. TAXTMPL .DOC 97C1 12K ver. 1987 ->(Tax Templates 1 of 15)<- SuperCalc 1.12 (or higher) templates and eXecute files for assisting you in the preparation of your 1986 Federal and California tax returns. Note that these templates do not print on IRS-originated forms -- you must transfer the results from either the screen or the printer. README .1ST 3271 14K ver. 1987 ->(Tax Templates 2 of 15)<- P1 .XQT 9276 1K ver. 1987 ->(Tax Templates 3 of 15)<- P2 .XQT B8CA 1K ver. 1987 ->(Tax Templates 4 of 15)<- PG1-A .CAL E84D 18K ver. 1987 ->(Tax Templates 5 of 15)<- PG2 .CAL 67BB 12K ver. 1987 ->(Tax Templates 6 of 15)<- SCH-B .CAL 4BBF 5K ver. 1987 ->(Tax Templates 7 of 15)<- SCH-C .CAL 421E 8K ver. 1987 ->(Tax Templates 8 of 15)<- SCH-D .CAL FCBE 19K ver. 1987 ->(Tax Templates 9 of 15)<- SCH-E .CAL 8F25 15K ver. 1987 ->(Tax Templates 10 of 15)<- SCH-R .CAL 2E57 7K ver. 1987 ->(Tax Templates 11 of 15)<- 2106 .CAL 7392 10K ver. 1987 ->(Tax Templates 12 of 15)<- 8582 .CAL 21A9 7K ver. 1987 ->(Tax Templates 13 of 15)<- CALIF-CA.CAL CD74 10K ver. 1987 ->(Tax Templates 14 of 15)<- CALIF540.CAL C51F 13K ver. 1987 ->(Tax Templates 15 of 15)<- FOG LIBRARY DISK FOG-CPM.192 Copyright (1988) by FOG (First Osborne Group) Disk utilities not really intended for the novice user. Be sure to read the documentation carefully and completely as well as making a COMPLETE and CURRENT backup of your system before using these utilities, especially FIRE12 (which does not appear to work on anything other than a Morrow MD 11). Filename Description -06-12 .88 This is the release date of the disk. -CPM192 .DOC This is the description of the disk contents. FIRE12 .COM EED6 4K ver. 12 ->(File Restoral Util 1 of 11)<- Utility to restore disk files to "like-new" condition so that the file allocations for each file are in sequential order. ASseMbler (Z80) source is included. As currently released, this program will only work with single partition drives like the Morrow MD11 and is very slow (the author says it took about five hours on his system). FIRE12 .DOC 91D9 9K ver. 12 ->(File Restoral Util 2 of 11)<- FIRE12 .Z80 3B87 58K ver. 12 ->(File Restoral Util 3 of 11)<- FIRE12 .NOT 64AB 2K ver. 12 ->(File Restoral Util 4 of 11)<- DMAP .COM 5FE1 2K ->(File Restoral Util 5 of 11)<- Required by FIRE12, this is also a stand-alone program which is a "modified DU3" with only the M option. It prints the disk allocation table on screen, one page at a time. DMAP .DOC 3164 1K ver. 12 ->(File Restoral Util 6 of 11)<- RESTORE .BUG 3742 2K ver. 12 ->(File Restoral Util 7 of 11)<- RESTORE .DOC 9332 18K ver. 12 ->(File Restoral Util 8 of 11)<- SAPP20 .COM B0E8 2K ver. 2.0 ->(File Restoral Util 9 of 11)<- Required by FIRE12, SAPP is also a stand-alone program which will sort and pack the directory of most disks under CP/M 2.2 and 3.0. As with all such program, it is strongly recommended that you try it on backup copies of disks until you know for sure it works properly on your system. SAPP20 .DOC C3C2 7K ver. 2.0 ->(File Restoral Util 10 of 11)<- SAPP20 .Z80 E4CC 32K ver. 2.0 ->(File Restoral Util 11 of 11)<- ARCOPY .COM D81A 3K ver. 2.1 ->(ARchive COPY 1 of 2)<- A tiny and fast file copy utility for all Z80 CP/M (2.2 or 3.0) systems. It is both an alternative to and a replacement for PIP with all common PIP functions and several useful additions: auto drive reset for CP/M 2.2 systems after disk swaps, alphabetical processing of files with confirmation, ZCPR-like DUU: destination specification, and renaming during copying, etc. ARCOPY .DOC 1D68 18K ver. 2.1 ->(ARchive COPY 2 of 2)<- FOG LIBRARY DISK FOG-CPM.193 Copyright (1988) by FOG (First Osborne Group) Handy utilities for many users, a couple programs are especially nice if you are running a remote system which uses BYE5xx. Filename Description -06-21 .88 This is the release date of the disk. -CPM193 .DOC This is the description of the disk contents. QL31 .COM 9266 7K ver. 3.1 ->(Quick Look 1 of 7)<- Fast, memory-based file viewing utility. Go backward or forward through standard ASCII, squeezed, and crunched files as well as .COM files. Do string or byte searches, dump HEX code, view directory to .LBR files, and much more. ASseMbler source and the Z1 assembler are both included. QL31 .DOC A427 29K ver. 3.1 ->(Quick Look 2 of 7)<- QL31 .UPD 539A 9K ver. 3.1 ->(Quick Look 3 of 7)<- QL .FOR C475 1K ver. 3.1 ->(Quick Look 4 of 7)<- QL$ZCPR3.DOC AE60 5K ver. 3.1 ->(Quick Look 5 of 7)<- QL31SRCE.ARC 6867 62K ver. 3.1 ->(Quick Look 6 of 7)<- QL31 .002 43K ->(QL31SRCE.ARK 1 of 3)<- QL31 .AZM 56K ->(QL31SRCE.ARK 2 of 3)<- UNZ .ASM 21K ->(QL31SRCE.ARK 3 of 3)<- Z1 .COM 4364 13K ver. 3.1 ->(Quick Look 7 of 7)<- Another Z80 assembler program. SETD .COM 73A6 13K ver. 01 ->(Set Date 1 of 5)<- A program to set or change the date of the members of .LBR files. Very handy with the newer releases of LUX and related programs. Turbo Pascal source code is included. SETD .HOW D1FB 1K ver. 01 ->(Set Date 2 of 5)<- SETD .PAS 5916 12K ver. 01 ->(Set Date 3 of 5)<- CRC .INC BFEE 3K ver. 01 ->(Set Date 4 of 5)<- DRDATE .INC FA89 2K ver. 01 ->(Set Date 5 of 5)<- FOG LIBRARY DISK FOG-CPM.196 Copyright (1988) by FOG (First Osborne Group) A spreadsheet program (SuperCalc is better) and a programmer' calculator. Filename Description -06-12 .88 This is the release date of the disk. -CPM196 .DOC This is the description of the disk contents. CHALK .COM 8AF3 11K ver. 2.10 ->(Chalk 1 of 19)<- An electronic spreadsheet for number manipulation. CHALK .CTL D80C 1K ver. 2.10 ->(Chalk 2 of 19)<- CHALK1 .OVL CCA0 13K ver. 2.10 ->(Chalk 3 of 19)<- CHALK2 .OVL FB70 11K ver. 2.10 ->(Chalk 4 of 19)<- CHALK3 .OVL 40B1 13K ver. 2.10 ->(Chalk 5 of 19)<- CHALK .DOC C6AB 30K ver. 2.10 ->(Chalk 6 of 19)<- CHALKA2B.SUB C727 1K ver. 2.10 ->(Chalk 7 of 19)<- CHALKCTL.COM 71F8 12K ver. 2.10 ->(Chalk 8 of 19)<- CHALKEX .DOC 554C 5K ver. 2.10 ->(Chalk 9 of 19)<- CHALKUSR.DOC 6043 1K ver. 2.10 ->(Chalk 10 of 19)<- CHKCASH .BRD 07C0 9K ver. 2.10 ->(Chalk 11 of 19)<- CHKCHECK.BRD 48C7 7K ver. 2.10 ->(Chalk 12 of 19)<- CHKCLASS.BRD D85D 2K ver. 2.10 ->(Chalk 13 of 19)<- CHKMETER.BRD 436C 1K ver. 2.10 ->(Chalk 14 of 19)<- CHKPHONE.BRD 258C 1K ver. 2.10 ->(Chalk 15 of 19)<- CHKSALES.BRD 7BA6 4K ver. 2.10 ->(Chalk 16 of 19)<- CHKSIMP .BRD 6014 1K ver. 2.10 ->(Chalk 17 of 19)<- EXPACCT .BRD 7299 7K ver. 2.10 ->(Chalk 18 of 19)<- REVIEW .CHK CCD9 3K ver. 2.10 ->(Chalk 19 of 19)<- CALC .COM 9575 19K ver. 2.24 ->(Calc 1 of 3)<- An interactive multi-base expression evaluator, CALC is just what you need to evaluate numerical expressions in any base and convert the answer to any base. Includes Turbo Pascal source code. CALC .DOC C723 5K ver. 2.24 ->(Calc 2 of 3)<- 299F 12K ver. 2.24 ->(Calc 3 of 3)<- CALC .PAS 8K ->(CALCSRC.ARK 1 of 5)<- CALC_B .INC 4K ->(CALCSRC.ARK 2 of 5)<- CALC_D .INC 1K ->(CALCSRC.ARK 3 of 5)<- CALC_E .INC 10K ->(CALCSRC.ARK 4 of 5)<- CALC_P .INC 4K ->(CALCSRC.ARK 5 of 5)<- FOG LIBRARY DISK FOG-CPM.197 Copyright (1988) by FOG (First Osborne Group) Disk 1 of 2. Bradford, a printing program for WordStar and ASCII text files. Filename Description -06-12 .88 This is the release date of the disk. -CPM197 .DOC This is the description of the disk contents. BRADFORD.COM 0AE0 30K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 1 of 66)<- A program to print WordStar or ASCII files in very high quality ("near letter quality") on you dot matrix printer, even if your printer has not built-in high- quality mode. It works with Epson, Gemini, IBM, Panasonic, Canon, and other Epson-compatible printers and includes a large number of fonts (typefaces). Registered users get additional fonts. CONFIG .BF 929C 1K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 2 of 66)<- FX . AB53 1K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 3 of 66)<- GRID . 700F 3K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 4 of 66)<- INTRO . BCE0 1K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 5 of 66)<- ST . 71D1 1K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 6 of 66)<- SUMMARY . 3BB0 1K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 7 of 66)<- USETABS . BA50 1K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 8 of 66)<- ARTICLE . C5E2 1K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 9 of 66)<- ASCII . 2064 1K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 10 of 66)<- BRADDEMO. 0754 3K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 11 of 66)<- CHART .BF2 CB92 3K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 12 of 66)<- CHART2 .BF2 B375 8K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 13 of 66)<- DIGIT .BF2 E914 3K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 14 of 66)<- GREEK .BF2 E929 3K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 15 of 66)<- ITYPE .BF2 0E75 3K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 16 of 66)<- JAZZ .BF2 0840 3K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 17 of 66)<- JAZZH .BF2 5762 3K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 18 of 66)<- NOSTALG .BF2 29D9 3K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 19 of 66)<- PIZZA .BF2 AE30 3K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 20 of 66)<- PIZZA2 .BF2 61F7 6K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 21 of 66)<- SELECT .BF2 A647 3K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 22 of 66)<- SELECT2 .BF2 A3E0 7K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 23 of 66)<- SMALCAP .BF2 2857 3K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 24 of 66)<- TINYW .BF2 1263 3K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 25 of 66)<- TYPE .BF2 08D8 3K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 26 of 66)<- BRAD2 .DOC 4BBC 8K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 27 of 66)<- BRADFONT.COM C20B 13K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 28 of 66)<- MOVEIN . 2F1A 1K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 29 of 66)<- MX . 1482 1K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 30 of 66)<- ORDERFRM.DOC BE3C 2K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 31 of 66)<- SAMPLE1 . AAEF 1K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 32 of 66)<- SAMPLE2 . F4F0 1K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 33 of 66)<- SAMPLE3 . 3C3B 1K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 34 of 66)<- UNFONT .COM FD80 12K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 35 of 66)<- WS .BF 8321 2K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 36 of 66)<- MAIN . D260 1K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 37 of 66)<- UPDATE .DOC 59C6 3K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 38 of 66)<- FOG LIBRARY DISK FOG-CPM.198 Copyright (1988) by FOG (First Osborne Group) Disk 2 of 2. Bradford. Filename Description -06-12 .88 This is the release date of the disk. -CPM198 .DOC This is the description of the disk contents. CHART2H .BF2 DE28 9K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 39 of 66)<- DIGIT2 .BF2 B1AF 7K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 40 of 66)<- EXTEND .BF2 5440 3K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 41 of 66)<- IDIGIT .BF2 F6A4 3K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 42 of 66)<- IORATOR .BF2 6AF4 3K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 43 of 66)<- IPIZZA .BF2 F9EB 3K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 44 of 66)<- IPIZZA2B.BF2 BD38 8K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 45 of 66)<- IPIZZAW .BF2 08A5 4K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 46 of 66)<- ISELECTW.BF2 A183 5K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 47 of 66)<- ITYPEX .BF2 07B8 4K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 48 of 66)<- IVANIL .BF2 3A45 3K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 49 of 66)<- JAZZ2 .BF2 62E5 7K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 50 of 66)<- JAZZ2H .BF2 1254 7K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 51 of 66)<- MODERN .BF2 5AEA 3K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 52 of 66)<- ORATOR .BF2 7EC8 3K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 53 of 66)<- PIZZA2B .BF2 964C 7K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 54 of 66)<- PIZZA2C .BF2 287F 7K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 55 of 66)<- PIZZA2H .BF2 9FF3 7K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 56 of 66)<- PIZZAW .BF2 AFB2 4K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 57 of 66)<- SELECT2B.BF2 5CBB 8K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 58 of 66)<- SELECT2C.BF2 BE8C 8K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 59 of 66)<- SELECTW .BF2 CDFF 5K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 60 of 66)<- STRIPE2 .BF2 2269 7K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 61 of 66)<- TINY .BF2 621D 2K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 62 of 66)<- TYPEX .BF2 E0B9 4K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 63 of 66)<- VANILLA .BF2 9D1E 3K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 64 of 66)<- BF2SMALL.COM E33C 30K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 65 of 66)<- PARTB .DOC 2FB0 1K ver. 2.02 ->(Bradford 66 of 66)<- FOG LIBRARY DISK FOG-CPM.199 Copyright (1988) by FOG (First Osborne Group) A typing tutor, a directory comparison program, and (at long last) a program to create archive files. Filename Description -06-21 .88 This is the release date of the disk. -CPM199 .DOC This is the description of the disk contents. ARK .COM D421 18K ver. 0.2 ->(ARKive utility 1 of 9)<- At long last, a program which allow CP/M users to create archive (.ARK) files. Included here are a couple patches to handle the dating problems and the Z1 compiler. This is not as fast nor as small (it requires 55-60K TPA) as the author would like but it does a fine job on systems with large TPA. -READ .ME A153 3K ver. 0.2 ->(ARKive utility 2 of 9)<- ARKDATER.DOC D3B1 2K ver. 0.2 ->(ARKive utility 3 of 9)<- ARKDATER.HEX 2CEE 1K ver. 0.2 ->(ARKive utility 4 of 9)<- ARKDATER.SUB D2C4 1K ver. 0.2 ->(ARKive utility 5 of 9)<- ARKDATER.ASM B927 1K ver. 0.2 ->(ARKive utility 6 of 9)<- ARK02PAT.FOR C196 1K ver. 0.2 ->(ARKive utility 7 of 9)<- ARK02PAT.AZM E826 6K ver. 0.2 ->(ARKive utility 8 of 9)<- Z1 .COM 4364 13K ver. 0.2 ->(ARKive utility 9 of 9)<- CHECK28 .COM 6513 18K ver. 2.8 ->(Check Directories 1 of 5)<- Compares the contents of two disk directories. You must have a CP/M or ZCPR computer with an 80-column display. CHECK28 .DOC 17E5 16K ver. 2.8 ->(Check Directories 2 of 5)<- PDTINS .CHN 54CE 3K ver. 2.8 ->(Check Directories 3 of 5)<- PDTINS .DTA DC01 4K ver. 2.8 ->(Check Directories 4 of 5)<- WHATSFOR.CHK D321 1K ver. 2.8 ->(Check Directories 5 of 5)<- TTYPE3 .BAS 5AE5 22K ver. 3.0 ->(Touch Typing Tutor 1 of 20)<- Requires MBasic (a compiled version ran too fast to be useful for most users) but this typing tutor should help all users learn to type faster on their keyboard. TTHELP1 .DAT E31E 2K ver. 3.0 ->(Touch Typing Tutor 2 of 20)<- TTYPE .DOC C0B4 19K ver. 3.0 ->(Touch Typing Tutor 3 of 20)<- TTYPE3 .NOT 9CC3 1K ver. 3.0 ->(Touch Typing Tutor 4 of 20)<- TTHELP0 .DAT 9C5B 2K ver. 3.0 ->(Touch Typing Tutor 5 of 20)<- TTHELP2 .DAT BF81 1K ver. 3.0 ->(Touch Typing Tutor 6 of 20)<- TTHELP3 .DAT 2C4E 1K ver. 3.0 ->(Touch Typing Tutor 7 of 20)<- TTHELP4 .DAT 8AC4 1K ver. 3.0 ->(Touch Typing Tutor 8 of 20)<- TTHELP5 .DAT 9869 1K ver. 3.0 ->(Touch Typing Tutor 9 of 20)<- TTKEYBD .DAT F8E4 1K ver. 3.0 ->(Touch Typing Tutor 10 of 20)<- TTYPEXA .DAT EF02 1K ver. 3.0 ->(Touch Typing Tutor 11 of 20)<- TTYPEXB .DAT 546C 2K ver. 3.0 ->(Touch Typing Tutor 12 of 20)<- TTYPEXC .DAT BE50 3K ver. 3.0 ->(Touch Typing Tutor 13 of 20)<- TTYPEXD .DAT AA2C 2K ver. 3.0 ->(Touch Typing Tutor 14 of 20)<- TTYPEXE .DAT ABAC 2K ver. 3.0 ->(Touch Typing Tutor 15 of 20)<- TTYPEXF .DAT 76C5 2K ver. 3.0 ->(Touch Typing Tutor 16 of 20)<- TTYPEXG .DAT 6781 2K ver. 3.0 ->(Touch Typing Tutor 17 of 20)<- TTYPEXH .DAT 293B 3K ver. 3.0 ->(Touch Typing Tutor 18 of 20)<- TTYPEXI .DAT 96CA 3K ver. 3.0 ->(Touch Typing Tutor 19 of 20)<- TTYPEXJ .DAT 2247 3K ver. 3.0 ->(Touch Typing Tutor 20 of 20)<- FOG LIBRARY DISK FOG-CPM.201 Copyright (1989) by FOG International Computer Users Group The 1988 SuperCalc templates for preparing Federal and California income tax returns. Filename Description -01-31 .89 This is the release date of the disk. -CPM201 .DOC This is the description of the disk contents. TAXTMPL .DOC CFE8 12K ver. 1988 ->(Tax Templates 1 of 14)<- SuperCalc 1.12 (or higher) templates and eXecute files for assisting you in the preparation of your 1988 Federal and California tax returns. Note that these templates do not print on IRS-originated forms -- you must transfer the results from either the screen or the printer. README .1ST 9069 14K ver. 1988 ->(Tax Templates 2 of 14)<- P1 .XQT 4285 1K ver. 1988 ->(Tax Templates 3 of 14)<- P2 .XQT BC1D 1K ver. 1988 ->(Tax Templates 4 of 14)<- PG1-A .CAL B030 18K ver. 1988 ->(Tax Templates 5 of 14)<- PG2 .CAL 9F85 14K ver. 1988 ->(Tax Templates 6 of 14)<- SCH-B .CAL 4272 5K ver. 1988 ->(Tax Templates 7 of 14)<- SCH-C .CAL 74BD 8K ver. 1988 ->(Tax Templates 8 of 14)<- SCH-D .CAL 51DC 14K ver. 1988 ->(Tax Templates 9 of 14)<- SCH-E .CAL 63E9 15K ver. 1988 ->(Tax Templates 10 of 14)<- SCH-R .CAL 5F14 7K ver. 1988 ->(Tax Templates 11 of 14)<- 2106 .CAL 1BE2 10K ver. 1988 ->(Tax Templates 12 of 14)<- CALIF-CA.CAL 60E1 10K ver. 1988 ->(Tax Templates 13 of 14)<- CALIF540.CAL 7171 14K ver. 1988 ->(Tax Templates 14 of 14)<- Fog Library Disk FOG-CPM.202 Copyright (1989) by Fog International Computer Users Group Expert utilities including an editor which allows changes to memory or disk and a replacement for CP/M 2.2 BDOS. Filename Description -03-09 .89 This is the release date of the disk. -CPM202 .DOC This is the description of the disk contents. PATCH18A.COM C242 26K ver. 1.8A ->(Patch 1 of 6)<- A file, memory and disk editor which allows you to modify a file directly in memory or on disk. PATCH18A.TXT 99CB 3K ver. 1.8A ->(Patch 2 of 6)<- PATCH .BUG 7A0C 1K ver. 1.8A ->(Patch 3 of 6)<- PATCH .DOC 4F4D 15K ver. 1.8A ->(Patch 4 of 6)<- PATCHINS.COM 4C73 23K ver. 1.8A ->(Patch 5 of 6)<- PATCHINS.DTA 412E 5K ver. 1.8A ->(Patch 6 of 6)<- DOS .AZM 6981 2K ver. 2 ->(Super BDOS 1 of 10)<- SUPRBDOS or SUPRDOS2 is a replacement for CP/M 2.2 BDOS. It features automatic relogging of disks after a disk swap (no more ^C), it deletes key functions such as backspace (to eliminate echoing of deleted characters) and it supports PUBLIC files (so you can access files and programs from other user areas). DOS1 .MQC F98E 23K ver. 2 ->(Super BDOS 2 of 10)<- DOS2 .MQC 114E 27K ver. 2 ->(Super BDOS 3 of 10)<- INSTALL .COM E22F 11K ver. 2 ->(Super BDOS 4 of 10)<- INSTALL .PAS A552 5K ver. 2 ->(Super BDOS 5 of 10)<- PUBLIC .COM 4E28 1K ver. 2 ->(Super BDOS 6 of 10)<- PUBLIC .DOC 8C63 3K ver. 2 ->(Super BDOS 7 of 10)<- PUBLIC .SRC 2819 8K ver. 2 ->(Super BDOS 8 of 10)<- SUPRBDOS.DOC BED4 10K ver. 2 ->(Super BDOS 9 of 10)<- SUPRDOS2.TXT 6724 2K ver. 2 ->(Super BDOS 10 of 10)<- Fog Library Disk FOG-CPM.203 Copyright (1989) by Fog International Computer Users Group Some user find the file utility on this disk better than the NewSWeeP and NULU it combines. Also on this disk are a screen oriented disk utility (based on DU) and an intelligent file erase program. Filename Description -03-09 .89 This is the release date of the disk. -CPM203 .DOC This is the description of the disk contents. B29-C128.COM 4980 15K ver. 3.04 ->(B29 1 of 8)<- A file utility program that combines most of the features of NewSWeeP and NULU. It also lets you print multiple files, select the printer pitch to be used for printing and skips over the perforation. Hex dumps of .COM, .HEX, etc. files is also enabled. B29-EXEC.COM 771D 15K ver. 3.04 ->(B29 2 of 8)<- B29-OS1 .COM ADA3 15K ver. 3.04 ->(B29 3 of 8)<- B29-READ.ME E459 2K ver. 3.04 ->(B29 4 of 8)<- B29INST .COM 10DB 7K ver. 3.04 ->(B29 5 of 8)<- B29INST .WS 467E 3K ver. 3.04 ->(B29 6 of 8)<- B29V304 .WS E7A4 32K ver. 3.04 ->(B29 7 of 8)<- C-128 .DOC 92AD 1K ver. 3.04 ->(B29 8 of 8)<- SODU .DOC F944 5K ver. 8.7 ->(Screen Oriented DU 1 of 6)<- Based on the well-know DU, this has enhanced screen display. SODU87 .DOC 91C9 12K ver. 8.7 ->(Screen Oriented DU 2 of 6)<- SODU-KP .COM 5FF6 11K ver. 8.7 ->(Screen Oriented DU 3 of 6)<- SODU-MD3.COM A5A1 11K ver. 8.7 ->(Screen Oriented DU 4 of 6)<- SODU-OS .COM 99A6 11K ver. 8.7 ->(Screen Oriented DU 5 of 6)<- SODU-OS .INF 4F0B 1K ver. 8.7 ->(Screen Oriented DU 6 of 6)<- KLEAN .COM 8BCA 15K ver. 2.0 ->(Klean 1 of 3)<- Provides sorted and numbered list of all files which match your wildcard specifications and then asks which you want to erase. Helps prevent accidental erasures. KLEAN .TXT 0E59 1K ver. 2.0 ->(Klean 2 of 3)<- KLEAN .PAS 853A 12K ver. 2.0 ->(Klean 3 of 3)<- Fog Library Disk FOG-CPM.204 Copyright (1989) by Fog International Computer Users Group A collection of Digital Research application notes with fixes for some of the utility programs plus some utilities for the "heavy modem" user. Also on this disk is a list of terminal control codes. Filename Description -03-09 .89 This is the release date of the disk. -CPM204 .DOC This is the description of the disk contents. CPM22001.APP 7112 6K The CCP auto-load feature. CPM22002.APP 1778 6K Reversing the BACKSPACE and RUBOUT key functions and making RUBOUT identical to BACKSPACE. CPM22003.APP A0DD 3K Sample BIOS for a serial printer device. CPM22004.APP 306B 5K BIOS error return code options. CPM22005.APP A2CF 4K Improving the ^S function. CPM22006.APP DB97 2K Changing the lines per page (from 23 to 14) that are scrolled by the P command of ED.COM. CPM22007.APP 2F66 3K Changing the restart number in DDT. CPM22008.APP 99B3 4K Nested SUBMIT files. CPM22009.APP 3A46 3K Configuring CP/M for page boundaries. CPM22010.APP F074 4K Booting CP/M on drives other than A. CPM22011.APP 8B8E 13K Chaining programs. CPM22012.APP F5ED 2K Interpreting the ^Z in SUBMIT files. CPM22013.APP 6CB8 3K Exiting PIP when using SUBMIT and XSUB. CPM22014.APP 2EDF 7K Turning ^P on and off from within a CP/M 2.2 SUBMIT file. CPM22015.APP F168 6K Debuggina a CP/M 2.2 BIOS. CPM22 .PAT C85C 13K A collection of patches for CP/M 2.2 programs including MOVCPM, ASM, SUBMIT, PIP (three patches) and DEBLOCK.ASM. INSIDCPM.LBR CC0D 35K A collection of assembly language routines for programmers. Included are: display all DIR entries; display all active DIR entries; code for calling BIOS entries; console input and output; a list of useful equate codes; 16- bit register subroutines; build files by typing; type files; display extent-0 directory entries; HEX display routines for MAC assembler; build local stack, save CCP's stack & return; read DIR via BIOS calls; display skew translation; examine allocation vector or command operands; display DPB. ACTDIR .ASM 1920 ->(INSIDCPM.LBR 1 of 17)<- ALLDIR .ASM 1920 ->(INSIDCPM.LBR 2 of 17)<- BIOSCALL.LIB 1792 ->(INSIDCPM.LBR 3 of 17)<- CISUB .LIB 2560 ->(INSIDCPM.LBR 4 of 17)<- COSUB .LIB 1408 ->(INSIDCPM.LBR 5 of 17)<- CPMEQU .LIB 1024 ->(INSIDCPM.LBR 6 of 17)<- DPSUB .LIB 1408 ->(INSIDCPM.LBR 7 of 17)<- FT .ASM 2688 ->(INSIDCPM.LBR 8 of 17)<- HEXDIR .ASM 1920 ->(INSIDCPM.LBR 9 of 17)<- HEXSUB .LIB 2688 ->(INSIDCPM.LBR 10 of 17)<- PROG .LIB 2688 ->(INSIDCPM.LBR 11 of 17)<- READIR .ASM 2304 ->(INSIDCPM.LBR 12 of 17)<- RECTRAN .ASM 2688 ->(INSIDCPM.LBR 13 of 17)<- TF .ASM 1280 ->(INSIDCPM.LBR 14 of 17)<- XALV .ASM 2176 ->(INSIDCPM.LBR 15 of 17)<- XCMD .ASM 1280 ->(INSIDCPM.LBR 16 of 17)<- XDPB .ASM 2560 ->(INSIDCPM.LBR 17 of 17)<- DSKLBL15.ASM B692 17K ver. 2.0 Assembler source (requires ASM-80) for a program to print labels show the disk contents. Designed for either 15/16" or 1 7/16" one-up mailing labels. If the number of files is too many for a single label, the program compensates and uses as many labels as necessary. Configurations for Epson, Okidata an NEC 8023 printers are included. Added most other printers is quite easy. RS .COM 9B01 2K ver. 1.0 ->(RCPM Scan 1 of 2)<- This will scan some of the BBS listing distributed on many remote systems. Search for a system by a phone number, a location, the name or whatever if you have a correctly formatted text file. RCPMSCAN.DOC A3CC 1K ver. 1.0 ->(RCPM Scan 2 of 2)<- SYSTEM .COM 84F5 8K ->(System 1 of 2)<- Similar to TELL, etc. It displays the addresses of various components of your operating system such as BDOS, BIOS, TPA, CCP, etc. SYSTEM .DOC FC86 1K ->(System 2 of 2)<- AREACODE.COM D9AF 7K ->(Area Code 1 of 2)<- Enter an area code to discover where it is located. AREACODE.DOC 26F8 1K ->(Area Code 2 of 2)<- AREA17 .COM 55F3 7K ver. 1.7 ->(Area 1 of 2)<- Enter the area code to find its location or a location to find its area code. AREA .FOR 0FF0 1K ver. 1.7 ->(Area 2 of 2)<- TERMINAL.DAT C8BF 4K This ASCII text file lists control codes for many of the terminals attached to CP/M systems. It makes patching software to take advantage of your system features easier. Fog Library Disk FOG-CPM.205 Copyright (1989) by Fog International Computer Users Group Disk 1 of 4. ZCPR 3. The ZCPR on these disks is the last public domain version. For future enhancements, you must buy the commercial version (NZ-COM for CP/M 2.2 systems or Z3PLUS for CPM+ systems). These are available from Z Systems Assoc., 1435 Centre Street, Newton Centre, MA 02159. A large discount for the commercial versions is available to members of user groups who apply for the group discount. Filename Description -03-09 .89 This is the release date of the disk. -CPM205 .DOC This is the description of the disk contents. Z33DEFN .LIB 27C7 2K ver. 3.3 ->(ZCPR 1 of 25)<- The last public domain version. Included here are programs, installation instructions and a workbook, etc. Some of the documentation was written for version 3.0 but applies to this version. Z33HDR .LIB 372E 22K ver. 3.3 ->(ZCPR 2 of 25)<- Z33HDR1 .LIB 05EE 4K ver. 3.3 ->(ZCPR 3 of 25)<- Z33HDR2 .LIB 6563 4K ver. 3.3 ->(ZCPR 4 of 25)<- Z33HDR3 .LIB 671E 4K ver. 3.3 ->(ZCPR 5 of 25)<- Z33HDR4 .LIB DC18 4K ver. 3.3 ->(ZCPR 6 of 25)<- Z33HDR5 .LIB 6785 4K ver. 3.3 ->(ZCPR 7 of 25)<- Z33MAC .LIB 18BB 4K ver. 3.3 ->(ZCPR 8 of 25)<- Z3BASE .LIB 71EE 7K ver. 3.3 ->(ZCPR 9 of 25)<- ZCPR33 .ZQ0 0ED7 74K ver. 3.3 ->(ZCPR 10 of 25)<- ASSEMBLY.NOT DF01 5K ver. 3.3 ->(ZCPR 11 of 25)<- ZCPR33 .NOT 37A7 25K ver. 3.3 ->(ZCPR 12 of 25)<- Fog Library Disk FOG-CPM.206 Copyright (1989) by Fog International Computer Users Group Disk 2 of 4. ZCPR 3. Installation instructions. Filename Description -03-09 .89 This is the release date of the disk. -CPM206 .DOC This is the description of the disk contents. Z3INS .IDX BEB4 4K ver. 3.3 ->(ZCPR 13 of 25)<- Z3INS .SI AB7E 31K ver. 3.3 ->(ZCPR 14 of 25)<- Z3INS .TOC 45BE 13K ver. 3.3 ->(ZCPR 15 of 25)<- Z3INS1 .SI DC53 11K ver. 3.3 ->(ZCPR 16 of 25)<- Z3INS2 .SI 7827 11K ver. 3.3 ->(ZCPR 17 of 25)<- Z3INS3 .SI 2531 55K ver. 3.3 ->(ZCPR 18 of 25)<- Z3INS4 .SI D1AE 28K ver. 3.3 ->(ZCPR 19 of 25)<- Z3INS5 .SI 7F32 5K ver. 3.3 ->(ZCPR 20 of 25)<- Z3INS7 .SI F638 2K ver. 3.3 ->(ZCPR 21 of 25)<- Z3INS8 .SI DAAC 5K ver. 3.3 ->(ZCPR 22 of 25)<- Z3USER .IDX BCE1 1K ver. 3.3 ->(ZCPR 23 of 25)<- Fog Library Disk FOG-CPM.207 Copyright (1989) by Fog International Computer Users Group Disk 3 of 4. ZCPR 3. Supporting utilities Filename Description -03-09 .89 This is the release date of the disk. -CPM207 .DOC This is the description of the disk contents. Z3INS6 .SI 7926 33K ver. 3.3 ->(ZCPR 24 of 25)<- Z3-WKBK .WS F525 29K ver. 3.3 ->(ZCPR 25 of 25)<- ARUNZ .COM 5FC3 5K ver. 0.9P ->(Alias Command Proc 1 of 3)<- Requires ZCPR 3 or greater. This allows you to assign short names (aliases) to long or frequently used commands, including any necessary parameters. ARUNZ .DOC F800 13K ver. 0.9P ->(Alias Command Proc 2 of 3)<- ARUNZ .NOT 7348 5K ver. 0.9P ->(Alias Command Proc 3 of 3)<- ALIAS .CMD DD1F 3K ->(Alias Script File 1 of 2)<- For use with ARUNZ -- also requires ZCPR 3. ALIAS .NOT A28C 7K ->(Alias Script File 2 of 2)<- EASE .COM BCCF 5K ver. 2.0 ->(Ease 1 of 4)<- Command history shell and error handler for ZCPR 3. EASE .CMD D25E 1K ver. 2.0 ->(Ease 2 of 4)<- EASE .MAN 44C5 13K ver. 2.0 ->(Ease 3 of 4)<- EASECMD .COM AB67 4K ver. 2.0 ->(Ease 4 of 4)<- EDITNDR .COM 4E50 7K ver. 1.2 ->(NDR 1 of 4)<- Create named directories than can be used instead of CP/M's drive and user areas. Gives you directories similar to those used in MS/PC-DOS. EDITNDR .DOC F71E 7K ver. 1.2 ->(NDR 2 of 4)<- SAVENDR .COM C619 2K ver. 1.2 ->(NDR 3 of 4)<- SAVENDR .DOC E097 3K ver. 1.2 ->(NDR 4 of 4)<- FF .COM BF6F 3K ver. 1.3 ->(Find Files 1 of 2)<- For use with ZCPR 3, this makes it easier to find what you need. FF .DOC 0B1D 1K ver. 1.3 ->(Find Files 2 of 2)<- SALIAS .COM 1D24 8K ver. 1.1d ->(Screen Oriented AE 1 of 3)<- Stand alone alias generator for ZCPR 3. SALIAS .DOC 3FDE 8K ver. 1.1d ->(Screen Oriented AE 2 of 3)<- SALIAS .HLP 4F9F 9K ver. 1.1d ->(Screen Oriented AE 3 of 3)<- FOG LIBRARY DISK FOG-CPM.208 Copyright (1989) by FOG International Computer Users Group Disk 4 of 4. ZCPR 3. Supporting utilities Filename Description -03-09 .89 This is the release date of the disk. -CPM208 .DOC This is the description of the disk contents. SDZ .COM 0646 6K ver. 1.30Z Specially configured for use with ZCPR 3 systems. Use the documentation SD130 or later. TCSELECT.COM 0B92 3K ver. 1.2 ->(Set Terminal 1 of 2)<- Set your ZCPR3 system's terminal definitions from this. Z3TCAP .TCP 9601 11K ver. 1.2 ->(Set Terminal 2 of 2)<- VLU .HLP ACAA 20K ver. 1.01 ->(Video Library Util 1 of 3)<- A ZCPR3-specific library utility with crunch, uncrunch and unsqueeze capabilities. It will allow the user to view, uncompress or extract library members or to view, uncompress (uncrunch or unsqueeze, VLU will decide) or crunch disk files. VLU will build libraries from disk files, crunching the files as they are added. Please do not use this for submissions to Fog. VLU-DIM .COM 40C3 16K ver. 1.01 ->(Video Library Util 2 of 3)<- The DIM video version. Rename to VLU.COM if this is the one for your system. VLU-REV .COM DEB2 16K ver. 1.01 ->(Video Library Util 3 of 3)<- The reverse video version. Rename to VLU.COM before using. ZEX .COM 3558 4K ver. 0.3 ->(ZEX 1 of 4)<- Enhanced replacement for SUBMIT to be used with ZCPR3. ZEX .RSX 0190 2K ver. 0.3 ->(ZEX 2 of 4)<- ZEX4 .COM 151C 5K ver. 0.3 ->(ZEX 3 of 4)<- To be used with ZCPR 3.4 only. ZEX4 .DOC F62D 14K ver. 0.3 ->(ZEX 4 of 4)<- ZFILER .CMD 6685 1K ver. 1.0b ->(Zfiler 1 of 4)<- A file utility similar to NSWP but with some enhancements. ZF-DIM .COM 8A59 16K ver. 1.0b ->(Zfiler 2 of 4)<- The DIM video version. Rename to ZFILER.COM before using. ZF-REV .COM 654D 16K ver. 1.0b ->(Zfiler 3 of 4)<- The reverse video version. Rename to ZFILER.COM before using. ZFILER .DOC 8B85 5K ver. 1.0b ->(Zfiler 4 of 4)<- ZSHOW .COM FBBD 11K ver. 1.3 ->(ZSHOW 1 of 2)<- An enhanced SHOW for ZCPR3 systems. Displays all addresses and information for the ZCPR33 environment. It also has the ability to poke new information into memory. ZSHOW .DOC 986E 2K ver. 1.3 ->(ZSHOW 2 of 2)<- ZFILES .LST FE0B 18K ver. 12/2/88 A listing of the current utility files available for ZCPR33 together with the latest version number of each. ZHELPERS.LST E38B 5K ver. 8/6/86 A list of individuals who have volunteered to assist others in getting the ZCPR3 operating system working on their computers.